Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It's Time to "Occupy" a JOB!

I don't know about you, but I'm getting pretty tired of hearing about all of the "Occupy" protesters who are still sitting on their asses "trying to make a statement." I would think that by now, SOMEONE in those groups would have enough common sense to realize that they've made all of the "statement" that they're going to make, and that the only "statement" they're making now is that they'd rather cause trouble and make waves than go out and "occupy" a job. Considering that these protests have been going on now for more than two months, I'd say it's pretty apparent that most of the people involved in them are those who are just waiting for their free handout, for some of the "redistributed wealth" that NObama and his band of merry idiots keep talking about to come their way.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that ain't gonna happen. Not in an election year, for sure, and it damned sure ain't gonna happen once The Great Pretender is out on his skinny ass and a Conservative is back in the White House.

As I've said before, I'm all about free speech and the right of the people to peaceably assemble. But when you start breaking laws concerning overnight camping in public parks, when you start constructing wooden buildings on public land which is also in violation of the law, and when you refuse a lawful order to disperse because you're breaking local laws concerning hours of operation of public parks, then you are no longer assembling in a "peaceable" manner and it's time for you to "occupy" a jail cell.

Unfortunately, the participants of the "Occupy" movement and the lunatic fringe of the Liberal movement don't see it that way. They think that the First Amendment gives them the right to do whatever they want while they are exercising their right to "free speech." Well, all I can say is that someone was asleep in American History 101 when they covered the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, because also as I've said before, the First Amendment doesn't say that. No matter how hard you try to spin-doctor it, no matter how convoluted you make it, no matter what kind of twisted logic you may try to use, the bottom line is this: when you start breaking laws you stop being a protester and start being a criminal, and you have no protection under the First Amendment.

It's as simple as that.


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