Friday, February 26, 2010

Hypocrisy is Alive and Well and Living in the Demoncratic Party

So have you been paying attention to the news lately concerning the latest health care summit, in which the Great Pretender, his lapdog Biden, and political leaders from both parties have come together and have been trying to hammer out a bill that both sides could agree on? Well, friends and neighbors, if you haven't been watching this very carefully, you should start now because it's giving us a very clear picture of just what kind of hypocritical, lying, scheming, underhanded and dishonest President, Vice President, and members of Congress we have leading the country.

Leading the country to ruin, in my humble opinion. But I digress...

The big thing in the news yesterday and the day before was the little thing called the "Nuclear Option." If I understand it correctly, that's where the members of Congress ram a bill through and get it passed by using a simple 51 vote majority, bypassing all of the usual debate on the floor of Congress. Naturally, you have to have one party in control of both the House and the Senate in order to do this, and if you use this option you pretty much alienate the other side for the remainder of the term until the next elections. The Republicans threatened to do this in 2005 to get a bill passed, and the Demoncrats - led by The Great Pretender and the Wicked Bitch of the North, Billary Clinton - raised holy Hell about it. They complained that it wasn't fair, it was counter-productive, did nothing to promote "bipartisan" leadership, and generally was a slap in the face to the legislative process.

Well, that was then, and this is now. The Demoncrats, in a remarkably uncaring demonstration of hypocrisy at its best, are now threatening to use that very same "Nuclear Option" to get The Great Pretender's health care bill passed, because they now fear - and rightfully so - that the bill won't pass on its own. Of course, to listen to them, you'd think they were fully justified in using this option because the big bad Republicans refuse to sign off on things they disagree with, and are not practicing "bipartisan" cooperation. Which is basically the same things the Demoncrats were doing in 2005 when the Republicans threatened to nuke them, but like I said, that was then and this is now.

And speaking of bipartisan cooperation, have you been listening to what NObama has to say about that? Here's a couple of quotes for you from Fox News today:

"Delivering his closing argument at a 7-1/2-hour televised policy marathon Thursday, Obama told Republicans he welcomes their ideas -- even ones Democrats don't like -- but they must fit into his framework for a broad health care remake that would cover tens of millions of uninsured Americans."
(Emphasis added by author.)

Soooo, lemme see if I got this right: you're telling me that you'll listen to the objections of the Republicans, and then totally disregard them because they don't fit into your ideas and plans? Yeah, that's "bipartisan" leadership, all right.

" 'The truth of the matter is that politically speaking, there may not be any reason for Republicans to want to do anything,' Obama said, summing up. 'I don't need a poll to know that most Republican voters are opposed to this bill and might be opposed to the kind of compromise we could craft.' "

Gee, you figured that one out all on your own, did ya? Maybe you should rethink this whole "home is a news-free zone" thing, huh?

And finally, the one that REALLY shows where this moron's head is at, the last quote from NObama himself:

"And if we can't," he added, "I think we've got to go ahead and make some decisions, and then that's what elections are for."

What The Great Pretender has just told America, boys and girls, is this: You elected me, I'm in power now, I'm going to do what I want whether you like it or not, and if you don't like it then you can vote me out in the next election.

Count on it, asshole. You, Biden, your rabid dog Pelosi, Billary Clinton, Chuck "I'm off to the Caribbean and I didn't pay for it!" Rangle and all of the other hypocritical, lying, stealing, underhanded, dishonest Demoncrats are all gonna be out of a job come November of this year and then again in November 2012.

I have never in my life despised a sitting President as much as I despise Obama. He has NO shame, NO sense of leadership, NO ideals, NO honor, NO short, he has NOTHING to bring to the nation as a President, and if he doesn't ruin the country in the time he has left, it'll be only because the Republicans and the Independents who are as disgusted with him as I am will stop him.

And I have never been more afraid for the future of our country than I am now. I am absolutely convinced that if the people of the United States don't WAKE THE HELL UP and kick NObama and his band of merry idiots out of office starting with the Congressional elections in November, the country will be in total, absolute ruin by the time 2012 rolls around.

So lemme ask the question to all of those people who voted for this moron and elected him for his now-empty promises:




IHC said...

English would be nice...

Mississippi Cajun said...

Hey, I just clicked on that gibberish, and it popped up a CHINESE cartoon. Ya think they may be getting comfortable over here?
Getting back to the arguement at hand, I noticed that OB has called for his sheep to vote (his way of course) very soon (like before Easter----another Christmas Eve type forced vote ahead, gang). He has recently stated that his new proposal contains ideas from both sides so he can't understand why there should be any objection. Well, what is contained from both sides is the few items that both sides always agreed upon in the first place. Please notice that the original 2700 page crock of shit that has been haunting us these past few months is still there and is going to be a part of his new "bipartisan" package.
More astoundingly, this group of merry idiots is pushing forward in spite of overwhelming evidence that the Astroturf public is overwhelingly against this bill as written.
Well, Rangle has already fallen, and it is looking like a few more heads are going to be loped off even before the November elections. Methinks if this goes ahead, we may well have enough opposition votes elected to override a veto of a bill to cancel this bullshit outright.