Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jimmy Carter is an idiot!

After much thought and careful deliberation over the course of the past 30+ years, I've come to the conclusion that former President Jimmy "Mr. Peanut" Carter is a total and complete fuckin' idiot.

Actually, I came to that conclusion a very long time ago - just about the time he killed the B-1 Bomber project, denied the US Military a pay raise for 3 years, and sat on his hands while Iranian students overran our embassy and held our citizens hostage for 444 days. The latest statement from Mr. Peanut only convinces me that I'm right.

I've been keeping abreast of the opposition on Obama's health care plan, and for the life of me I can't see anything that has been said by anyone anywhere at any time and in any forum that would make me think that racism is involved. Where this lame-brained moron comes up with the idea that people are opposing Obama's programs simply because he's black is both stupid AND unfounded.

Personally, I think Carter has insulted the citizens of the United States of America. This nation finally succeeded in electing a black (I absolutely REFUSE to use the hyphenated term) President, and good ol' Mr. Peanut tells us all that no, we're not as diverse as we think we are, and race relations haven't come as far as we think they have, and white folk in America are still holding the black man down.

All of which is pure bullshit, of course, and all of which I take as an insult.

Now, I'm not gonna be naive and/or stupid enough to tell you that racism doesn't exist in America. It most certainly does, but what Jimmy "I haven't got a clue" Carter and a whole lot of other people don't realize is that racism goes both ways. When I say that racism exists in America, I mean that both blacks AND whites are discriminated against in our nation based upon the color of their skin. (Only difference is, when a white man is discriminated against, it's called "equal opportunity.")

And have you noticed that with the noteable exception of Jimmy "I'm too senile to be speaking in public" Carter, the ONLY people who are screaming "racism" are black? First, there's Rep. Clyburne from South Carolina, who says that Rep. Joe Wilson's remarks were based upon race. He and Jimmy "I've sinned in my heart" Carter must subscribe to the same magazine. Then, there's the representative from Georgia - Carter's home state - who says that if the Congress didn't censure Wilson, "the KKK will ride through the countryside" wearing white hoods and robes again.

WHAT??? Where in the living HELL did THAT come from??

Personally, I think Jimmy "I'm not the President anymore" Carter owes us all an apology. After that, he needs to STFU and go away. And Rep Clyburne and the other idiot from Georgia need a dose of reality, and quick. Then they, too, need to STFU and go away.

We now live in a nation where it has become acceptable for any black person to be able to say whatever they want or do whatever they want and get away with it simply because they're black, and make unfounded accusations of racism simply because it's the easy way out, and can do so without fear of retribution lest someone be accused of being a "racist." At the same time, a white person cannot say anything critical in any way, shape, or form about a black person lest he be publicly and loudly labeled a "racist." Forty-five years ago the black population of America was fighting for equality, and it was justly deserved; now, forty-five years later, the tables have turned and pretty soon it's going to be the white population fighting for equality. There nothing "equal" in how the white and black races are being treated these days.

Want some examples? Okay, here's some for you right out of the headlines of the not-too-distant past.

A white Congressman calls the black President a liar, and is branded a racist in the press.

A black rap star grabs the microphone from a white country star who's making her acceptance speech and begins a drunken tirade about how good a fellow black artist is, and how SHE deserved to win. Nobody slaps the "racist" label on him.

In Atlanta, a white man and a black woman get into an argument and the white man assaults the black woman. The FBI launches an investigation into whether or not this was a "hate crime," and whether or not the woman's "civil rights" were violated.

In New York City, a white teenage boy is dating a black teenage girl. Seven black boys from her neighborhood beat the white boy into a bloody pulp, and the Justic Departments of both New York and the Federal Government refuse to investigate it as a "hate crime."

Tell me I'm wrong, I dare ya.

I fully believe that sooner or later, life comes full circle and things have a tendency to repeat themselves. In this particular instance, I really hope I'm wrong - and if I'm not, I hope I'm dead by the time THIS little dancing bear comes back around, because when it happens, it's gonna be ugly.


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