Not that it'll do any good, but here's the text of my second letter to Obama that is going in the mail tomorrow.
Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC 20500
July 26, 2009
Dear Mr. Obama,
This letter is in reference to the manner in which you conducted yourself and the comments you made in regards to the incident surrounding the lawful and procedurally-correct arrest of Professor Gates. In short, your comments were immature, emotionally-driven, and uneducated; your conduct is nothing short of disgraceful for a man holding the nation’s highest elected office. I have felt all along that you did no have the experience and maturity needed to hold this office, and your actions of the past week prove it.
You had absolutely no right to make any public comments concerning the arrest of Professor Gates. What you failed to realize is that any comment made about any case by the sitting President of the United States can – and absolutely would – be introduced into a court of law as evidence should that case go to trial. Richard Nixon discovered this in 1969 when Charles Manson was on trial for the Tate-LaBianca murders. I would have thought by now that you would have realized or been told by your staff that any and all comments made by you carry more weight than any other world leader, and that you must be careful not to make comments such as the ones you made.
To say that the comment you made in which you said the police “acted stupidly” is uninformed and uneducated at best, and blatantly insulting and racist at worst.
At the time you made that statement, by your own admission you did not know the details surrounding the case; you only assumed that a mistake had been made either because Professor Gates is a personal friend of yours, or that because he is black and the arresting officer is white. Either way, you were way out of line with that statement. If you made the comment because the professor is a personal friend of yours, that means you used the office of the President of the United States for personal reasons, those reasons being to lend Presidential support to a personal friend; if you made it because of the differences in race, then you are accusing the officer of being a racist and have unintentionally proven to the white population of America that we don’t have a “President,” we have a black President.
I ask you one simple question, Mr. Obama: had Professor Gates not been a personal friend of yours or had he not been black, would you have made any statement at all?
The comment you made was an insult to the police department involved, and you owe them an apology. Not a statement made by you in which you say you wish you could “recalibrate” your words; that’s political double-speak right up there with “mis-speaking” when getting caught in a lie such as what happened last year with your now-Secretary of State. No, Mr. Obama, you owe that police department as a whole an APOLOGY, a simple statement which says, “I made a mistake, and I’M SORRY.”
My father always told me that it took a big man to admit that he’s made a mistake; how big a man are you?
Between your cuts in the VA program, the bailout of the US automakers, the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, your bowing to the King of Saudi Arabia, your apology to Iran, your health care proposal which will be paid for by more new taxes (which you vowed during your campaign that you would not do), and now this, you have convinced me beyond any reasonable doubt that you are not worthy of the office of President of the United States or of my respect and support. You have also convinced me that you are not a President who is representing all citizens of the United States regardless of social placement or race, and that it is in my best interest and the best interest of the United States that I do my part for the campaign of your opponent in 2012 to ensure that you are not re-elected.
With Regards,
etc etc etc.....
The last time I wrote the White House, I got a form letter reply from one of his flunkie aides which in no way mentioned the text of my letter; I expect no better this time.
I'll keep you posted.
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