Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Things I Don't Understand

Been kicking around what I was going to do the first solo "TIDU" blog entry for the past week or so, but when I saw the headlines today it suddenly became a no-brainer. And to be honest, I should have figured this one out a long time ago.

NO, it's not going to be about The Buffoon In Chief. I've written enough about that incompetent clown already, don't you think? But there is one person, one political figure, that I don't think I've written about more than once, if ever. And I have no idea why I haven't written about this person more because this person is most certainly deserving of any and all amounts of criticism that I could ever throw in that direction.

And so here it is, friends and neighbors, without any further ado, my first solo topic for "Things I Don't Understand."


The thing in the news today that centered my attention on "Billary" Clinton, also known as "The Wicked Bitch of the North," was her apology about using a second e-mail server, a private one, while she was Secretary of State. Never mind the fact that she wasn't supposed to do that, was prohibited by law from doing that, sent classified "TOP SECRET" information on that unsecured server which could have compromised national security, and then she had the server erased when she got caught. Never mind all that, especially the part about endangering national security. No, everything is just peachy-keen in Liberal Land today because the reigning Queen of All I Survey has said she made a mistake, and she's sorry.

She's SORRY. Man, THAT is the understatement of the year!

And here's the part I don't understand - people have just rolled over and forgiven her! "Oh, it's okay, no big deal, she compromised top secret information and endangered national security not to mention violating every oath of office she ever took, it's okay - SHE SAID SHE WAS SORRY."

The propensity for liberals and Democrats to just roll over and forgive those in their party for the most drastic and heinous of mistakes just never ceases to amaze me.

And the thing that really pisses me off is that if this was a Republican candidate who had done this, the liberal news media would be screaming for his/her head on a stick from the highest rooftops. But since it was The Annointed One it's just okay, you know? No big deal.

And meanwhile in Massachusetts, the capital of Liberal Land, an all-female choir has released a YouTube video in which they are singing an old religious hymnal about waking up with Jesus on their minds, except for one thing: they kicked out Jesus and substituted Hillary instead.

This just astounds me. How can anyone with an ounce of common sense and ANY kind of religious upbringing at all dare to remove Jesus from a hymn and substitute this bitch - or ANY politician, for that matter - in His place? The audacity of the liberals who drink the Kool-Aid served daily by this woman just astounds the living shit out of me.

And for the life of me, I can't figure out why people support her! I mean, really, just what the hell has she done to garner this kind of blind devotion and obligations? What has she done that has benefited the nation? Someone please name me one, just ONE, thing she got accomplished while she was Secretary of State. Just ONE, that's all I ask.

So just what DID she do while she was SoS? Well, there's this:

She lied about being "under sniper fire" on a visit to Bosnia. And then when she was called on it, she said she "misspoke." I just love how liberals make up words and terms to fit their agendas, don't you? Like "assault rifle," and "misspoke," things like that.

As we now know, she set up and used a private e-mail server and transmitted classified information over the unsecure server, breaking all kinds of federal laws about transmission of classified information and putting national security at risk.

She sat on her hands while good people were killed in Benghazi, and then when she was questioned about it she had the gall and the audacity to say, "AT THIS POINT, WHAT DOES IT MATTER?" I'm quite sure it matters a hell of a lot to the families and loved ones of the four Americans she let die. And then when the scandal first broke, she tried placing the blame on someone else and then outright lied about what she originally said.

She supported a United Nations bill that would pretty much nullify the Second Amendment, choosing to support the concept of a foreign nation over supporting the liberties and freedoms guaranteed us by the Constitution of the United States. If I'd been sitting in the White House on that day I'd have fired the bitch and then had her arrested and charged with treason. But that's just me.

But let's talk about the most latest things, shall we? Billary said today that she "made a mistake" when she decided to break Federal law and set up a private e-mail server over which she transmitted hundreds - HUNDREDS - of classified documents in an unsecured system.

Anyone who deals with classified information knows that this is much more than just "making a mistake." This is Handling of Classified Information 101, something I dealt with when I was in the Air Force. My point is this: if "Billary" made this simple and drastic of a mistake as Secretary of State, what mistake is she going to make as President? If we can't trust her to protect classified information, the handling of which is very clearly laid out in all kinds of Government regulations and laws, then how in the living hell can we trust her not to royally screw things up as President?

She's a liar, she's devoid of any and all morals, she's an egomaniac, she has NO sense of honor or decency, and people actually sing hymns about her and want to elect her President?

Are you friggin' kidding me? Really, are people THAT friggin' stupid? Apparently so.

It is my learned opinion that our current President is the absolute worst President in the history of our nation, a fact which I'm sure Jimmy Carter is just freakin' elated about. But trust me, friends and neighbors, if THIS bitch gets elected to the White House, she's gonna make Barry Sotero look like an amateur. And the really scary thing is that there's a very real chance this may happen. Just as people voted for NObama for the sole reason he's black, people will vote for "Billary" for the sole reason that she's a woman. After all, isn't it time we had a woman president? Like the gender of the candidate is a viable reason for supporting him/her and casting your vote that way. At least, to the liberals it is.

Excuse me while I go puke.

Deo Vindice.


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