Wednesday, July 13, 2011

NObama Fires the Second Shot

Did you notice? NObama has fired the second shot in his war on your Second Amendment rights.

Oh, you missed it? Well, I’m not surprised – the timing of his second shot was carefully planned so as to get lost in all of the media frenzy and the public outrage over the Casey Anthony trial, and I must say that it appeared to have worked. But there are those of us out there, the “Sheepdogs” among you, who ARE paying attention, will NOT be distracted by ‘parlor tricks,’ and will do our damndest to both enlighten the public and prevent The Great Pretender from eliminating our right to protect our lives and the lives of our families.

So here’s the second shot: NObama has stated that he will make some kind of “executive decision” and issue some kind of “executive directive” on the topic of “commn sense” gun laws. In addition to timing the news release so it would get overwhelmed by other events in the nation, NObama tried to sugar-coat it by adding that one of the things he says needs to be done is the gun laws already in place need to be enforced more stringently than they have been.

Well, excuse me, Mr. President, but isn’t that the responsibility of YOUR Attorney General?

Anyway, that’s what our Fearful Leader said last week. And as usual, he and the idiots in the Brady Bunch are singing the same tired, old song that these new “common sense” gun laws will protect you and make you safer. And, as usual, that’s all nothing but pure bullshit; nicely packaged and attractively wrapped, of course, but when you get past the wrapping and the packing, it’s still nothing but a box of bullshit.

There are three things wrong with what NObama said, so allow me to spell them out for you in plain English so anyone can understand them.

First: There’s no such thing as an “executive decision.” It’s a fancy, made-up term to describe a decision that the President makes, and one that is used to fool the unknowing public into thinking that the decision carries more weight and authority than it actually does – which is ZERO, by the way. If that’s the case, then ANY decision the President makes is an “executive decision,” including whether to have fries with his Five Guys burger or not.

Second: The President – ANY President – does NOT have the authority to make laws. That power and authority is vested solely in Congress for a specific reason, and any “executive directive” that The Great Pretender or any other President may issue that requires the states to follow certain rules or face punishment is acting as a law; since the President does not have the power to make laws, the directive is unconstitutional and therefore illegal. That means the individual states can wipe their butts with it and there’s nothing the President or his minions in the Justice Department can do about it.

Third: There’s no such thing as “common sense” gun laws for the simple reason that what may be “common sense” to one person may not be “common sense” to another. The use of this phrase is a Brady Bunch trick to fool the people into feeling guilty about opposing whatever nonsense they want to impose by labeling it as “common sense,” thereby ensuring that the people in our nation who have a conscience will not oppose it. The great flaw in this line of thinking, however, is that people who have a conscience are not the problem; the people who do NOT have a conscience, the ones we call CRIMINALS, are the problem, and this line of thinking does nothing to address that. It lays the guilt of criminal acts committed by criminals with guns squarely at the feet and on the conscience of law-abiding gun owners, thereby relieving the criminals of responsibility, accountability, and punishment.
And that’s nothing but WRONG any way you look at it.

When NObama first took office I had a conversation concerning his views on gun control with a very close friend of mine, and way back then I said it was my opinion that NObama would wait until he’d been in office for around two and a half years before he made a move on the Second Amendment. I said then that I thought the reasoning would be that either he’d be such a success as President that no one would dare criticize him, or he’d be such a failure and his popularity would be so low that he’d know in his heart he stood zero chance of getting re-elected and would have nothing to lose. Either way, I said he would wait for about two and a half years before he did anything.

Well, it’s two and a half years later and he’s made his move on the Second Amendment just as I said he would. And with his broken promises, failed programs, and an approval rating at an all-time low and dropping steadily, you tell me why he made the move.

So for all of you who voted this charlatan into office, lemme ask ya again: How’s that “hopey-changey” thing workin’ for ya?


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