Thursday, October 23, 2014

Random Thoughts on a Thursday Afternoon

I had a few hours to myself this afternoon so I figured this would be a good time to update my blog. But when I sat down at the computer and tried to figure out what I was going to write about, I found that I had so many things going through my mind that it was going to be impossible to narrow it down to just one thing. Besides, it's been a while since I did a "Random Thoughts" post, so it's about time.

So, having said that, off we go!

If anyone in their right mind - which leaves out the POTUS and the entire Democratic party - thinks that there isn't a very real threat on this continent of another terrorist attack, then I suggest you go ask any Canadian about that. While you're at it, ask the family of Corporal Nathan Carillo what they think, but be prepared for a very emotional and not-so-politically-correct answer. And if you don't know who Corporal Carillo is, shame on you.

ISIS is a threat, like it or not. As much as the President wants to try and avoid using the word "terrorist" and admitting that ISIS is a real threat to the security of our nation, the fact is that what happened in Canada can also happen here. I also happen to think that it's not so much a matter of "if" it happens here, but "when." The terrorist who shot up the Canadian Parliament yesterday was a Canadian citizen, a "home grown" terrorist who recently converted to Islam. There are also unconfirmed reports that the Border Patrol has apprehended quite a few Americans who allied themselves with ISIS while trying to cross over the border from Mexico back into our country. Three guesses what they were doing outside of the country, and you only have to use one guess to figure out why they were trying to sneak back in. The fact of the matter is that we are wide open for a terrorist attack from one of these "home grown" terrorist simply because we don't know who they are - that, plus our President sat on his hands and did nothing while ISIS became an organized and deadly terrorist unit, a far cry from the "JV league" organization that The Great Pretender said they were. Once again, the incompetence of this man is brought out into the light for the world to see, and everyone sees it except the lemmings who voted for him and still support him.

And there's a very vital lesson that every Democrat, liberal, and gun-grabber in our nation can learn from the events in Canada. That lesson is this, and it's very simple: THE ONLY THING THAT WILL STOP A BAD GUY WITH A GUN IS A GOOD GUY WITH A GUN. The terrorist that shot up Parliament had already killed a soldier guarding the Canadian War Memorial first and was on his way to the Parliament chambers to shoot up everyone there - which also happened to include the Canadian Prime Minister. I'm guessing that the terrorist shot the guard at the memorial because he didn't know the rifle the guard was carrying wasn't loaded, and he thought the soldier would shoot him first. (Bet the Canadians start giving the guards ammunition now, huh?) But he had a surprise waiting for him when he got into the Parliament building - namely, the Sergeant At Arms who was armed. The bad guy counted on having a room full of unarmed victims waiting for him, and instead he found one - just one - determined good guy with a gun who promptly put a halt to the terrorist's activities and his life. Too bad for the terrorist, and hooray for the Sergeant At Arms.

For the life of me I can't understand why any rational human being with more than an ounce of common sense would think that disarming anyone would make them safer. The sheer stupidity of that lone belief just astounds me. The only thing that even comes close is the belief that gun control laws and "gun free zones" work. They don't, and the facts prove it. With one exception, ALL of the last 15 mass shootings that have taken place in this nation have taken place in a "gun-free zone." 99% of the shootings that take place in America involve a gun that was obtained by illegal means, either having been stolen or bought on the black market after having been stolen. And yet, the liberals and gun-grabbers continue to spew their misinformed and just plain incorrect ideology that "gun control saves lives." Stupidity at its finest.

And speaking of hypocrites - yeah, I know, I wasn't but it's a good segway - how about Missouri State Senator Jamilah Nasheed, a Democrat who has sponsored several anti-gun bills in the State Senate, getting arrested at a protest in Ferguson, Missouri? While she was arrested for a minor charge, the kicker is what she was found to be carrying when arrested. Seems that the Democrat senator, who is an avowed gun-grabber, was carrying a concealed weapon and a couple of extra magazines of ammo when she was arrested. And surprise of all surprises, she has a concealed weapons permit! I don't know about you, but to me this sends a very clear message which is that the good Senator thinks it's OK for HER to have a concealed weapon permit and carry a pistol, but she doesn't think it's OK for US to be able to do the same. Can you say, "HYPOCRITE?" Kinda makes one wonder just how many of these so-called "liberal" gun-grabbing Senators and Congressmen have concealed weapons permits and carry guns, all the while sponsoring bills to take that right away from you and me. Hmmmmmm....

I'm very glad to say that my prediction of Ebola becoming a full-blown epidemic has't come true, although I am afraid that since it's been pushed out of the headlines that people will stick their heads in the sand again and think that there's no threat. There is, people, and you can't ignore it. I also kinda wonder what would make the President pick someone with ZERO medical training and experience to be the head of the government's efforts to fight the Ebola outbreak. But then again, the lack of common sense and experience on the part of this President is well-known, so why am I surprised?

And that's about it for this time, friends and neighbors. Gonna meet with the Four Musketeers tonight at the local Quaker Steak and Lube, and I'm really looking forward to it!


Friday, October 17, 2014

When Life Imitates Art

In 1995 a movie was released that starred Rene Russo, Kevin Spacey, Morgan Freeman, Donald Sutherland, Dustin Hoffman, and Cuba Gooding Jr. Now, I don't know about anyone else, but after seeing the movie I was absolutely scared to death that something like that could ever happen in our nation, and I prayed to God that it didn't. The movie was accurate (to a point, as much as most movies are), thrilling, and scary as crap. The movie was called "Outbreak," and it was about an outbreak of catastrophic proportions of a virus from South Africa.

