Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So we have a new President

I wish I could get excited about it, but I just can't. And I tried really hard to, as well, but I just can't get excited about Barack Obama being the new President of the United States.

I am, however, glad to see that the nation finally elected a black President. I knew it was bound to happen sooner or later, but I am glad that it happened in my lifetime. (Had it been for all the right reasons instead of the one, single, most WRONG reason, I'd be ecstatic about it. But I digress.) Anyway, today's inauguration of the nation's first black President shows that the old adage about anything being possible in America is absolutely true. If you're willing to dedicate yourself to working for what you want instead of sitting on your ass expecting everything to be given to you, you can become whatever you imagine yourself to be. Nothing or no one can stop you or stand in your way. For this to finally be proven, I am VERY glad.

But will it be enough? We'll see in about two years or so.

Getting back on track...I can't get excited about Obama being sworn in for several reasons, those reasons being:

1) He's pro-gun control. His voting record in Congress and the statements he has made about the Second Amendment prove this to be a fact, not something dreamed up by his detractors. That, plus all you have to do is look at his choice for Attorney General.

2) He's a closet socialist, which - if it takes hold, which I kinda doubt - will absolutely ruin America.

3) He has this absolutely ludicrous idea of "spreading the wealth" around. Just how he's going to do that and what he hopes to accomplish, I have no idea. To me, all that says is that the people in our nation who refuse to dedicate themselves to improving their lives and making something of themselves will have yet another reason to sit on their asses and have things handed to them. Stupid is as stupid does, I've heard.

4) He speaks of change, yet he appoints Washington old-timers to all of his major cabinet posts. And of those people he appoints, the majority of them are Clinton-era cronies. Looks to me like it's going to be business as usual for the next four years, and that not much of anything is going to change. Except the political party of the next President, that is, and the political makeup of the next Congress two years from now.

5) He has ZERO leadership experience. None. Zip. Nada. Which is a point that our not-so-friendly allies across the oceans will absolutely expound on. And who does he have to go to for backup? Hillary Rodham "Pinned Down By Sniper Fire" Clinton, whose leadership experience amounts to almost as little as his. No, you can't count being First Lady as leadership experience. Sorry about that.

All I can say now is something I said in December when I first started this blog: all I hope now is that he's half as good as he says he is, and only half as bad as I think he is.

For the sake of the nation, I hope that's right.


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