Sunday, December 16, 2012

Senator Dianne Feinstein Is A Total and Complete Idiot

Yes, that's right, Demoncratic Senator Dianne Feinstein is a total and complete idiot. And for the record, so is Demoncratic Mayor Michael "Big Gulp" Bloomberg of New York City and Demoncratic Senator Charles "Chuckles" Schumer of New York state.

For that matter, ANYONE who truly believes that the answer to the nation's gun violence problem is yet MORE laws is a total and complete idiot.

Let's get one thing straight right off the bat: I think the shootings in Connecticut are a total and complete tragedy, and my heart goes out to those who lost loved ones in this unspeakable act of violence and mayhem. The absolute last section of our society that should ever be exposed to something like this is our children, and I hope the bastard who did this rots in Hell. I simply cannot imagine the pain the parents of the dead kids are going through; I know if I'd gotten news like that when my kids were little, it would have completely destroyed me. God only knows how the parents are able to handle this, buy my heart goes out to them.

The day this happened I got a text message from a good friend of mine asking me if I'd heard about it; I had, but I was driving at the time and couldn't reply. And by the time I got to where I was going I was so upset about the whole thing that I really didn't feel like talking about it. (Sorry for ignoring you, Clay, but that's the way it was.) Anyhow, Clay said something to the effect of, "Now the left-wing gun control nutjobs will come out of the walls!" and I knew that he was 100% right. And so he was, with Feinstein proclaiming today that she plans to introduce legislation in both the House and the Senate for more gun control laws. She also said that she is fully supportive of re-implementing the "Brady Bill" because "we have to get these weapons of war off the streets!"

I'll save the most obvious for last and address that last statement instead.

I guess Dianne isn't keeping up on current events, because the weapons used in the shootings in Connecticut were two 9mm pistols, specifically a Glock and a Sig-Sauer. Neither of these can be accurately described as a "weapon of war" in the context in which Dianne chooses to use it. The third weapon that was found on the scene but has not been confirmed to have been used was an "AR-15 style" rifle. That can most certainly be classified as a "weapon of war" since the design is specifically taken from the AR-15 issued to our own troops, but it's a poor, lame, and feeble excuse to classify all three weapons as "weapons of war." So in this instance, Dianne my dear, you're only 1/3 right and 2/3 wrong - as usual.

So now let's get to the obvious of which I spoke, that being the fact that more gun laws won't work. This should be fun!

For openers, once again the investigation has shown that the weapons used to commit the murders were legally purchased, just as in Aurora, Colorado, Tuscon, Arizona, and Virginia Tech in Virginia. The gun laws in place were followed 100%, yet the tragedy still took place - but not being committed by the person who legally purchased the weapons. The murders were committed by someone who stole the weapons from the lawful owner - which, by the way, is shown in FBI statistics to be the case most of the time. So those particular gun laws failed to protect anyone from being murdered. That's important, so keep that in mind.

Prior to the shooting at the school, the murderer first killed his own mother; then he stole the three weapons, stole her truck, transported the three stolen weapons onto school property, broke into the school, and then killed 26 people.

All told, the killer broke a whopping total of 41 laws!

Now, would someone please explain to me how passing even more laws will do any good, considering that criminals aren't following the laws already in place?

And THAT, friends and neighbors, is exactly why I say that anyone who thinks gun control laws are the answer is a total and complete idiot. CRIMINALS DON'T OBEY THE LAW! That's why they call them "criminals!"

Guns are tools, nothing more, nothing less. If you place a pistol on a table, it will sit there and harm no one until a human being picks it up and uses it. The manner in which that human being uses it is the issue, not the tool being used.

Did you hear about the mass murder in China that took place the same day as the Connecticut shootings? Seems that a teenager in Beijing killed eight innocent people after having an argument with his girlfriend - but he didn't use a gun. No, the Chinese people don't have the same rights as we do, and personal ownership of firearms is banned by the Chinese government. So what did he use?

He used a knife. Just like the guy in Great Britain did last month, too.

Funny, I don't hear any of the Libtards and Demoncrats calling for a ban on knives, do you? Yet the murders DID take place, both of them in countries where private ownership of firearms is ILLEGAL.

Kinda tells you something, don't it? Unless you're a total and complete idiot, that is.

"Gun Free Zones" don't protect people, because the only person in the zone that will have a gun will be the killer. (The theater in Aurora was a "gun free zone," by the way, and we see how good that worked, don't we?) Gun control laws don't protect people, because criminals don't obey the laws. Gun registration and purchase laws don't protect people, because most of the time the criminal doing the killing is using a stolen gun. A total ban on firearms won't protect anyone, either, because if someone is intent on killing a whole bunch of people they'll find a way. Just ask the families of the eight dead people in China.

The ONLY thing that will protect us is a gun; that, and the Second Amendment that guarantees us the right to own that gun. That fact has been proven time and time again, and there's just no denying it - unless you're a total and complete idiot, that is.

Kinda like Dianne, Chuck, and Mike.

So let me ask you non-believers a question: if you're walking home one dark night and a man steps out from behind a car and pulls a knife on you, which would you rather have - a cell phone or a gun? Which is going to make the bad guy think twice and leave you alone, and which is going to ensure that the police know where to send the meat wagon to pick up your dead body? IF the bad guy gives you enough time to dial '911' that is. Which is doubtful at best.

I know which I'd rather have - and do have, 99% of the time. (The other 1% of the time is when I'm at work because my company won't allow firearms on the premises. Don't get me started...)

Guns aren't evil. Man is evil, and he uses guns for evil deeds. Whether you Libtards and Demoncrats out there want to admit it or not, there is evil in the world and it does reach out and touch us every day of the year. And I'm one of those people who knows of the evil, recognizes it for what it is, and take active steps to be prepared to counter it whenever and wherever I encounter it.

I'm a Sheepdog, and I'm damned proud of it.

Please say a silent prayer for those killed in Connecticut, and for the families and loved ones they left behind.



Unknown said...

Your analogy of the gun being a tool on the table was spot on! But I might have concluded that a hammer, something anyone left or right is in complete agreement is in fact a tool, can also kill when used incorrectly!

IHC said...

But he didn't use a hammer, he used a gun. And the Demoncrats aren't calling for hammer control, are they?

Mississippi Cajun said...

What bothers me now after the tragedy in CT is that congressmen and Senators who might have voted against any attempts to ressurect the asaault weapons bill will eitehr vote emotionally as a result of these shootings or will feel coerced by public sentiment and opinion rather than guided common sense. I have no doubt that if this continues, they will not stop with assault (type) weapons, but will soon come for the pistols, shotguns, and pea shooters. These idiots in Washington have the same apparent regard for the Constitution and 2nd Amendment as criminals do for their assinine laws.

IHC said...

The emotional furor seems to be reaching a peak, although I must say I've never seen one as hysteria-filled and as intense as this one is. Act II is about to begin - as soon as the NRA holds their press conference and gets the ball rolling. THEN it's gonna be good!