Thursday, August 19, 2010

My Fourth Letter to the President

Not that it'll do any good, but at least I'm exercising my 1st Amendment rights and getting it off my chest.

Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC 20500

August 19, 2010

Dear Mr. Obama,

You will notice the lack of the use of the title “Mr. President” in this letter, because I do not now nor will I ever consider you to be my President. Your statements before you were elected and your actions since that fateful and dreadful day in American history when you were sworn into office have proven that you are many things, but a President – MY President – is certainly not one of them.

Congressman Joe Wilson from the great state of South Carolina had it right – you, sir, are a liar, and your recent actions in supporting the building of an Islamic mosque in New York City mere blocks from the site of the worst terrorist attack on the United States in our history, an attack carried out by Muslim extremists, prove this simple fact. It is borne out by your actions over the past year and a half that you have been in office, and I’m sure that you will continue to prove it in the time you have left before we vote you out.

You claim to be a Christian and an American, yet for 20 years before you ran for office you attended a church in Chicago where “Reverend” Wright did nothing but spout anti-American rhetoric from the pulpit, and you sat there and listened. You only dumped him and his church, speaking out against him, when it was apparent that he and his anti-American rhetoric was hurting your campaign and threatening your chances of getting elected. Then and only then, when it served your purpose, did you dump him and speak out against him.

After taking office, you denied a flyover by US Air Force jets at a community event, and the reason given was because the event was Christian based, and the Constitution mandates a separation of church and state. Never mind the fact that your predecessors for the previous 12 years had no problem approving the flyover; once you got in office the flyovers ended, and this was the first shot in your clandestine support of the Islamic faith.

Next, you blew off the Boy Scouts of America, an organization based on Christian beliefs, at their 100th Anniversary Jamboree. You chose instead to make a most un-Presidential appearance on a talk show, “The View,” hosted by one of the most liberal, outspoken, and anti-American celebrities out there, Whoopi Goldberg. Then you went out west to do some fund-raising for one of your Demoncratic cronies. (No, I didn’t misspell the word. Figure it out.) One cannot help but wonder how many Republicans you created among the young and impressionable Scouts by blowing them off and showing where your true feelings lie. We’ll see in a few years, I guess.

Finally, you came out last week and voiced your support of the building of an Islamic mosque mere blocks away from the site of the September 11th attacks. You attempted to disguise this support for your Islamic brothers by stating that you were addressing only the legal right to build, but the immediate and deafening outcry by the public in general and your Demoncratic cronies in particular proved that we saw through your façade immediately. Then you backtracked, trying to do some damage control, but I’m here to tell you that it’s too late for that. You can’t ever “unspeak” something that has been said, and you can bet we won’t forget what you’ve said and done come November 2012.

You have done more to disgrace the office of the President than any other man who ever held the office, and after “Slick Willy” Clinton I didn’t think that possible – but you have most certainly proven me wrong. Additionally, you have done more to damage the international reputation and level of respect of the United States among the nations of the world than Jimmy Carter ever did, something else that I didn’t think was possible. I am positive that history will show you to be the worst, most destructive President in the history of the United States.

I am completely, 100% disgusted with you and your policies, your statements, your religion, your lack of integrity, and your socialistic ideals, and will do everything within my power to ensure that you are NOT re-elected in November 2012. My only hope now is that when the Republicans take control of the Congress this November, they can keep you in check after kicking Pelosi and her band of merry idiots out of power.

In the mean time, I’ll be counting the days until your term as President ends – exactly 885 days from today.

God Bless America.

Raymond Craig


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