Friday, October 14, 2011

Random Thoughts on a Friday Morning

Yeah, I know, it's been a while, but things have been kinda busy in Lowe's Land recently, lots of channges going on, and one of my two stores was getting ready for Inventory - which was looking pretty ugly but actually turned out pretty spectacular - so time has been short. But now that the BS excuses are out there, let's get down to it, shall we?

On the International scene - isn't it about time that the United States decided to finally cut some of the BILLIONS of dollars we're giving to that antiquated, useless organization known as the United Nations? Once upon a time there was a genuine need for this organization, but that time is long past. In my humble opinion this organization now serves no legitimate purpose except to try and exert its will upon other unwilling nations while ignoring worldwide events that demand attention. For example, the looney tunes President of Iran has just been exposed as having sponsored a plot to assassinate the Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the United States on US soil, and the Useless Nations has said and done nothing. Instead, they'd rather push their agenda of a worldwide "treaty" to limit the manufacture, sale, and possession of firearms - which, by the way, Billary Clinton endorses and is a direct violation of the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution. No, it's time for this organization to do two things: first, PAY UP all the money you owe the United States, and second, DISBAND. Use the land on which the headquarters buildings sits for something useful and that NYC really needs - like a parking lot.

And speaking of lunatic national leaders and other national leaders doing nothing about it, why is our own President sitting on his hands and doing nothing about Iran? The nutjob leader of this nutjob nation has put together a plot to assassinate the ambassador of a nation friendly to the United States, and the assassination was to take place on US SOIL. This is nothing short of an act of war, and in my humble opinion we should have sent the B2's to pay a little midnight visit to this lunatic asshole the very next day. Yeah, I know, the other Muslim nations who are our "allies" would be pissed off about this because the Qu'aran requires them to defend other Muslim nations when they are attacked, but ya know what? I just don't give a rat's ass about that. We need to get our people the hell out of there anyway, and a visit by the B2's would send a very clear message to all of the raghead radical terrorists that if you fuck with us, we're gonna come put a boot up your ass.

So can the "Fast and Furious" scandal possibly get any worse? First, you have the ill-conceived and illegal plan to begin with, conceived and put into operation by the ATFE. Next, you have the guns that the ATFE illegally sold to the Mexican cartels being pinpointed as having been used in the murder of a Federal agent. Then you have the Justice Department's knowledge of the plan - did I mention that the plan was illegal? - which they at first deny and then are proven to have known about all along, and now you have the US Attorney General being implicated as having known about AND SANCTIONED the plan. Oh, and did I mention that the plan was illegal? So now Congress is getting involved - at least the Republicans are, with the Demoncrats bitching about the Republicans getting involved - and the White House has said and done NOTHING. Seems that saying and doing nothing in times of crisis is fast becoming the hallmark of the NObama back to my original question, can this scandal possibly get any worse?

Sure it can, and I think it will. I believe it is only a matter of time before it is revealed and then proven that the President of the United States knew about and approved this plan - and then did nothing when it went south. And THAT, friends and neighbors, is a CRIME which will finally give the Republicans a chance to IMPEACH NOBAMA. He will deny it, of course, and then the proof will come out, and then the wheels will start turning. The only bad thing about that is that if NObama is impeached, that leaves us stuck with "Clueless Joe" Biden as President.

So yes, it can get worse - in more ways than one.

On the local scene, last February during Black History Month the South Carolina chapter of the NAACP held a big rally on the steps of the State House in Columbia, and in setting up the podium and chairs for this rally they did something which to me is inexcuseable and insulting to say the least. What this bunch of closet racists and bigots did was to construct a wooden box around one of the statues on the State House steps so that it couldn't be seen during the rally. The statue was located directly behind the speaker's podium, so they covered it up.

The statue is one of George Washington, the Father of our country. I guess because he was just another white guy the racists in the NAACP didn't want the other racists in the NAACP to have to look at him. And our President, NObama himself, showed up and spoke at this rally, standing in front of the blocked-out statue and just enjoying the hell out of himself.

Kinda tells ya something about NObama, huh? Does to me, anyway...but I digress.

Anyhow, the State Legislature quietly did something yesterday that they didn't advertise, but I'll say right now that if it had been me I'd have been screaming this from the rooftops. What they did was pass a bill making it ILLEGAL to cover up or obscure any of the statues on the State House grounds during rallies of any kind. And of course, we've heard nothing from the racists in the NAACP about this, and I doubt we will.

And speaking of organizations that have outlived their usefulness...but I think I'll save that one for another day. Right now I hear a Diet Pepsi calling my name.

Peace out.



Bob Culley said...

I have a question: Why hasn't the NAACP changed it's name? Come on..."colored people'? Try to call a black person!

IHC said...

I've had that same thought many times...haven't figured it out yet!