Sunday, September 18, 2011

I'm Still Confused, but Not Quite As Much

A few days ago I wrote a blog entry in which I made the plea that someone who was a NObama supporter try and explain to me how The Great Pretender planned to create jobs by using a newer version of the failed "stimulus program" that he used already, but no one took me up on it. I won't be so foolish as to assume that this means no one is up to the task; rather, I'll make the logical conclusion - and there's a big difference between an "assumption" and a "logical conclusion" - that the person of whom I was speaking has not read my blog lately. Too bad, because I truly would love to have that conversation...maybe I'll send him a text and poke him into action, we'll see.

In the mean time, NObama has answered at least one of the questions I posed in that entry, that question being "where is the money coming from?" In true Demoncratic "tax and spend" form, NObama plans on paying for the "new" programs with other people's money - specifically, millionaire's money. He even named this part of his plan the "Buffett Rule," named after multi-millionnaire Warren Buffet, one of the richest men in the world. This plan would call for millionnaires to pay the same taxes as the middle class, and that money would then be wasted on the latest version of a proven failed, futile program.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm all in favor of millionnaires paying the same taxes I do - after all, they can surely afford to whereas I and millions of others sometimes have problems doing so - but I also think that this money could be much better used in other ways rather than to flush it down the toilet on the latest version of a futile, useless "jobs creation" program. Plug it into Social Security or Medicare, plug it into the military budget, use it for the Veteran's Administration - hell, use it almost ANYWHERE ELSE where the money will be spent in THIS COUNTRY. Just don't throw it away on a failed program that is destined to fail again.

So my clouds of confusion have lifted somewhat, although I still don't understand just how NObama thinks a newer, updated verion of a failed program will work; in the mean time, my sense of total disgust at every single politician in Washington, DC is growing daily. And I mean every single mother-lovin' one of them, Republican, Demoncrat, Independent, the whole lot of 'em. And here's why.

As I see it, we have three main issues with the politicians in DC; they are:

1) An inexperienced, incapable, and biased President
2) Members of Congress who are Demoncrats first and members of Congress second
3) Members of Congress who are Republicans first and members of Congress second

Let's start at the top and work our way down, shall we?

1) An inexperienced President

Whether those of you who voted for NObama want to admit it or not, when you elected this man you elected someone who has proven himself to be the least prepared, least experienced, and least capable President in the past 150 years, and the latest polls prove it. Earlier this week a poll was released which stated that 50% of the people polled disapproved of NObama's job performance; well, that was Wednesday, and now on Sunday a new poll has been released by CBS News which shows that this number has plummeted down to 43%. Even members of his own party are now turning against him; on August 20 Representative Maxine Waters, who at one time was a vehement supporter of NObama, gave a speech in Detroit in which she told the black community that she was fed up with NObama and his lack of action, and told the audience that all they had to do was give the word and "unleash" her and the other black members of Congress on him. And they gave the word, by the way, so what does that tell you?

As for being biased, it's like this: it is my opinion that when a man takes office as President of the United States, he should stop being a Demoncrat or a Republican and start being a President. The President needs to do what is right for the nation, not what is right for his party, and NObama has proven that he is either incapable or unwilling to do this. On more than one occasion NObama has made statements in which he has said that if his plan or proposal or whatever he's trying to get through Congress fails, it will be the Republican's fault. Not "Congress'" fault, mind you, but the "Republicans" fault.

Yes, I realize that this refers to the different goals and ideologies of the two parties, but to single out one part of a group that has failed as a group to get anything done is wrong. That's the kind of statement you make in closed meetings with that group, not in front of the news media when you're trying to set the stage for your re-election bid.

2) Members of Congress who are Demoncrats first and members of Congress second
3) Members of Congress who are Republicans first and members of Congress second

I'll cover both of these at the same time because the only difference between them is the party affiliation; the causes are the same.

I realize that Congress is made up of Demoncrats and Republicans, with a few Independents thrown in; I also realize that these people got elected based on the beliefs of their parties and the members of their parties who voted for them, and they're expected to follow those beliefs while serving. But I also believe that these people are under the same expectation that I have for the President: once you get elected your first concern should be what's best for the nation, not what's best for your party. And both Demoncrats and Republicans alike are equally as guilty of not doing this. The approval rating for Congress is now a mere 12%; that means 88% of the people of the United States think that Congress sucks. And I'm one of them. Republicans and Demoncrats alike have become so entrenched in defending their party lines and ideologies that they've lost sight of the real reason for their being in Congress, that reason being to make the nation a better place to live. Both parties are equally guilty of screwing the pooch on this one, and both parties need to pull their collective heads out of their collective asses and do the right thing. The economic problems facing our country are not the fault of the people; after all, the people don't vote on the budget. Congress does, and only Congress. The President signs it, so he's in there too. So it's the members of Congress, every last mother-lovin' one of them, who are to blame for the financial mess the nation is in. And it's up to Congress to fix it - NOW!

We don't have time for all of this petty "Republican vs Demoncrat" bullshit. The nation is going broke, it's going broke quickly, and unless our elected leaders do something to fix it, we're in for a hell of a fall and a very rude awakening.

Hmmmmm, let's see...."elected leaders." WE elected them; they report to US. WE have a say in what goes on in DC, so maybe WE should start having our say?

The President and Congress have proven that they aren't going to do anything to fix the problems facing our nation, so maybe it's time we did two things: maybe it's time we let them know that we disapprove of what they're doing by writing to them and telling them, and maybe it's time we voted them the hell out of office.

I know where my next letter is going, that's for sure.

How about you?


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