Monday, July 8, 2019

Liberal Lunacy #4: Free Healthcare For Illegal Immigrants

Anyone who has been keeping up on current events knows all about the Demoncratic debates that were held about a week or two ago, and if you heard about them you surely heard about the question that the moderators asked about providing free healthcare for illegal immigrants. So far two of these libtard media circuses have been held, and in the most recent there were 10 candidates on stage with "Creepy" Joe Biden, Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren, Kamalia "On My Knees" Harris and Bernie "Socialism Is Good" Sanders being among them. When that absurd question about providing free healthcare to ILLEGAL immigrants was asked, every single hand on stage went up.


Words almost fail me on just how wrong this is, how deeply offensive it is to me and every other American military veteran who fought for this country, and how stupendously stupid it is. But I did say "almost," didn't I? So of course I have something to say.

It's like this: ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS are CRIMINALS plain and simple. They are NOT "undocumented" immigrants, they are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT CRIMINALS. They entered this country illegally and therefore deserve nothing but a bus ride back to the border and a swift kick in the ass to get them moving. The fact that we have supposedly intelligent people living in this country in positions of power and leadership who would contemplate giving a criminal ANYTHING for free except a jail cell simply astounds me. But like I said, all of this is just a ploy to get votes so they can get elected, because after all if you give someone something for free then of course they're going to feel indebted to you and absolutely will vote for you when the time comes. (I'll save talking about why ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT CRIMINALS shouldn't be allowed to vote for another post at another time.)

But what this says to me goes much deeper than that. What this says to me is that there are several classes of American citizens whom these libtard morons are intentionally ignoring, and they don't seem to care.

They're intentionally ignoring the veterans in this country who need healthcare, and who are actually deserving of it. If these so-called American politicians actually gave a damn about America and American citizens, they'd be talking about fixing the Veteran's Administration and the VA Healthcare system that is so screwed up that veterans are actually dying while waiting to be seen. The VA system has been broken for decades, and it has more veterans to take care of now than ever thanks to the eleven-plus years of warfare that Trump just put an end to. And I'm speaking from experience because as a retired USAF Master Sergeant I use the VA healthcare system here in Columbia SC, and I can tell you that while the people there do the best job that they can, the system itself sucks. It's a typical government bureaucracy that is so full of red tape, stupid requirements, and silly procedures that it takes an act of Congress with a co-signing by God to get anything done. Yet you don't hear ANY of the Demoncratic politicians anywhere talking about improving the system and improving the quality of healthcare for the American veterans. All they want to talk about is giving free shit to criminals who cross the border illegally.

They're intentionally ignoring low-income families who can't afford quality healthcare, specifically the children who didn't ask to be born into that situation to begin with. And before you tell me that NObamacare took care of that, you need to go do some research and see just how wrong that statement is. Just because you've signed up for something that is run by the government doesn't mean you're going to get it, and get it on time. So don't even go there.

They're intentionally ignoring the elderly who are retired, living on a fixed income, and rely on Medicare and Medicade for their health care. More government-run programs filled with yet more red tape, delays, and unnecessary bullshit in programs that don't provide 100% of the health care for our seniors.

The Demoncrats are ignoring all of this and want to give 10% free healthcare to people who have done absolutely nothing for this country, have contributed absolutely nothing to this country, and are criminals because they're here illegally.

Pay attention, people, because these are the idiots and fools who want to lead this country. And if you don't see a problem with this and actually think they're right, then you have a serious problem yourself.

As long as we have ONE American child who goes to bed hungry each night, as long as we have ONE American child who lacks a warm place to sleep, clean clothes, and someone to love and take care of them, as long as we have ONE American veteran who is homeless or who needs adequate health care, we don't have a single penny to spend on ANY illegal immigrant criminal. And don't try and tell me that I'm being cruel and heartless to the illegal immigrant children who were brought here by their parents, because that's bullshit and you know it. The one who's being cruel and heartless to those kids are their parents who drag them along and put them in that situation, not me.

An American politician's first concern should be for AMERICANS, not illegal immigrant criminals. And if you're an American politician and your first concern isn't for Americans, then you will NEVER - repeat, NEVER - earn either my respect or my vote.


TRUMP 2020.

Deo Vindice.


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