Why do I say this? Simple: Judge Sotomayor has been approved for appointment to the United States Supreme Court, and will be sworn in today.
Let me get something straight with whomever may be reading this right now: I have no problem with the fact that she’s a woman, nor do I have any problem with the fact that she’s Latino. Neither of those items interest me in the least. I do, however, have a problem with her legislative decisions in the past, specifically the one she made in regards to the racial discrimination suit filed by the firefighters that was in the news recently. I also have a problem with her past statements concerning gun control – she’s anti-gun, in case you didn’t know.
But the biggest problem I have with her stems from her “wise Latino woman” statement, and the way in which it was played down and then roundly ignored by the liberal press and all of the Democrats in Washington, including The Great Pretender.
Let’s face facts, people – had a WHITE MAN made a statement such as that, the blacks, Latinos, Mexicans, gays, one-eyed pirates and any other “minority” group out there would have lined up to publicly castrate the man, with the Democrats in Washington standing there handing out the dull, rusty knives. The NAACP would be howling at the top of their lungs, in chorus with the ACLU, both screaming about the rampant and obvious racism which was the obvious basis for such a racist statement.
Tell me I’m wrong. I dare ya.
But none of that happened. Every minority group out there played down and then totally ignored the racist comment that Sotomayor made, and only ONE senator in Congress said anything about it – and then the asshole turned around and voted for her! (Sadly, this congressman is Linsey Graham, who happens to be from my state, and whom I will NOT be voting for again in the next Congressional elections next year.) The questioning of this woman was sadly inefficient considering the racist statement she made and the past decisions she made, and when the final votes came around the Congress voted basically along party lines – and the first racist Latino woman was approved for appointment to the US Supreme Court.
I am thoroughly disgusted at the free ride that this woman was given by the members of Congress in general and the liberal press in particular. I am also thoroughly disgusted at the now-proven fact that our elected officials in Washington have given credence to the incorrect and unjust assumption that only a white man can be a racist. Look up the term “racist” in the dictionary, people, and tell me that the definition given there supports this. I dare ya.
This is a sad day for America. It damn sure isn't the “great leap forward” that The Great Pretender seems to think it will be.
Latino and mexicans? Mexican is a nationality not a race.
Yeah, let's ridicule IHC because of a simple faux pas. I bet if Sonya Sotomayor would ahve said that you wouldn't have even posted here, would you...moron.
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