Monday, July 23, 2012

Gun Control Laws Don't Work - EVER

First and foremost, let me say right up front that the recent shootings in Aurora, Colorado are a tragedy, and my heart and prayers go out to the victims and their families.

If this latest shooting spree proves anything, it proves once again that background checks simply don't work, and that the current system is a farce. All of the weapons and ammunition used in the shooting were bought legally, and there's nothing that anyone or any system of registration or background checking could have done to prevent the sale. The reason behind this is simple - you can't tell if someone is nuts unless they've been diagnosed, and in this case the shooter has had ZERO mental issues in his background. Therefore, the system set in place by the Libtards and the Demoncrats in the sixties has failed once again to do what they said it was going to do - protect the American people from nuts like this.

So now Feinstein and the other Libtards and Demoncrats in Congress are calling for yet more useless gun control laws. These supposedly educated people are either too stupid or simply unwilling to recognize the simple fact that laws of this type will only affect law-abiding citizens, and that criminals will totally and completely ignore them. That's why they're called "CRIMINALS."

While it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out, some members of Congress still just don't get it.

But let's take a look at the concept of laws in another way, shall we?

The common misconception that people seem to be laboring under is that a law will "protect" the public in some fashion or another, that the mere existence of a law will prevent the bad people in our society from doing what the law says they shouldn't do. While this theory is a nice one, that's all it is - a nice theory. The reality of it is that no law in the world is designed to "protect" you, nor can it since criminals don't obey the law.

Every society in every part of the world has what is considered an acceptable way of life, things that society says are okay to do and things that are not okay to do. The enacting of a law simply puts down on paper the official notice that the act that the law covers is not acceptable, and will not be tolerated by the society which enacts it. Once this law is enacted, the government - whichever government that may be - now has the legal right to punish those who break the law, and the law also sets what the punishment can be.

In short, laws are not designed to protect; rather, they're designed to punish.

And that's what gun control laws do, but instead of punishing the criminal they punish the law-abiding citizen. There are currently more than 25,000 "gun control" laws in existence in the United States, and yet we still have mass shootings going on. I fail to see how anyone with even the smallest shred of intelligence can think for even a millisecond that the passage of yet another law will in any way change things. But here's an idea: instead of passing new laws, why not simply enforce the ones we have?

Wow, what a novel concept!

At this point, I'm sure there are some folks out there who are saying to themselves, "Well, then, if gun control laws don't work then let's just ban guns altogether! That will surely solve the problem!"

Yeah, sure it will - just like making cocaine, meth, and heroin have solved the drug problem.

But all of this talk about laws and gun control doesn't even begin to address the real issue, the real cause of tragedies such as we witnessed this week. The real cause of this is the gradual moral breakdown of American society and the failure of parents to teach their children right from wrong. I mean, really, think about it: in the 1930's anyone of any age could walk into any general store and buy a handgun, no questions asked. You could also buy a fully-automatic machine gun from the Sears mail order catalogue, again with no questions asked. Guns were far more accessible then than they are now, yet there were no school shootings, no shootings in movie theaters, no drive-by shootings, nothing of that type at all. "Gun violence" as it is being called today simply didn't exist.

The reason for that is because the moral standard in our society was so much higher and so much better than it is now, that people just didn't do things like that. It was wrong, they knew it was wrong, so they didn't do it. Simply put, they had been taught better by their parents.

The real answer to the "gun violence" problem is not to pass more laws. The real answer is twofold: first, enforce the laws we have, and second, teach your children right from wrong.

That, my friends, is the answer.



Anonymous said...

Во-первых я надеюсь, что вы и семья являются хорошо... и я надеюсь, что некоторые см. молодой человек это... Я не умер, но я в подполье стоп, глядя на меня...Рэй, мне очень жаль слышать о Buster...

Jane said...

I hope you start writing again ...

IHC said...

To Anonymous:
Благодарим вас за интерес, моя семья и я очень хорошо. И благодарю вас за ваше мнение по поводу разрушитель; хотя я не хватать его ужасно я знаю, что он ждет меня, и я см. его, когда Господь призывает меня домой. Надеемся, что вы слишком хорошо.

IHC said...

Jane, I have started writing again. Thank you for your support and for reading!