Or so says our Fearful Leader, President Obama.
Well, hell yeah, I guess it does, O Great Leader, since you're the one who did it in the first place!
So just what am I talking about? What, you haven't been keeping up on current events? Well, then, allow me to fill you in....
Remember about two weeks ago or so when the news hit that all of those AIG execs were going to get those multi-million dollar bonuses, and everyone was outraged that the company that had received federal bailout assistance was squandering the money in such a manner? Remember a few days later when The Great Pretender released a statement saying that he was "outraged" at this? Seems a logical response, right? After all, it's the same reaction that all of us had when we heard it, right?
So, didja read the news yesterday in which Senator Christopher Dodd, the Senate Banking Committee Chairman, said that he had put language in the bailout bill specifically to PROTECT those bonuses and ensure they were being given, and that he did so at the request of officials in the Obama administration?
And now, our Fearful Leader is standing up and doing his best Harry Truman impersonation by saying, "The Buck Stops With Me!"
Lemme see......first, he says he's "outraged" - HIS words, not mine - at the bonuses being given, and once the news comes out that HIS ADMINISTRATION took steps to protect those bonuses and ENSURE that they were given, he stands up and says "if you want to blame someone, blame me."
A nice smokescreen, Mr. President, but it didn't work. Maybe the legions of Obamabots out there will believe it, but the rest of us won't. The fact that YOU and YOUR administration were responsible for the bonuses being given WITH OUR TAX MONEY absolutely will NOT be overlooked.
A nice smokescreen, Mr. President, but it didn't work. Maybe the legions of Obamabots out there will believe it, but the rest of us won't. The fact that YOU and YOUR administration were responsible for the bonuses being given WITH OUR TAX MONEY absolutely will NOT be overlooked.
Nor will it be forgotten. Enjoy your four years in office, because it's going to be the only four years you're gonna get.
So can you say "HYPOCRITE?" Better yet, can you spell it? It's easy: O-B-A-M-A.
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