Sunday, January 11, 2009

"Obama Family Visits Lincoln Memorial"

Hate to get the day started off on a sour note so early, but I just can't help myself. I'm sitting here at my computer, drinking a cup of coffee before jumping in the shower to get ready for work, when I'm scanning and see this headline: "OBAMA FAMILY VISITS LINCOLN MEMORIAL."

I mean, really...who gives a damn!?

This, to me, is a clear indication of what we can expect from the news media over the next four years. Never before have we heard zip from the news media about a president-elect visiting any of the many memorials in Washington, DC before his inauguration, and I'm quite sure they have. But when the first black president-elect (and I absolutely REFUSE to use the hyphenated term - see my very first post) visits the Lincoln Memorial, it makes front-page news on, and I'll bet if I were to turn on the TV right now, I'd see the video of it.

But like I said, who gives a damn?

The story also goes on to say that Obama will use the Lincoln bible to take his oath of office, and that he's the first president elect to use that bible since Lincoln used it in 1861. A nice piece of trivia, there, but the reason it's there is quite clear to me.

The pandering to the first black president by the news media has begun.

On top of that, I get the impression that Mr. Obama is trying to send white America a message by his choice of bible to use for the inauguration. If he is, then the message is received loud and clear - at least by me.

You, Mr. Obama, may just turn out to be a true "black" president after all.

For the sake of the nation, I hope I'm wrong.

Either way, it's gonna be a long four years.

Hell of a way to start out your birthday....


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