Thursday, June 25, 2015

Man, I Hate It When Rush is Right

Make no bones about it, friends and neighbors, I cannot stand Rush Limbaugh. In my humble opinion he's nothing more than a self-centered, ego-maniacal, loud mouthed blowhard. My opinion was formed way back in 1994 when I heard the intro to his radio show for the very first time, and it went like this:

"And now, for the next hour you people can enjoy the most wonderful sound in the entire world - the sound of my voice!"

At that precise moment in time I knew that I could not stand that arrogant son of a bitch, and I have made it a point NOT to listen to his show ever.

But as much as I don't like him, I have to admit that every now and again Rush gets it right. Such is the case today, and I'm sad to say it because what he's right about is tragic, and that he's just right to begin with.

Last Tuesday, right after the big flap about the Confederate Flag in Columbia started, Rush said this on his radio show:

“I have a prediction. It’s not going to stop with the Confederate flag because it’s not about the Confederate flag, it’s about destroying the South as a political force. Do not doubt me! And I’ll make another prediction to you. The next flag that will come under assault — and it will not be long — is the American flag.”

“It makes perfect sense. The speed and rapidity with which the left is conducting this assault on all these American traditions and institutions, if you don’t think the American flag is in their crosshairs down the road, you had better stop and reconsider.”

And today, I read this:

“I don’t know what the hell the fight is about over the Confederate flag. We need to put the American flag down. Because we’ve caught as much hell under that as the Confederate flag. Who are we fighting today? It’s the people that carry the American flag.”

And the person speaking those words? None other than Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam and the single biggest white-hating racist in America. So while Rush was right in what was going to follow, he was wrong about where it would come from. But the point is that it's here, it's happening, and the really spooky thing is that people are actually listening to Farrakhan!

I never in my wildest nightmares thought that America would allow itself to be swept up in as far-reaching and sadistically extensive purge of anything the way they have over the Confederate flag. What's going on now is truly political correctness run amok as I said yesterday, and I lay the lion's share of the blame square on the delicate shoulders of the Governor of South Carolina, Nikki Hailey. When she caved in to political correctness and announced her desire to take down the Battle Flag from the state house grounds, she set the whole thing in motion. The governor of Alabama removed the Battle Flag from the Capital grounds in that state; the city council in Baltimore are calling for the city park named after Confederate General Robert E. Lee to be renamed and for all things Confederate to be removed; the Baltimore mayor has called for the state to stop issuing Sons of Confederate Veterans license plates because the SCV logo includes the Battle Flag; Wal-Mart, Amazon, Sears, and Ebay have all stopped selling Confederate flag items, and both the Elder Flag Company and the Roseland Flag Company have stopped manufacturing the flag altogether.

This whole thing just scares the crap right outta me, and here's why: our nation is proving that it is so susceptible to outside influences via the liberal news media that they are willing to do just about anything for any reason, so what's to say that the assault Rush predicated on the American flag won't go the same way as the one against the Confederate flag? Our nation has become so intent on making sure that no one gets offended that they are now willing to stoop to utterly ridiculous levels to make sure that happens, and in the process they are both losing their free will and are offending a whole different class of Americans.

And I'm one of those "different class of Americans." This whole thing just offends the living crap out of me, the main reason being this: when was the last time you read a news article or heard a story on the TV news about the guy who actually did the killing? I mean, this guy walks into a church and shoots nine people dead, and less than 24 hours after the fact he's not only dropped off the of front page and is no longer the lead story, you can't find a mention of him anywhere! To me, this does a HUGE injustice to those who were killed and to their families, one that no one will ever be able to put right.

The other thing that both offends and scares me about all this is that if America can allow itself to be swept up so completely in so silly and useless a thing as banning the Confederate flag, that whole thing about the attack of the American flag may just indeed be right around the corner. It wasn't that long ago that some college class somewhere did a study of some kind which required students to toss an American flag on the ground and then walk all over it, and no one said a damned thing. Sorry, folks, but first off that's illegal, secondly it's NOT a "constitutional right" under the First Amendment (read the damned thing, will you?), and lastly it's un-patriotic, un-American, and will get your ass kicked if I'm around and see you do it. I fought for and under that flag, I have friends who bled and died for and under that flag, and I will not stand idly by and see ANYONE smear, besmirch, disrespect, or destroy that flag. I'm an American patriot, and I simply will not stand for it.

And if that offends you, then I suggest you put on your big boy pants or your big girl panties and get over it.


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