I’ve been irritated more over events on the evening news in the past 15 months than I can ever remember, but I can’t remember when anything I’ve heard about or read about has irritated, infuriated, and disgusted me more than the news story out of California I read yesterday. Coming out of California I shouldn’t be surprised, but even this one took me by surprise.
An assistant high school principal approached five white students who were wearing bandanas and t-shirts with the American flag on them and asked them to remove the bandanas and turn the shirts inside-out so the flag wasn’t visible. Seems that it was May 5th, also known as Cinco de Mayo (a holiday in Mexico), and the assistant principle didn’t want to “irritate” the Hispanic students in the school. So he gave the white American students a choice: remove the garments to keep from “irritating” the Hispanic immigrant students, or get sent home. Some of the students complied, but most of them refused and chose to go home.
And the assistant principle’s name? Rodriguez, of course.
Now I’ve heard some stupid things done and said in the name of “political correctness” before, NONE of which I’ve agreed with because I absolutely DESPISE being “politically correct,” but THIS one absolutely takes the cake! The day when an AMERICAN student in an AMERICAN high school gets told to take off a shirt which displays the AMERICAN flag so it won’t piss off the HISPANIC students is the day when being “politically correct” has reached new levels of lunacy, irrationality, and stupidity!
And of course, anyone who is talking bad about the assistant principle or what happened is automatically being label a “racist,” which of course is total bullshit. But then again, in THIS day and age in America, any white man who dares say anything bad about any minority – even if the minority deserves the criticism, as in this case – is automatically labeled a “racist.” This is an issue I’ll be addressing in a post next week, so I’ll leave that topic alone – for now.
One cannot help but wonder what would have happened if the school administrator had been white and had approached five Hispanic students who were wearing t-shirts with Mexican flags on them and gave them the same ultimatum, only this time it was so the American students wouldn’t get pissed off.
Well, I’ll tell you what would have happened – it would still be front-page news, the ACLU, the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center), Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and CNN would all be clamoring for the spotlight, all demanding the head of the “racist” administrator on a platter for his “racist” actions.
Tell me I’m wrong, I dare ya.
But since this incident involved WHITE students and not MINORITIES, the story has already dropped off the front page and is quickly fading away. FOX News is still covering it, and according to them the assistant principle is being investigated – as well he should be. And after he’s been investigated, his ass needs to be FIRED!
What this man did is reprehensible, disgusting, infuriating, and insulting. I don’t give a damn about the feelings of ANY immigrant group when it comes to an AMERICAN citizen displaying the flag of his nation, that flag being the AMERICAN flag. Every single American citizen, be he/she a natural-born American or a legal immigrant who has obtained citizenship, has the right to fly or display the American flag any damned time he/she chooses, and if there’s another immigrant out there who doesn’t like that, then my suggestion is simple.
GO THE FUCK HOME! Nobody asked you to come here, and nobody is gonna ask you to stay, that’s for damned sure!
I’m just wondering why our President is keeping silent on this. After all, he IS the President of the United States (as much as I hate to admit it), and if he can weigh in on a law passed in Arizona designed to protect the citizens of that state and a law that he doesn’t like, then he can damn sure say something about this.
But then again, maybe it’s a good thing he’s keeping his mouth shut. After all, he’s proven himself to be a minority President and not just a President, so maybe his not voicing an opinion is a good thing.
In any event, I think as soon as I finish posting this on my blog I’m gonna sit down and write me a couple of letters, all of which I’ll post here for your enjoyement.
The first one is gonna be to the school district in California where Assistant Principal Rodriguez works.
And it ain’t gonna be pretty.
1 comment:
I was equally shocked and infuriaated over this little incident. I am more upset with the fact that so many people think that nothing was wrong with what the idiot administrator did. Supposedly, he was taking pre-emptive action to prevent any problems that might arise between the ethnic groups. Can anyone spell BULLSHIT?
Ray, I totally agree that denying the privilege of displaying our flag in our schools by students is totally wrong. The argument that it was an attempt on their part to provoke a reaction of the Hispanics might be true, but as you said, they have chosen to be in this country, they damned well need to deal with the fact that this is NOT Mexico, and to be sure, their action was provocative to the "non-ethnic" US students, and that seems to be OK.
What further pisses me off is the fact that the Hispanics were allowed and encouraged to display their Mexican Flag clothing and decoration while at the same time the authorities denied US Citizens the same privilege in their own country.
Don't expect the politically correct cretins in government to do anything. They are pandering for that ever increasing Hispanic vote.
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