So have you heard about the provisions of Obama's latest amnesty bill that he's trying to push through Congress? Even Lou Dobbs of is crying "FOUL!" on this one! I suggest that after reading this, you do two things: research it for yourself and come to your own conclusion, and then start voicing your outrage to every elected politician - including The Great Pretender - that you can think of.
This whole thing makes me think differently of NObama....I now think that he's one of the most cunning, sneaky, diabolical, plotting, and EVIL men to ever sit in the White House. And it is my most sincere hope that he does something bad enough, stupid enough, and blatant enough that even the blacks who elected him will start calling for his impeachment.
Stand by America....are you ready to be incensed? Here goes!
1) Illegal aliens will be given legal status just one day after they application has filed even if the background check wasn't completed. (I'm sure all of the criminals from other countries who are fleeing to the US to escape prosecution will just love this!)
2) US Tax payers will be paying for all the lawyers and lawyer fees for all the immigration attorneys. (Remember, America, "There's no such thing as a free lunch!" Unless you're an immigrant, that is....)
3) All US "temporary" visas are now permanent and can be renewed indefinitely.
4) Amnesty for all illegal gang members, of which we already have 30,000 illegally here in the US.
5) To persuade Mexicans to not come into America illegally American tax payer money will be going directly to the Mexican government to provide incentives like better education and health care for Mexican citizens who stay in their own country. (Like the Mexican government is really gonna spend that money on better education and health care....not to mention that the idea of MY tax dollars being GIVEN AWAY to another country, especially MEXICO, just pisses me off!)
6) Illegal aliens will not have to pay any back taxes. ("Illegal"....hello???)
7) In a prosperity partnership the "North American Union" which would in effect erase borders between the US, Mexico and Canada would be fast tracked for SPP and made a priority.
8) No border security addressed other then cutting of the already paid for and approved border fence from 800 mile to 200 miles.
9) Instate tuition for all illegal aliens, A benefit with of course is denied to all Americans. (So you're better off being an illegal alien in America than someone who was born here......)
10) All current illegal aliens will be able to cut the line and get immediate legal status before any and all other aliens attempting to come to our country legally.
11) Immediate amnesty for all absconders, meaning any illegal who was caught and ordered to be deported.
12) The shutdown of all immigration courts. Judges must close any illegal Amnesty proceeding and allow all illegal alien to apply for amnesty.
13) Learning English not required till the ninth (9) year of a illegal aliens amnesty period.
14) Illegal aliens will be eligible for the "earned income tax credit"
For all of the people out there who voted for this man, I ask you one thing:
I tried to research this but all I came up with was this link from Fox News: and this link on the 2007 vote on the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act: Where did you get the info so I can look it up, brutha? Because if this is true, he will be in for not just impeachment but I would think lynching.
Here ya go, my brutha....
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