This was a tag line from a very popular movie released in 1986, that movie being the remake of "The Fly" with Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis. These were the prophetic words spoken by Davis to another woman whom Goldblum was about to get involved with, and if you ever saw the movie you know she was right on target.
Well, I saw something today that made me think that America is afraid....very afraid. Actually, what I saw today was the third something that not only made me think it, but verified it in my mind. See, my wife and I went to the local sporting goods store today to look at some personal protection ammunition for my Springfield XD(M) in .40 cal, and what we saw there absolutely stunned me.
The handgun ammunition shelves were empty. Not just some of them in selected calibers, but ALL of them. I overheard one of the salesmen telling another customer that they were out of ".22, 9mm, .38, .40, .45, and .357 and didn't know when the next shipment was going to come in because the manufacturers were running behind schedule in production due to the increase in demand since the Presidential elections in November!
It would appear that America is very afraid of what our Fearful Leader has planned for our safety and our Constitutional rights.
I said that this was the third something I saw; well, here's the other two.
The first weekend after the elections in November, there was a gun show scheduled at the local Shrine Temple. My wife and I always attend this particular show because it's the best held in the area. The show started at 9, and when we drove up on the building at around 9:25 or so the entire parking lot was full, the cars were parked on the street for nearly a mile in either direction, and the line to get into the building extended all the way out to the street.
The wife and I, both of us shocked beyond words, just kept on driving and went to the Harley dealership just up the road instead to drool over the bikes. But that image has stayed with me, and it absolutely will stay with me until the day I die.
The third something I saw was a post on a motorcycle forum that gave a link to a report from the federal government saying that private weapons - spelled "handguns" - purchases had increased 1,000% since the November 4th elections.
Gee, I wonder why that is? Could it be that I'm not the only one who doesn't trust our new President, and has this gut feeling that once he gets comfortable and has a success or two under his belt that he's going to level his sights on the Second Amendment?
Not only is it not going to be a good time to be white in America, it also looks like it's not going to be a good time to be a gun owner either.
Time will tell.
In the mean time, I still need some ammo for my .40.........
Ammo is still obtainable where I live, but the cost of it has gone through the roof. Gun dealers are having one of their best sales years. I think the reason we still have ammo to be purchased locally is that everyone stocked up before the election in anticipation. And the guys who do reloads are busier than they have ever been. This is country where people leave their jobs during deer season, so you can bet if the administration gets stupid and comes after the guns, there will be one hell of a scream from the South...of course it won't be the first time that the government will have ignored what we have to say down here.
Well, if I were you I'd get ready to start screaming. It's only a matter of time before our Fearful Leader comes after our look at his voting record in Congress is all it takes to see both the truth and the future.
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