Saturday, July 16, 2011

NObama's Debt Talks Speech - What You DIDN'T Notice

So did you happen to catch NObama's speech on the stalled debt ceiling talks in Congress a few days ago? I was home for lunch and happened to catch about five minutes of it or so, and what I heard both disgusted me and turned my stomach at the same time. And the surprising thing is, no one else heard what I heard and caught what NObama said. At least, the news networks aren't talking about it, and that kind of surprises me.

First, let me say this about the debt ceiling talks and who I think is to blame, just to set the record straight.

The President of the United States, regardless of who he is, is NOT the one who is responsible for creating and approving the budget in any way, and this includes the current debt ceiling talks. The Congress of the United States is the body that is charged with creating, drafting, and approving the budget; the President merely finalizes it and puts it into effect by signing it. But it is CONGRESS who bears ALL responsibility for the budget. Sure, the President can veto it as he can veto any bill that crosses his desk, but in the case of who's responsible for drafting it to begin with, that dubious distinction belongs to Congress and not the President.

Therefore, it is my humble opinion that the Congress of the United States is responsible for the budget issue and the impasse that is going on right now. And please note that I said CONGRESS is responsible, and I mean Congress as a whole. Not the Democrats or the Republicans, but ALL of them as a sitting body - both the House and the Senate, both Democrats and Republicans alike share the blame for the mess that we're in with the federal budget.

I may not like NObama, but you should know by now that I'm not going to blame him for things he didn't do or things that are not his responsibility. I do try to be fair, after all.

Both parties are equally at fault, because both parties refuse to budge on their stands and make any concessions to get the debt ceiling fixed. Both parties think that their solution is the only viable one, and both parties think that the other party is full of crap.

The reality of it is, BOTH parties are full of crap, and if they'd all put the best interest of the nation as a whole first and not their own petty agendas, under the table deals, and special considerations, maybe they'd be able to get something done.

But they won't do this, and they're all responsible for it.

Here's where the President and what he said comes in.

It's the responsibility of the sitting President to lead both the nation and both parties of Congress in a fair, impartial manner. The President may be a Democrat or a Republican when he or she is running for office, but once the election is over and that person is sitting in the Oval Office, they should stop being either a Democrat or a Republican, and be a President and an American. The President should put his or her political party opinions aside and lead BOTH parties in a fair manner to resolve issues as they come up.

This is where NObama screwed up a few days ago, and I'm still shocked that no one caught it and has plastered it all over the news.

It was during his speech a few days ago when he was talking about the impasse in Congress when he proved to both me and the nation that he is NOT a fair, impartial leader; rather, he is a biased, one-sided, one-dimensional man who refuses to put the good of the nation over the good of his party. He is nothing more than a charlatan, a wolf in sheep's clothing, and he proved this to me and anyone else who was paying attention during his talk.

So just what did he do, exactly? Well, it's simple - he said flat-out that it was the Republican's fault that the talks were stalled. Not the Congress as a whole, but the Republicans. JUST the Republicans. He laid NO blame and NO responsibility on the Democrats at all, just the Republicans.

So much for a fair, impartial leader - or a leader at all, as far as that goes.

Then he turned around and made it worse by what he said next. He was talking about how both sides of the Congress needed to come together, and said something to the effect of, "whether you're a Progressive or a Conservative..."

So, is the term "Progressive" the new term for a Liberal? Or is NObama just trying to put a positive spin on a party that the American people are becoming increasingly more disgusted with?

This play on words of his also slaps the Conservatives in the face, because it implies in a very clear manner that he thinks the Liberals are the "progressive" force in America, and that the Conservatives are holding the nation back.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, since in the previous breath he had just laid full blame on the Republican party for the mess with the debt ceiling talks.

I cannot recall when I have been so disgusted with the performance of a sitting President. For this man, this charlatan, this Great Pretender to blatantly take sides like this on this serious of an issue, and to insult the Conservatives in America by labeling us - that's right, US - as being bad for America by not being "progressive" in nature just shows the incredible lack of insight, intelligence, and professionalism this man has.

I truly believe that this man is the worst President our nation has had in the past 150 years, and I am counting the days until he is referred to as FORMER President NObama.

November 2012 can't come fast enough!


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