Sunday, September 13, 2009

A collection of random thoughts

Nothing earth-shaking or vitally important to get up on the soapbox about today, just a collection of random thoughts that I've been writing down for the past month or so. Figured when I had enough to make a decent sized post I'd put them up; well, I do, so here they are.

Why is it that when a black man is denied a job because of the color of his skin it's called "racism," but when a white man is denied a job because of the color of his skin it's called "affirmative action?"

This is America; why should I have to "press 1 for English?"

I have to pass a drug screening test in order to get a job, so why shouldn't someone else have to pass a drug screening test to collect unemployment or welfare?

No lazy bastard should ever be rewarded for intentionally being unemployed. Ever.

Being a member of a minority group doesn't automatically make you a victim entitled to special treatment and/or priviledges.

Law Enforcement officers at every level of government should be immune from civil suits unless convicted of a criminal offense.

Prisons should be for punishment, not "rehabilitation." Prison should be a place so bad you'd do anything to keep from going back - including going straight.

Parole should be abolished. Period.

It should be a Federal offense to burn an American flag in protest of anything.

NO, the First Amendment doesn't say that. Go read it again.

I shouldn't need a permit to carry a pistol for protection. Ever heard of the Second Amendment?

The only "free" anything an illegal immigrant should get is a free ride back to the border in a Border Patrol paddy wagon.

The "anchor baby" law should be repealed. Yesterday.

"Equal rights" means equal across the board - equal qualifications, equal standards of performance (including physical), and equal pay. What's good for one should be good for all.

Welfare should be a one-time thing and should last for no longer than three months with NO possiblilty of extention.

Why is it that when you or I tell a lie, it's called "lying" but when Hillary Clinton does it, it's called "mis-speaking?"

Pull your pants up. You look like an idiot.

This is America. We speak English here. Learn it or go back to wherever the hell you came from.

Military pay should be totally tax-free, period.

No professional athlete should make more than the President of the United States, I don't care how good you are or who you play for.

We aren't getting our money's worth out of Congress. It's time for a pay cut.

The President has a term limit, so why shouldn't Congress?

Pensions for members of Congress should be eliminated. Let them invest in a 401K and live off of that and Social Security like the rest of us.

Nobody forced you to smoke, so why should someone else pay for your health care now that you've got cancer?

If you're old enough to fight and die for your country, then you should be old enough to go into a bar and have a damned drink when you want one.

It's "homosexual," not "gay."

I don't care if you're a homosexual, just don't shove it in my face and tell me I have to "accept" either it or you.

Being a celebrity doesn't make you an expert on politics, religion, or world affairs.

Just because someone flies the Confederate Battle Flag doesn't automatically mean they're a racist.

And that's about it for now. Time to ride!


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