Thursday, December 16, 2010

What Would Have Happened if Ginger Had A Gun?

If you've been paying even the slightest amount of attention to the news over the past three days I'm sure you've seen the story about the nutjob who went into a meeting of a school board in Florida, pulled out a can of red spray paint, painted a big "V" with a circle around it on the wall, and then pulled out a gun. After some useless dialogue with the chairman of the school board who was trying to persuade the man not to shoot anyone, the nutjob - who had stated right up front that he wanted to die that night after he shot everybody there - then did just what he said he was going to do, shooting at first the chairman and then a couple other members of the board. An armed security guard rushed in and exchanged shots with the nutjob and hit him at least once, but not before the nutjob had taken potshots at three of the board members. The nutjob then killed himself before the cops got there and did it for him.

The good news out of all this is that the only person who died that night, or who was even wounded, was the nutjob. He didn't hit anybody he was shooting at, except himself when he put the gun to his own head and blew his brains out. One out of four ain't bad, I guess, as long as it's the bad guy who's the "one."

When the story broke all of the news agencies carried the same footage from the security cameras in the meeting room, and all of them stopped the video of the footage after the nutjob takes his first two shots - the first at the chairman and the second into the floor when his finger slipped on the trigger before he could bring the gun back up after lowering it following the first shot. You heard the audio of people screaming and a hell of a lot of shooting, but you didn't see anything until the cops came in. Scary stuff to be sure.

But not as scary as it really see, with a little searching I found another source for another video of the event, this one taken by a live cameraman who was filming the meeting. This video shows something that you didn't see on the "mainstream" news networks, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out why.

What this video showed was a woman who was later identified as "Ginger" coming into the room from a darkened hallway, directly behind the nutjob, clutching a rather larger purse in her hands. The look on her face tells you what she's about to do, and the catlike manner in which she is sneaking up on the nutjob verifies it.

And the nutjob has no idea that she's there!

Ginger then lifts the purse over her head and smacks the nutjob right on the top of the head with it; unfortunately, either the blow was very weak or the purse was very light, because all it did was draw the nutjob's attention to her and make him point his pistol at her. Luckily for Ginger all the nutjob did was tell her to drop the purse and "go over there" instead of shooting her. The Big Biker was with Ginger that day, lemme tell ya. Shortly after that the shooting started, and we all know how it ended up.

At this point you have to ask yourself one simple question: What would have happened if Ginger had a gun?

Answer: Instead of giving him a slight headache and annoying him, she'd have been able to blow his friggin' brains out and end the drama right then and there before he had a chance to fire a shot.

So why won't the "mainstream" news media show this video? Simple - it shows how one person who, if armed, could have prevented a tragedy BEFORE it took place, thereby demonstrating both the need for and the good that can come out of the average citizen being armed.

No, they'd much rather air a video showing how one nutjob armed with a pistol can terrify six helpless, defenseless (and unarmed) people before opening fire on them, demonstrating to the American people and the people of the world that "guns are bad, and we must eliminate them."

I'm sure the assholes at the Useless Nations are dancing a jig right now.

As for Ginger, while I admire her courage at doing something instead of lining up to become just another victim, I also have to say that while what she did was incredibly brave it was also incredibly stupid. But you get an "A" for effort, Ginger.

For the most part, people walk around with their heads in the clouds, intentionally oblivious to the bad people and the evil in the world. They keep their heads up there until someone like this now-dead nutjob pops up and reminds them that yes, Virginia, there is evil in the world, and in case you need help in remembering that let me shoot you a few times to drive the point home. And each time something like this happens the liberals and the liberal news media all jump up and down, wringing their hands and bemoaning how dangerous and deadly guns are, and how the only way to stop things like this from happening is to ban them entirely.

And as crime statistics have been showing ever since the "Brady Law" was allowed to expire, they couldn't be more wrong.

So let me throw another question at ya, and while I personally hate "what if" questions, I'm forced to use one here. So here's the question:

What if the people on the school board - ALL of them - had been armed?

What do you think the chances would be that this nutjob would have seriously even considered doing what he did if he knew that everyone he was going to encounter at that meeting was armed and could blow his brains out as soon as he showed a gun? Would he have done it?

Maybe, maybe not. On one hand, he WAS a nutjob with a self-proclaimed death wish, so he very well may have gone in there anyway. On the other hand, by everyone being armed he would have been deprived of the opportunity to make a statement and terrify, terrorize, and then attempt to murder the people in the meeting room. And isn't that what ALL nutjobs like him want, to terrorize people and make a statement before they die? The one thing you CAN say is that if the people there were armed, the terrorizing would have been very short-lived, lasting for mere seconds instead of nearly ten minutes. It would have lasted only as long as it took for one or more of the board members to clear leather and shoot the son of a bitch where he stood.

Once upon a time in this nation nearly every male citizen and a heck of a lot of women carried a firearm. They carried it for protection, mainly, from the evils of the new world around them. Sure, there were those in that time too who used their firearms as instruments of evil, but back then people knew that if you wanted to stop a man from killing again and again you put him on the business end of a noose instead of trying to ban the very thing that the good people in the world were using to protect themselves.

Somewhere along the way we got "civilized," and people who supposedly knew what was best for us told us that we could stop carrying firearms, that all of the bad people and evil in the world were gone, and it was safe now.

Bullshit. Me and the other sheepdogs out there know this to be a lie, and we'll continue carrying our weapons and being alert for the wolves of the world. We know that evil still exists, and it preys on the weak, the helpless, and the defenseless.

I just wish the rest of the nation would wake up and realize this, too.


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