Monday, August 5, 2019

Here We Go Again

Let me say this first and foremost before I say anything else: my heart goes out to the victims and the families of the victims involved in the two shootings this past weekend. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be a family member or loved one left behind by the death of a loved one in such a tragic event, and I pray to God that I never find out. May God be with them during these trying times, and may He take care of the souls of the departed as only He can.

So once again the nation has been forced to suffer through not one but two mass shootings, and once again we're being bombarded with distortions, lies, and outright bullshit from the libtards on the left. Once again we're being told that the only way to insure that we are safe is to disarm ourselves.

Anyone who thinks that disarming yourself in the face of danger is either the smart thing or the only thing to do is a moron of the highest order. Only a total and complete idiot will believe for even a second that the bad guys will leave you alone once they see you're incapable of defending yourself. Anyone who has ever dealt with a bully when they were a kid knows that the old adage of "Just ignore them and they'll leave you alone" is total and complete bullshit. All that will do is ensure that you're going to get beat up by the bully, because bullies don't go after kids that they think can kick their ass - they go after the weak, the defenseless, and the kids that the bully knows he can beat up with no problem.

And yes, I'm speaking from experience. When I was in 4th grade I was the target of a school bully, and my father told me that the only way I was going to get him to leave me alone was to fight back. The next day I did, and I ended up kicking the bully's ass. No more problems with that bully for the rest of the time I lived in that community. Around the same time we also had a neighborhood bully who was terrorizing the kids in my neighborhood, and one day we got the idea that if we ganged up on him and beat him to a pulp he'd leave us alone. We did, catching him alone a few days later and pouncing on him like a pack of rabid dogs. We beat the living crap out of him, and when we were done one of the kids looked down at him, pointed his finger at his bloody face, and said, "And if you ever mess with any of us again, we're gonna come find you and do this again!" No more bully problem.

I'm sure you've heard this slogan from the conservatives and the folks on the right: "The only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun." That statement, like it or not, is 100% true. The second shooter was stopped after less than 45 seconds by who? Several good guys with guns. The cops shot this asshole down in the street like they should have and like the shooter deserved. Had these good guys with guns not been anywhere around instead of just around the corner, trust me when I tell you that this shooting would have been a hell of a lot worse. He was about to enter a bar, and that would have been bad - VERY bad.

But of course, all of the Demoncrats and libtards on the liberal left are doing nothing but screaming about more gun control - the same lame, useless thing they do every time there's a shooting. They all are intentionally choosing to ignore several facts: first, you're never going to get rid of the guns in this country. Never - for two reasons: first and foremost, there's this little thing called the Second Amendment. And before any libtard says, "Well, I guess we'll just have to repeal it!" let me tell you that there's no way in hell that will EVER happen. Should anyone give that stupid idea a serious try, hundreds of thousands of conservatives that you've never heard of and never knew existed will come out of the woodwork and will shoot down any and all attempts at repealing their right to keep and bear arms.

Second, they're ignoring the fact that the gun is simply a tool. There's a line from the John Wayne movie "Shane" that addresses this perfectly. Shane is asked about his gun by the mother of a young boy, and here's his reply: "A gun is a tool, Marian; no better or no worse than any other tool: an axe, a shovel or anything. A gun is as good or as bad as the man using it. Remember that."

This line is spot-on. A gun is nothing more than a tool, and it can be used either for good or for bad. The gun doesn't choose how its used; that choice is made by a HUMAN BEING, a living person who should be held responsible for their own actions. Anyone who blames the tool for the actions of a man is a fool, period. The latest shooting is a perfect example of this: a bad man used a gun to do bad things, and several good guys with guns used theirs to do a good thing. It can't get any clearer than that.

In the '80s we had a nation-wide problem with drunk driving. All you heard about on the news and read in the papers was about some innocent person getting killed by a drunk driver. The nation finally got fed up with it and united together to change it. And how did they do it? Did they outlaw alcohol or close all of the bars? No. They held the individual drinker responsible for his/her actions, and they did this by doing two things: lowering the BAC level at which you were clinically and scientifically proven to be drunk from 0.10% BAC to 0.08% BAC, and stiffening the penalties for drunk driving. Then they started PROSECUTING the drunk drivers, and it worked. Drunk driving is still a problem, but nowhere near as bad as it was.

In short, instead of blaming the car or the drink, we blamed the PERSON DRIVING THE CAR and TAKING THE DRINK. We blamed the CRAFTSMAN and not the TOOL. And it worked.

We need to do the same thing with those who use guns to kill people like this. We don't have a problem with violence committed with guns in this country (and I REFUSE to use "that" bullshit libtard term); we have a mental illness problem and a lack of morals and decency problem. The mental illness problems have always been there; why they're getting worse I don't know, but I do know that you can blame the lack of morals and decency problem directly on the libtards and atheists who have taken God and religion out of schools and public places. 50 years ago access to guns was less restricted than it is now, and religion was much more prevalent in schools and in society than it is today. And there were no mass shootings like we have today. But today we have less access to guns and types of guns than we did then, religion and God have all but disappeared from our society, and we have mass shootings taking place on an almost regular basis.

So you tell me what the cause is. Here's a hint: it ain't with the "easy access" to guns, because 50 years ago the average citizen could own a fully automatic machine gun without a license being required. So try again, buckwheat.

There's only one way to stop this kind of crap, and there are a whole bunch of people who won't like it. But I guarantee you that the moment they become a victim they'll change their mind. Ready? Here it is.


There are hundreds of stories out there that depict a good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy with a gun, or using a gun to save their life or the lives of their family. But you'll never hear about them because the libtard news media won't give them any coverage because it doesn't fit with their agenda. And make no mistake about it, the Demoncrats and the libtard news media have the same agenda: the repeal of the Second Amendment.

And that, friends and neighbors, ain't gonna happen.

More gun control isn't the answer. We have more than 25,000 gun laws on the books in this country now, and nothing has changed. More useless gun laws aren't the answer. Banning certain types of gun isn't the answer either, because the parts of the country that have already done this are the parts that are experiencing most of the shootings - with the types of gun they've banned.

Until we as a nation start doing two things, nothing will change. We need to SHOOT BACK, and HOLD THE SHOOTER RESPONSIBLE. We need to blame the SHOOTER and not the GUN.

It's just that simple.

Deo Vindice.


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