There was a very newsworthy event that took place last week, newsworthy enough that it's still being talked about. The press all called it one thing, but to me - and hopefully quite a few others out there - it was really a public assassination. A character assassination, that is, but an assassination all the same.
The news media called it a "resignation." I'm talking about the resignation of Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska, of course.
I won't go into all of the details as to why she resigned; if you're not up to speed on that, then I suggest you google it and read the details for yourself. What I will tell you is this: I am absolutely, 100% positive that all of the complaints - all of which have been PROVEN UNFOUNDED - that were lodged against her were made with the intent of discrediting and disgracing her in the eyes of the public, and to drive her out of the office she held and to destroy her political career. I am completely convinced that this smear campaign waged against her was done so as a "first strike" against her with the sole purpose of effectively eliminating her as a candidate for the Presidential elections in 2012.
But who would do such a dastardly, despicable, evil thing, you ask? The answer is simple.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, aka "The Wicked Bitch of the North."
Proof, you ask? I have none. No one does. Not yet, anyway. As the saying goes, "Nothing stays secret forever," so I'm sure that eventually the details of this character assassination plot will be revealed, and the details will all point directly at Billary Clinton. But I'm not counting on any of the accusations sticking to her - after all, we're talking about someone who escaped endictment for the Whitewater fiasco, so why should I expect her to be proven as the one behind this latest political move against a future opponent?
But then again, given her reputation as an evil, conniving, plotting, scheming, power-mad, self-centered, egotistical bitch, why would I not believe it? This little scheme has her name written all over it, and I truly hope that one day she is proven to be behind it. That will effectively end her political career, and I hope and pray that day comes. Personally, I can think of no one in politics today that I revile, detest, and abhorr more than her.
And if you catch me on a bad day I'll tell you how I really feel about her.
But I have a feeling that this move to disgrace Palin is gonna backfire. What has really happened is that Palin has been given a chance to get out of the news for a good, long while, to keep her face off of the TV screen and make people forget about her. Now she has a chance to recover, regroup, makes some key appearances, make some key political contacts in Washington and throughout the states, lay some plans, form "behind the scenes" alliances, and slowly work her way back into the political forum and into the good graces of the Republican party. By that time, hopefully, the Republican party will have gotten its collective shit together and will give her the chance to take the White House away from the Democrats and whatever candidate they field in 2012. So, when November 2012 rolls around, should Billary Clinton win the Democratic nomination - which she will, because NObama will have proven himself to be an incompetant buffoon by then - she'll be very surprised to find herself facing the "Pitbull with lipstick," Sarah Palin.
And boy, oh boy, is The Wicked Bitch of the North gonna get bit!
I can't wait!
But in the mean time, we still have three and a half years of "Hopeless Change" to wade through....
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