Sunday, March 8, 2009

So do we have a President, or do we have a black President?

I'm beginning to think that we may have a black President, and that all of the people who voted for Obama just because he was black may have been right after all. I really, really, REALLY hope I'm wrong, but I kinda get the feeling that I'm not. And here's why.

Last week at the monthly meeting of my Sons of Confederate Veterans meeting, our guest speaker was the former Commander of the South Carolina division, and he gave a very interesting talk on the monument that another South Carolina camp is getting ready to erect at the Bloody Angle on the Spotsylvania, Virginia battlefield honoring the four South Carolina regiments that fought there. At the end of his presentation, he said that a good friend of his who happens to be a State Senator from South Carolina made the statement that if the camp that was erecting this monument had tried to get this project rolling now or any time during the next four years, it would be a "total waste of time." He said that his Senator friend stated that with the things he had heard from some of the people in Washington, DC associated with the Obama administration, it's not going to be a good time for the next four years to try and do ANYTHING to honor ANYTHING Confederate. He said this because the Spotsylvania battlefield is a part of the National Park Service, so approval for the monument had to go through the federal government.

That was my first clue. The next, and most important, comes from the mouth of our black President himself.

In a speech Obama gave on February 18 during Black History Month, he addressed the comment that his Attorney General appointee, Eric Holder, had made earlier when Holder said that when it came to discussing race, America was "a nation of cowards." (Which I agree with, by the way, but for entirely different reasons.) So here's what our fearful leader said, and I quote:

"I think the point that he was making is that we’re oftentimes uncomfortable with talking about race until there’s some sort of racial flare-up or conflict, and that we could probably be more constructive in facing up to the painful legacy of slavery and Jim Crow and discrimination."

Okay, so help me out with this: the Congress outlawed slavery with the passage of the 14th Amendment (illegal though it was, the intent was still there - see my much earlier post on that), Congress passed the Equal Rights Amendment which was signed into law by LBJ, a black man gets consideration over a white man in favor of the color of his skin when competing for jobs and education benefits, our children are being taught the Yankee version of American history which states that the War Between the States was fought for only one reason, that being the elimination of slavery (which is total bullshit, by the way, as any historian knows), Confederate monuments are being taken down nationwide, schools named after Confederate heroes are being renamed after black "heroes," streets and bridges are being renamed from Confederate heroes to almost universally "Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard/Bridge," and every time someone displays a Confederate battle flag you see someone on TV complaining about it - and that someone is ALWAYS black.

So just what more do we as a nation have to do to face up to our nation's past? Yes, we had slavery - all the way back to the days of our Founding Fathers, who had a chance to eliminate it when they drafted the Constitution but didn't; yes, slavery was a factor in the WBTS, but not THE factor; yes, the Jim Crow laws existed and they were just as wrong as slavery was in the first place, and yes, our children are being taught the politically correct version of American history just as Confederate General Patrick Cleburne said they would be. All told, the black man in America has a better chance at just about anything he chooses to get ahead in life just because he's black. (If a white man had those chances, it'd be called RACISM, you know.)

So please enlighten me, President Obama - just what more do you think America has to do?

Or more to the point, just what, exactly, do YOU have up your sleeve?

Time will tell, but I get the feeling that it's getting ready to be a bad time to be white in America. And I'm sure hope I'm wrong.


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