I was browsing through one of the other blogs I read from time to time when I came across an interesting link that the author had posted along with his entry. The link was to a video that had aired a few days ago on one of those political debate programs like “Face the Nation” or something like that. What caught my attention was something that had been noted as having been said by Bill Maher, and after watching the video I got to thinking about what he had said. I mean, the comment itself was small and didn’t get much attention paid to it, but the more and more I got to thinking about it, the more I started asking myself why it didn’t get more attention than it did. It didn’t take me long to figure out why, but still, it’s been rambling around in my head for the past few days, and by now you should all know what happens when I get things rambling around inside my noggin for a few days. They end up here, so here it is.
Basically, what Bill Maher said was this: What if the Tea Party was black?
What if, instead of a bunch of white people demonstrating peacefully and demanding their rights and equal treatment, decrying violence directed towards them and political candidates, it was a bunch of black people instead? Would everyone be in such an uproar about it? Would the Democrats be decrying the Tea Party as a bunch of looney tunes or delinquents, and would the press be vilifying them the way they are? Would they automatically be labeled as “racists” who were out to do nothing but destroy the nation?
You and I both know the answer to that. The answer is a big, fat, NO.
The logical comparison here is to compare the Tea Party movement to the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. Both movements share the same basic core qualities: a concern about their individual and collective rights, a concern over the way they were being treated by the Federal government, a peaceful agenda to implement needed changes, and peaceful demonstrations to make themselves heard. Yet the big difference is the way people are perceiving them and the way they’re being made out in the media, and the reason for that can be summed up in one word: RACE.
The black population in America stood up in the 1960s and brought world attention to their plight and the way they were being mistreated in their own country, and due to the media coverage the world sat up and took notice. The Federal government took notice too, and over the course of time the necessary actions were taken and the necessary (at the time) legislation was passed to put an end to the unequal treatment of blacks in America.
Fast forward to 2009 and the emergence of the Tea Party. Once again, you have a group of citizens who are standing up and, through the use of peaceful demonstrations, are making people take notice of their plight, only this time it’s different. Because of the way the Tea Party is being portrayed in the media and because of the “political correct” attitude that permeates America these days which states that only a white man can be a racist, the Tea Party members are being labeled as lunatics, domestic terrorists, and racists.
All because they’re mostly white and are standing up for their rights.
Note I said “mostly white.” True, friends and neighbors, there are black members of the Tea Party, just as there were white members of the Freedom Marchers and the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. But of course, there are people in our society that will choose to ignore that little factoid just as they will choose to ignore the fact that NObama is half-white. And the fact that the majority of America believes that only a white man can be a racist is nothing but total bullshit. That attitude is a leftover from the media brainwashing and social “attitude cleansing” that has taken place as a sour, nasty by-product of the efforts of the Federal government to end racial discrimination. The plain truth is that anyone regardless of color can be a racist, no matter what Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the NAACP, the ACLU, and the New York Times says. All you have to do is look up the definition of the word to see just how full of crap these people are.
So back to the original question: What if the Tea Party was black?
Well, here’s my answer: it shouldn’t make one damned bit of difference.
And it thoroughly disgusts me that it does.
During the 60's, I remember vividly the controversy over race, the Freedom Riders, the marches, and all of the stuff that led to the Civil Rights laws that were enacted. It was easy for the press to get behind obvious social injustices that were happening and for the country in general to support the concepts of racial equality and social justice that evolved from it. Politicians know how to capitialize on a wave of change such as that, and political correctness and the press have since fostered a collective guilt complex on white America that still mystifies me. Hell, My Dad made Archie Bunker look liberal, but Dad ain't me, and I know I am not the lone ranger here in that regard. What I am seeing now is that in order to protect their little club in Washington (ever see a Rep or Senator come home poor?) they have managed to push that guilt and label anything that threatens their basic hold on power. The Tea Party movement is exactly that, a major threat to the incumbents, and they know that this threat is going to continure to grow. I daresay that many incumbents are going to get a chance to come home soon (November)no matter what party affiliation they claim. When it became obvious to the nation that Congress was going to do what they wanted even if it ws proven that the vast majority of the citizens opposed them, their days became numbered. Pray that the collective outrage of this country does not diminish even after the Noevember elections.
That's my only concern as well, that the collective outrage and the motivation fueled by it doesn't diminish after the November elections...but I kinda have a feeling that it won't. The outrage that will precipitate the November slaughter will be replaced by the confidence that will be gained by ousting those that have voted for what they wanted instead of what the people want. I think the momentum will build, and what you'll see is legions of the surviving Demoncrats changing their tunes all across the land to save their asses and their seats in Congress, which will mean they'll have to abandon NObama and his socialist agenda. And come November of 2012 when the Presidential elections roll around, The Great Pretender will be out on his ass!
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