So here I am, sitting in my living room, typing out my blog entry on my wife's Netbook while waiting for our new computer from Dell to arrive. And yes, I'm still wishing the assholes at ThinkPoint in hell, thank you very much.
The news tells me this morning that NObama has "reluctantly" agreed to extending the Bush era tax cuts to all Americans in exchange for another 13 months of unemployment benefits. I have several thoughts on this: first, raising taxes at a time when our economy is just starting to recover from the worst recession in its history would be an extremely BAD idea. Second, extending the free ride to those lowlife, scum-sucking, good-for-nothing slugs who would rather suckle from the government tit via unemployment than go get a freakin' job is also a bad idea. While the extension of benefits for those who are actively trying to get a job but have been unsuccessful is good, allowing the bottom-feeders to go along for the ride is not. Third and most importantly, this announcement by NObama has further alienated him from his own party which will almost surely kill ANY chance he may have had of running for a second term, and it's showing the people who voted for him that he's not the "champion of hope and change" that they thought he was; he's just another politician who made promises he knew he couldn't keep in order to get elected.
Like I've said before, "How's that 'hopey-changey' thing workin' out for ya?"
And speaking of useless politicians, Chuck Rangel needs to be run out of Washington on a rail. He honestly expects us to buy the bullshit line that he simply "made a mistake" and didn't understand what he was doing was WRONG? Sure, but for 17 YEARS? Some of us aren't as stupid as Chuck thinks we are - but unfortunately, those who support him simply because of his race will turn a blind eye to this and continue to support him. ('Scuse me, isn't that called RACISM?)
This year's budget includes a whopping 1.4 percent pay raise for the military, the lowest pay raise since the 1960's. The "analysts" say that military pay has finally caught up to civilian pay levels, so the low pay raise is appropriate. They also fall back on the tired old tactic of saying that the military gets things that civilians don't, like free health care, free housing, and financial assistance if you choose to live off base.
Damned right they do, as well they should. What the analysts (who have never served a day in uniform in their lives, by the way) refuse to acknowledge is the big difference between military life and civilian life, that difference being in the civilian world your employer can't tell you to get on a plane, fly across the world to a land you've never heard of, fight people you've never met, and risk getting killed along the way. And they can tell you to do this as many times as they like, and there's not a damned thing you can do about it. Personally, I think military pay should be so good that people would line up to get in the military just for the pay alone.
But then again, those of us who have served know that it's not about the pay - it never was, and it never will be. It's about service, patriotism, and pride, plain and simple. If you've been in the military you understand what I'm talking about; if you haven't served then you'll never fully understand, and I can't help you with that.
The Sarah Palin public affairs campaign continues, in case you haven't noticed. Right after she resigned as Governor of Alaska my mom and I were talking about it, and I told her that I thought Palin had made a wise move. I then told my mom what I thought Palin was going to do next, and here's what I said: I said Palin was going to lie low for a while, 6 months or maybe a bit longer, and then she was slowly going to get her face back in the news by supporting key things that would boost her popularity and making appearances that would cast her only in a positive light. That way she would slowly build her support base so that when 2012 rolls around she'd be a strong contender for the Republican nomination for President.
And in case you haven't been paying attention, that's exactly what she's doing. The Liberals, for the most part, haven't been giving it much thought, but I have a feeling that's gonna bite them in the ass come November 2012. Unless Palin does something really stupid between now and then or unless the Republicans field a better candidate - like Fred Thompson - I'll sure as hell vote for her.
As for the folks at ThinkPoint, I hope all of you rot in Hell. After your dicks fall off, that is.
And lastly, it's a chilly 34 degrees outside right now, and this is South Carolina. What's up with that?
1 comment:
Just recalled something that fits alongside your remarks on the bottom feeders on unemployment/welfare forever. After Katrina, I recall hearing on WWL radio an interview with people in shelters and collecting unemployment even as places like Burger Death and Taco Greaso were advertising bonuses and 10-15 bucks an hour to work the counters in thioeer places and couldn't attract nary a soul. This one guy said he wanted to get back to work as soon as possible, and within minutes, someone called the station and said he would offer the gentleman a job immediately if he would just call. Well, seems this guy turned down the job because it was at a salary that would mean if he went back on unemployment, he'd collect less. ?????WTFWTFWTFWTF???? I was told something I was totally unaware of right after that. Seems you get a check based on what you used to make. I always thought unemployment money was to give you a few bucks for busfare while you beat the pavement to find another job. Now it is no different than welfare, and apparently, we can't get people off of it either.
As for Sarah, I recently heard a bunch of tree huggers bitching that she took about 6 shots to kill some poor innocent caribou in her TV documentary about her Alaska. I think I pissed some of them off saying I'd have been embarrassed if I had missed on the first shot with the rig she had.
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