The virus was Ebola.

Flash-forward to 2014, and we are on the brink of having life imitate art. We now have an outbreak of Ebola taking place in our nation, and so far it's been relatively minor - thank God. This one got started not by an infected monkey being brought into the country, but by a man who lied to the Customs folks when he entered our country about not having been to Liberia. Liberia, in case you aren't keeping up on current events, is where a full-blown pandemic of Ebola is taking place and is killing people by the thousands.

Yes, that's right, thousands. And now, thanks to the dishonesty of this one lone asshole, we are sitting on the brink of an epidemic of our own.

Well, to be fair, the lone asshole isn't the only one to blame. He shares a lion's part of the blame by bringing that crap into the country, but the other half of the blame lies squarely in the lap of the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama.

Now, I don't know about you, but if I was sitting in the Oval Office and had just been informed by the head of the CDC that Ebola had been confirmed in our nation, I'd push every single mother-loving thing off of my calendar for the next whenever and would concentrate 100% of my attention and efforts to controlling the virus, preventing an outbreak, and getting rid of the damned thing. The crisis in the Middle East could wait - let the Arabs kill each other off, they've been doing it since before the beginning of recorded history anyway, so nothing I could ever do would stop it. No, I'd cancel all plans - including vacations and fund raisers - and would concentrate on what was happening in Texas, why it happened, crucifying those who let it happen, and making sure it didn't happen again. I'd clamp a lid down on that town so fast it'd make your head spin. Nothing would get in or out no matter what, and if you'd been exposed to the virus in any way, shape or form I'd lock your ass away for observation and let the lawyers figure out later on if I'd violated the Constitution or not. But the damned bug would NOT get out of Texas, period.

But it did. It did for several reasons, the first being the failure of the people in the hospital to follow established protocol when treating an exposed person. The second is because those people were then allowed to travel, and one of them did - by airplane.

Now, anyone who's ever had any type of training in biological/chemical warfare will tell you that aerial delivery is the most effective way to spread a contagion over a large area. Anyone who's ever had any type of medical training will tell you that if you want to spread a contagious bug through the population, all you have to do is get the carrier and a group of people in a small, enclosed environment where they're guaranteed to get exposed, and the bug will do the rest.

A small, enclosed environment - like an airplane. Like the airplane that a nurse who treated the now-deceased Ebola-carrying asshole got into the day after she treated him. The same nurse who is now positive for Ebola and who has infected God knows how many people on the airplane. If I had been on that plane I'd be at the hospital so fast my feet wouldn't even touch the ground.

So when all of this came to light the NObama administration had the opportunity to place all of the people who were involved with the treatment of the now-deceased Ebola asshole on a "no-fly" list, meaning that they couldn't get on an airplane and infect other people. This was after the nurse tested positive, by the way, not before. But did the Buffoon In Chief do this? No, of course not. He and his administration refused to take any measures at all to ensure the virus didn't spread by those who he knew had been exposed to it. God knows why not; I'm sure he and his Kool-Aid drinking lemmings will come up with what they think is a sound, logical reason for not doing it, but I'll say right now that anything they could possibly say is bullshit. As a result, we now have a medical staff member who got on a plane and then got on a cruise ship, and is now in self-imposed quarantine on the cruise ship just to be on the safe side.

So far, she's been the smartest person involved in this whole thing. But the thing is, IF she's a carrier - and that hasn't been confirmed yet since the ship is still at sea - just how many people did she infect? And what will the government - meaning NObama - do with the ship once it docks? My guess is they'll do the same thing they did before, which is nothing. They'll let the hundreds of possible virus carriers leave the ship and go off to infect the rest of the country. And when that happens, friends and neighbors, we'll be in the midst of a shit-storm of trouble because in case you haven't been paying attention, we as a nation do not have the resources available to handle the type of epidemic that we could very possibly be facing.

Life is about to imitate art, and we have NObama to thank for it.

No, he's not responsible for bringing the virus into the country, as much as a friend of mine and hundreds or maybe thousands of people would like to believe, but he is directly responsible for failing to take the necessary and common-sense precautions needed to prevent an outbreak. He sat on his hands and did nothing, just like he did when ISIS broke out in the Middle East, and as a result our nation faces a threat of biblical proportions.

Think I'm exaggerating? Think about this: Ebola has an AVERAGE mortality rate of 50%, depending entirely upon the medical capabilities of the area in which the outbreak takes place. In the previous outbreaks that have taken place in Africa, the mortality rate was as low as 25% but as high as 90%, with the AVERAGE mortality rate settling at 88%. Given the medical capabilities of our nation, I'd say that we're realistically looking at the 50% mortality rate, but I bet that's gonna be little comfort if any to anyone who comes up positive for the virus and knows that they have a fifty-fifty chance of dying. Oh, and did I mention that there's no cure for the virus? There have been survivors of the virus, but medical science can't explain why.

Another way to look at it is this: if 200 people get exposed to the virus, half of them will die.


And all of this could have been prevented if the Federal government had exercised some of the authority that the liberals and Democrats have worked so hard to give it and clamped a "no-fly, no-drive, no-walk, no-go-any-damned-where" restriction down on the people in that hospital who treated now-deceased Ebola asshole. But the feds didn't, and now we're looking at the very real and very scary possibility of a wide-spread Ebola outbreak in our own nation.

Life is about to imitate art, but I truly hope not. If you believe as I do in the existence of an almighty supreme being and the power of prayer, now's the time to put both to use.

Our government sure isn't doing anything to save us, that's for sure.