Tuesday, April 14, 2009

U.S. Navy SEALS - 3, Somali Pirates - 0

I gotta tell ya, I am impressed! The day after my rant about the Obama administration not doing anything about the US captain being held captive by Somali pirates, three US Navy SEAL snipers literally blew the heads off of three of the pirates!

To really appreciate what these snipers did, you have to take the following into consideration: the snipers were shooting at three individual targes inside an enclosed lifeboat, and the window through which they would be placing their shots was about a foot high and three feet long. They were laying prone (on their stomachs) on the deck of a ship which was moving with the motions of the sea, shooting at a target that was inside a smaller vessel which was moving even more radically on the surface of the water since it's a much smaller vessel. They took one shot each, simultaneously, and scored three head shots! To me, this is absolutely fantastic, and these guys deserve a medal!

And I'll be the first to say "hats off" to the Obama administration for taking action on this and not sitting on their hands doing nothing ala Jimmy Carter. Good on ya!

Now the question is, what do we do with the surviving pirate who is in US custody? To me, the answer is simple: put the asshole on trial for piracy using the terms of the International Treaty of which the US is a signatory country, and put the little bastard in prison for the rest of his life.

Problem solved.


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