Sunday, March 13, 2011

NObama's Assault on the 2nd Amendment Begins

For those of us who have been paying attention to what's been going on in DC on the issue of gun control, the long-awaited first shot in NObama's anticipated assault on the 2nd Amendment has just been fired.

That shot came today in an op-ed that NObama wrote for The Arizona Daily Star in which he said he was "willing to bet" that responsible gun owners would support laws to "keep an irresponsible, law-breaking few -- dangerous criminals and fugitives, for example -- from getting their hands on" guns.

I'm willing to bet that he's wrong.

The laws that he's referring to are those which require a background check before someone can legally - remember that word - purchase a gun. Here's a direct quote from his op-ed:

"I'm willing to bet they don't think that using a gun and using common sense are incompatible ideas -- that we should check someone's criminal record before he can check out at a gun seller; that an unbalanced man shouldn't be able to buy a gun so easily; that there's room for us to have reasonable laws that uphold liberty, ensure citizen safety and are fully compatible with a robust Second Amendment."

What he makes sound so easy and so simple is actually complicated and difficult, once you get past the bullshit of him playing on everyone's unwillingness to admit that they don't have what he claims is "common sense" and standing up and saying he's wrong. Which he is, by the way - as wrong as you can possibly be. He also plays on everyone's emotions by citing the recent shooting of the senator from Arizona, the Islamic terrorist at Fort Hood, and the student at Virginia Tech. In all of these cases, these people were able to buy their weapons legally because they did not have a criminal record, were not illegal aliens, and had never been adjudicated as being mentally unstable.

And there's the hard part. How can you fashion ANY kind of background check to determine if someone has a lurking mental disorder unless you require them to go get a mental examination prior to purchasing the weapon?

Simple answer: you can't. And NObama knows this.

What he's doing is employing a different kind of strategy to get rid of guns in the hands of private citizens. Years back the Brady Bunch, led by Diane Feinstein of California, led the charge to "tax guns out of existence" by trying to pass taxes on guns and ammunition that started - STARTED - at 100% of the purchase price, and certain kinds of ammo would be taxed at 500% of the purchase price. The line of thought there was if you can't outlaw them, make them too expensive to own. The strategy failed, so they abandoned it. But now it's being resurrected by NObama with a different spin - instead of making the guns and ammo too expensive to buy, let's just make the purchasing process so lengthy, complicated, and expensive that people won't want to go through it. (Who do you think is gonna pay for that mental exam, anyway?)

I'm willing to bet that the gun owners of America are a hell of a lot smarter and more savvy than our President gives them credit for.

But here's my favorite part of the op-ed, the part in which NObama proves that he's not as smart as he thinks he is, and we're not as dumb as he thinks we are. Go back and re-read my second paragraph, specifically the part about him being willing to bet that gun owners would support laws designed to "keep an irresponsible, law-breaking few -- dangerous criminals and fugitives, for example -- from getting their hands on" guns.

With the emphasis on "LAW-BREAKING."

'Scuse me, but what in the hell makes you think that "irresponsible, law-breaking dangerous criminals and fugitives" are going to waltz into a gun shop and fill out the forms to try and purchase a gun? I mean, really, are you kidding me?

Are you that fucking stupid? Here's a hint: that's why they're called "criminals!"

I guess the gentle snow-job (more like blow job, actually) that NObama has been giving us for the past two years has made him think that he's softened us up and we're all fat, dumb, and happy like lambs ready to be led to the slaughter. What snow job is that, you ask? Simple - his administration has "let" us carry weapons concealed in national parks and wildlife refuges, and the Supreme Court has recently ruled that the 2nd Amendment applies to the individual citizen - just like the rest of the Amendments do - and not to the state itself. Of course, anyone with an ounce of common sense realizes that NObama had nothing to do with the Supreme Court's decision, but he's sure willing to use it in his favor, isn't he?

The one thing that NObama and the anti-gun crowd just don't seem to want to understand is simple, and it's this: NO LAW WILL PROTECT YOU WHEN A CRIMINAL BREAKS INTO YOUR HOME OR ROBS YOU ON THE STREET WITH A HANDGUN. The ONLY thing that will protect you is your own handgun, PERIOD.

Well, here's what I'm willing to bet: I'm willing to bet that the people of America, specifically the law-abiding gun owners, are a whole lot smarter than NObama thinks they are and will recognize this for the load of pure, unadulterated bullshit that it is - as I have done. Further, I'm willing to bet that gun owners like myself are not going to just sit around and do nothing while he puts the next phase of his carefully constructed and thought-out plan to abolish the 2nd Amendment into play. Lastly, I'm willing to bet that the NRA is gearing up at this very moment to REALLY rain on his parade.

Anybody wanna give me odds?

Never in my entire life have I had as little professional respect and as much utter contempt and loathing for a sitting President as I have for this man. I despise this man as President, and I'm counting the days until he walks out of the White House for the last time. As a person, I have no beef with the man; as a President, I despise him.

November 2012 can't get here fast enough.



Mississippi Cajun said...

Well said, Ray, all of it. What is scary, and this blog really made me think about it, is that a lot of people who either read (spelled glanced at) or heard about this op-ed will totally overlook the points you made here. I am one of those who glanced over it and I have become so numbed by his BS that I just blew it off as more BS for the BSer in Chief. Shame on me for not thinking as I read, but then it becomes more scary to think of all the people who will read or hear it and give it credit as a wonderful thing. You betcha I'm eager for November, 2012 to get here, but I shudder to think what would happen if this country of voters has another gigantic brain fart and re-elects him. Guns among other things will be gone for sure.

IHC said...

The only thing NObama has proven over the past two years - aside from the fact that he's a lousy leader and a lousy President - is that he gives good speeches. He now shows his ability to transpose that mesmerizing ability into the written word as well. He's a snake, no doubt about it, and you absolutely cannot trust him. I said two years ago after this buffoon took office that he would lay low for two years or so, then would start his attack on the 2nd Amendment - and I think this op-ed proves me right. He's showing how sneaky and underhanded he is by not staging an all-out frontal attack, but by trying to slide in the back door - as in fucking us in the ass. Fortunately, there are lots more folks out there like me who pay attention to him and are able to sort through the bullshit and get to his real agenda - making us all subjects to his reign instead of citizens in our own country.

Fuck him and the horse he rode in on. I can't wait for November 2012!

Unknown said...

Well, at least the N.R.A. isn't buying his B.S.