Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Love Ain't the Only Thing That's Blind

You know the old saying, "love is blind?" Well, I'm here to tell you, friends and neighbors, that love ain't the only thing that's blind. Loyalty is blind as well, and even more so than love, I think. When you're blinded by love you're blinded by your heart, and you're reacting to what your heart wants you to. Not many of us have much control over that, and I think we all have experienced that at one time or another - or more - in our lives.

But being blinded by loyalty is another thing entirely. When you're blinded by loyalty you're blinded by your beliefs, and your beliefs are formed by what you've seen, read, been told or have heard. Out of all that information - or misinformation, as the case may be - you form your beliefs and your loyalty takes shape out of that. In short, you're being blinded by your mind, and unlike your heart you have near TOTAL control over that. You believe something because you choose to believe it.

Blind loyalty can be a powerful and frightening thing, and it can also be a dangerous and self-destructive thing as well. Blind loyalty prohibits you from seeing the facts for what they really are, and prohibits you from being able to see what's gonna happen to you and your loved ones down the road based on your support of a person, idea, or party based on your blind loyalty. Blind loyalty also makes you react in ways that you may or may not normally react, and in most cases that's not a good thing. It makes you say and do things that you most likely will regret later on, but by then it'll be too late for you to do anything except hang your head in shame and ask yourself, "What the hell was I thinking?"

Such is the case with the legions of Obamabots out there, as I have had proven to me yet again on Facebook. No matter how hard you try to have an intelligent conversation with these people, it always turns out one of three ways: either you get blasted for being a racist (the most prevalent ending since the majority of people who voted for him are black), you get blasted for citing your sources if it's any source that is even remotely critical of NObama (they HATE Fox news, for obvious reasons), or they blame Bush. And it has been my sad experience that most of the time, you're gonna have all three thrown at you, with the race card being thrown first.

A note about that. I have yet to have a conversation with someone I knew to be black that voted for NObama that has NOT accused me of either being a racist or just not liking him because he's black. (News flash, genius - he's only half black. The other half is white, and I don't like that half either.) It doesn't matter that during the course of the discussion I'll list all of the reasons I don't like him and NONE of them will be because he's "black;" eventually during the conversation the other person will pop up and say, "All that's bullshit, you just don't like him BECAUSE HE'S BLACK, and I know it!" And my reaction is the same to that every time - I end the conversation, because I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince someone who is as narrow-minded and downright stupid as that that they're wrong.

But the thing that concerns me the most is that the number of people who have that "in your face" attitude and will throw the race card at your right away vastly outnumber the ones who will at least try and have a discussion with you and NOT say anything like that - before they blast Fox News or blame Bush, that is. I run into more and more of those kinds of "in your face" black people online every time I try to discuss the President and how badly he's screwing things up, and it's to the point now where I've just given up. I refuse to debate NObama with ANYONE who is a supporter of his, because my personal experience has proven to me that the Obamabots cannot be reasoned with, they cannot see reality for what it is because they don't want to, and cannot even entertain the thought that they may just be wrong about their savior and messiah. And they can't entertain even the slightest thought like that for two reasons: it means they're gonna have to admit they're wrong, and they're gonna have to admit that THEY are the racists. They voted for a man based solely on the color of his skin, and in my line of thinking that's just as racist as NOT voting for someone based solely on the color of his skin.

Sooner or later these people are gonna get a wake-up call, and it ain't gonna be pretty. Some of them are getting the call now because I have talked to several people, white and black, who voted for him and now regret the decision they made. But the dyed-in-the-wool fanatical Obamabots aren't gonna believe anything until the BFO (that's Blinding Flash of the Obvious) hits them right square between the eyes.

And even then, I have a feeling they're gonna blame it on the white man.

Tell me I'm wrong, I dare ya.

I'm willing to be that there's at least one or two people who will read what I have just written and label me as a racist, and all that will accomplish is to prove what I've been saying all along. I've done nothing but relate actual events that happened to me and I've related them with as much accuracy as my memory will allow, and if you think I'm a racist because I "talked bad" about or criticized black people, then you go right ahead and think that. Personally, I could care less what you think.

There's a wake-up call comin' for all the Obamabots out there, and Stage 1 will happen this November when the Demoncrats lose control of the Congress. In case you're not paying attention to current events, the Tea Party - of which I am a proud member - just kicked out an incumbent REPUBLICAN in Utah that wasn't conservative enough for them, so just what do you think they're gonna do to all of the liberal Demoncrats out there?

Can you say, "fricasee?"

Stage 2 of the wake-up call comes two years after that in November of 2012, when we kick The Great Pretender out of the White House and relegate him back to obscurity where he belongs.

And THAT, friends and neighbors is "CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN!"



Mississippi Cajun said...

Many times I have actually managed to have civil discussions with people who voted for OB, and I have actually gotten a few to admit that his race was THE FACTOR that decided the vote. BUT, not one of them will admit that this is racist, but you can bet I am racisit because I voted for the other guy. No discussions about his most liberal voting record in the Senate or discussions about his background and friends (and later prven correct assesments of his buddies in ACORN) could remove the racist label from me. So, I guess I must be a racist...those experts on the subject seem to think so.

IHC said...

Unfortunately, all of the black racists who voted for NObama based on his skin color don't see what they did as racist, and you're never gonna convince them of it. Ya gotta remember that in America, only a white person can be a racist...or so says the Federal government.

Which is, of course, total and absolute bullshit.

Every black person I've ever talked to about NObama has freely admitted and bragged about the fact that the ONLY reason they voted for him was because he was black. They could give a damn about anything else, which to me is irresponsibility at its highest level.

I hope the assholes enjoy the next 980+ days, because in November of 2012 the party ends!