Monday, July 12, 2010

The Worst Thing to Happen To America Since The War for Southern Independence

After much thought and careful consideration, I have come to the conclusion that the election of Barack Hussein Obama to the office of President of the United States is the single worst thing to happen to America since the War for Southern Independence.

I still stand by what I said after the election first concluded, that being I think it's something special and spectacular that America finally elected a minority President. And I still stand by my statement that he was elected for the wrong reason, that reason being that he was black.

But my opening statement in this blog post is fueled by something other than the fact that he's a Demoncrat, that he's a liberal, that he's a Socialist, and that he's inexperienced. It's based on the increasing racial tension in this country which is caused in small part by NObama's recent instructions to the DOJ to ignore crimes against whites committed by blacks and to focus on crimes against blacks committed by whites, coupled with the dropping of the Federal case against the Black Panthers; however, in large part it's caused by the reactions of the Obamabots and any other group that supports him whenever someone else criticizes him.

Without fail, anytime someone or some group criticizes NObama his faithful Obamabots throw the race card, with the most recent example being the NAACP's threat to label the Tea Party "racists." (Like that's gonna hurt them or their cause...get a life! But I digress...) No matter how much logic you use, no matter how many facts you present, no matter how much you attempt to present a sane, mature, logical, non-racial point of view on an issue concerning The Great Pretender, his loyal minions will throw the race card and label you a racist. They'll say that no matter what you say in your defense, the REAL reason you're criticizing him is because you're a racist and don't like blacks.

This is a fact I have found out by personal experience on Facebook. I've had numerous discussions (well, I was discussing, the other assholes were arguing) with NObama supporters in various areas of Facebook, and without fail all of them - ALL of them, even the white people I was talking with - have ended up saying that the only reason I don't like him is because he's black, which makes me a racist.

This line of thought is creating an ever-widening rift between the whites and blacks in this country, with those who support NObama because they believe in his policies and not the color of his skin, be they white or black, being caught right smack dab in the middle of things. And the longer this kind of crap goes on the bigger and more irreversible this rift is going to become.

Now I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that there aren't white folks out there who aren't racists and who don't like NObama just because he's black - they're there, and I put them on a plane of importance just slightly higher than whale shit. But each and every time those folks open their mouths to spew their line of hatred they reveal themselves for what they really are, and that's when people stop taking them seriously. But when people like me, people who have ZERO problem with his skin color, are automatically lumped into the same category as these knuckle-dragging, inbred assholes whose family trees don't fork, all that does is make the matter worse. Much worse. And unless something changes in our nation and changes pretty damned quickly, I see nothing but bad things on the horizon.

And NObama's recent actions - and inactions - have done nothing to help things improve.

The racial tension in this country is rising each day, and I can honestly say I believe it's being caused by the black population of America and not the white population. It's being caused by those who insist on throwing the race card each and every time someone dares to criticize NObama, those who insult his opponents and mock their stand, doing so with the bravado of those who are protected by the "shield of political correctness" which permeates our country. They can insult us with impunity, and they do - vehemently, viciously, and without remorse.

And sooner or later the white population of this nation is gonna get a bellyful of it, just like the blacks did during the 1960's. There will be the same marches, the same protests, the same speeches as were made during the Civil Rights Movement, only this time it's gonna be white faces behind the microphones, behind the signs, and on the TV. It will be the beginning of the end of the "political correctness" that has been strangling our nation like so much kudzu for the past 20 years, and it will also be the beginning of the most violent time period our nation has known in 40 years.

The really bad thing, however, is that from this point on I have no idea what will happen. Either demonstrations and marches with the occasional clash of colors will take place, or things will get worse - much worse - thanks to the efforts of racist and hate groups on both sides of the color line. And if that happens, I'm not sure that an all-out race war won't break out.

It is my most fervent hope that things in America don't get this bad, it really is.

But I'm afraid it might.


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