And those two phrases are “common sense” and “gun laws.”
Earlier this week I took part in a discussion following a post by my “brutha from anutha mutha,” Bulldog, in his blog “Motorcycles Have No Doors.” During the course of this discussion, one of the participants used the phrase “common sense” several times while discussing guns, gun laws, gun control, and the like. Of course, that got me to thinking about it, and anything that I find myself thinking about for more than 24 hours is invariably gonna end up here.
And so here it is.
I firmly believe that the phrases “common sense” and “gun laws” cannot be used in the same sentence, and here’s why. Common sense, with a few notable exceptions, varies from person to person, the reason being that most examples of "common sense" are nothing more than someone's OPINION. What may be “common sense” to one person may be total lunacy to another.
Allow me to demonstrate.
“Common sense” tells you that if you place your unguarded, unprotected hand over an open flame, you’re going to get burned. Common sense, right?
“Common sense” tells you that if you toss a lighted cigarette into an open container of gasoline, there’s gonna be an explosion. Common sense, right?
“Common sense” tells you that if you sneak up behind a bull and poke him in the ass with a sharp stick, you’re gonna get the crap gored out of you when the bull catches you. Common sense, right?
All of these examples of “common sense” share one trait, one thing, which secures them as bona-fide, irrefutable examples of “common sense.” That one thing is that the result of an individual’s actions in each of these examples absolutely will have a predictable result that will be the exact same no matter who is involved, because said result is a fact and not an opinion or a point of view.
Not so when you talk about gun laws and gun control.
The Brady Bunch and the morons in the Clinton Administration from the 1990’s used the phrase “common sense” when they shoved the Brady Bill through Congress. They said that “common sense” dictated that there was no need for a pistol to be outfitted with a magazine capable of holding more than ten rounds. “Common sense” said that any rifle with a bayonet lug was an “assault weapon” (more on that term later in another post), and that no citizen had any need to own such a weapon. “Common sense” said that any rifle or shotgun with a pistol grip was an “assault weapon,” and no citizen had any need to own such a weapon.
All of these examples lauded as being “common sense” were nothing more than opinions masquerading as “common sense.” The people behind this fraud have the ultimate goal of the total elimination of all weapons in private ownership in America, and they will do anything they can to accomplish this goal. This group of people have learned that the facts about the impact of private weapon ownership and the resulting decrease on violent crime do not support their goals, so they twist facts and use phrases like “common sense” to persuade the uneducated portion of the general public into believing their bullshit opinions.
Trust me, ANY legislation that is passed under the guise of “common sense” legislation is nothing but pure bullshit, a piece of useless feel-good legislation that actually does nothing to reduce crime or make the people safer but is actually someone else’s OPINION in disguise, and is being used as part of a long-running plan to eliminate our Second Amendment rights.
Want some facts for you? Okay, here’s some.
FACT: Violent crime has DECREASED since the Brady Bill was allowed to expire, because more law-abiding citizens are legally carrying weapons.
FACT: Violent crime has DECREASED in all states that have enacted a “must issue” law regarding concealed weapon permits for the same reason. Criminals don't wanna get shot any more than you do.
FACT: The states and cities in our nation that have stringent gun control laws and that do not allow or severely restrict issuance of concealed carry permits have the highest incidents of violent crime in the nation. Washington, DC, which until recently had the most stringent anti-gun legislation on the books, has the highest murder rate in the nation.
Looking at the facts stated above, “common sense” tells you that more guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens means less crime.
But that’s just my OPINION.
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