Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Liberal's Gun Control Agenda

The liberals in our nation have an agenda for gun control, and no matter what you say or do you will be unable to sway them from their efforts to accomplish that agenda. And if you ever needed proof positive of this, then you were given that proof yesterday by Demoncratic Senator Frank Lautenberg from New Jersey. (New Jersey, by the way, is one of the most gun-restrictive states in the nation, so we shouldn't be too surprised.)

For those of you who may be unaware, the libtard agenda of which I speak is that which bans the production, possession, sale, or use of any kind of firearm by any private citizen of the United States of America. They want a total and complete ban on all privately-owned weapons throughout the entire nation. Of course, in order to do this they're going to have to repeal the 2nd Amendment - good luck with that - but they're dead-set on getting their way in this, and yesteday's comments by Lautenberg proves that.

After keeping silent for a full week out of respect for the families of the dead, the Nation Rifle Association yesterday made a statement concerning the shooting and laid out a plan for what needs to be done to prevent it from happening again. That plan is simple, and I agree with it 100%. The plan is for every school in our nation to have either a trained, armed security guard or, better yet, a police officer on duty in every school everywhere. When you stop and think about it, this makes perfect sense - just the deterrent alone would be worth it, but if someone was foolish enough to come onto school grounds and start shooting, the reaction time of an armed response would be as long as it would take for the officer to run the length of the building or drive across the campus instead of the 5-10 minutes it would take a patrol car to get there.

Simple, effective, and sheer brilliance in its conception, right? I mean, our kid's lives are worth it, right?

Frank Lautenberg doesn't thing so. He said that this idea, presented by Wayne LaPierre of the NRA, was "reckless."

I guess disarming the public and taking away our means to protect ourselves and our kids isn't reckless, then? Someone is confused, and it ain't me.

Here's what Frankie Boy said, as quoted by Fox News:

"It is beyond belief that following the Newtown tragedy, the National Rifle Association's leaders want to fill our communities with guns and arm more Americans," he said.

To me, the only thing that is beyond belief is that anyone with an ounce or a shred of common sense and intelligence would think that you have any other logical response to violence except to meet it on its own terms.

Besides, that's not what LaPierre said, but Frankie Boy is hoping you won't notice that. What LaPierre said was that the schools should be protected by "trained, armed security officers" or "police officers." He didn't say to hand every soccer mom in the neighborhood a rifle and post her at the school. Sorry, Frankie Boy, but some of us aren't as stupid as you hope we are.

In my humble opinion, only a fool or a complete moron would think that you can end gun violence by taking away every law-abiding citizen's gun. And passing more laws to add to the 20,000 gun control laws already in effect is like spitting into the wind - the criminals aren't obeying those laws as it is, so what kind of fool would expect them to follow one or two more?

But then, I've come to realize that the libtards and the Demoncrats are fully aware of that. They know that more gun control laws won't work, and it's all a part of their plan to accomplish their agenda.

Now, I'm anything but a conspiracy theory kinda person, but to me I think there's something else afoot. I've been thinking about the lunacy of passing more laws that statistics and facts have proven won't work, and why the libtards and Demoncrats are continually pushing for more gun control laws. And suddenly, a few days ago, it hit me - that's exactly what they want. They want to pass more laws only to have them fail, and then that would enable them to go to their next "logical" step in their agenda - the repeal of the Second Amendment.

I can see Nancy Pelosi standing in front of Congress now: "And since we've tried everything we could, passed all these new laws to protect the public, only to watch helplessly as the violence continues, our only reasonable alternative now is to repeal the Second Amendment and ban all guns entirely. That will effectively remove guns from our streets and make all of us safe!"

When you stop and think about it, it all seems to make sense, doesn't it? If ever there was one thing that I hoped to be wrong about, this is it - and I most certainly hope I am wrong. Time will tell, but with NObama appointing Joe Biden as the head of a committee to "research" gun violence in America, I can't help but get a sinking feeling about all of this.

I've long said that NOBama would launch his attack on the Second Amendment if he won re-election, and unfortunately the shootings in Connecticut have given him the absolute perfect opportunity to launch that attack without it looking like what it really is - his personal agenda to repeal the Second Amendment.

Stand by, friends and neighbors, because it's all about to get very interesting.


1 comment:

Mississippi Cajun said...

To amend the Constitution which is the only way they can LEGALLY put the 2nd to rest requires ratification by 3/4 of the states with a 3/4 vote. Only 13 of them have to raise the middle finger, and that's the end of that. I can think of 20 sure bets that would not vote to ratify such an amendment, and I'd hope that a lot more of the states would join them. I'm also pretty sure that if the 2nd were repealed, thngs in this country would tend to get very nasty in a hurry.