For those of you who may have missed it, here's a link to the story outlining the fact that it is now legal to carry concealed weapons in National Parks:
Personally, I think this is the best thing to happen since the Heller ruling! Another positive step towards protection our Constitutional rights, not to mention making it easier to protect something just as valuable - namely, your own life.
So here's a quote or two from the article that draws my attention for its obvious lunacy - obvious to everyone except the moron who spoke it, that is.
"Once again, political leaders in the Bush administration have ignored the preferences of the American public by succumbing to political pressure, in this case generated by the National Rifle Association," said Bill Wade, president of the Coalition of National Park Service Retirees."
Just which "American public" is this jerkoff referring to? I don't recall seeing anything anywhere about the "American public" being opposed to being able to defend itself in National Parks. The Park Rangers sure as hell can't protect you! Considering the sheer size of most National Parks and the number of park rangers per square mile, I'd say finding one in an emergency is gonna be a real chore! (Not the ranger's fault, by the way...they can only hire as many rangers as the Federal-mandated budget allows.)
"This regulation will put visitors, employees and precious resources of the National Park System at risk. We will do everything possible to overturn it and return to a commonsense approach to guns in national parks that has been working for decades," Wade said."
I'm confused....someone please explain to me exactly what "risk" is being run by allowing law-abiding, concealed weapons permit holders to carry their weapons in national parks? I always thought it was the bad guys - you know, the ones who IGNORE and BREAK the laws - who were the risk. Sounds to me like nothing more than typical Brady-bunch doublespeak.
For the life of me, I will never understand what the "anti-gun" crowd has to fear from law-abiding, honest citizens who want to carry a weapon concealed to protect their own life. Wake up, people! It's not US you need to be afraid of! It's the thugs, thieves, gangbangers, rapists and murderers you need to be afraid of!
Oh, I the "logic" here is if you make the item illegal, then no one will be able to use it to do bad things, right? Just like drugs are illegal, so no one uses them and America doesn't have a drug problem, right?
Yeah, THAT works real well!
Oh, I you want to limit law-abiding citizens from being able to purchase more than one gun a month in the "logic" that this will decrease the amount of illegal weapons on the streets. Guess you didn't read the FBI report on violent crime in which it stated that the vast majority of violent crimes that were committed with a firearm were committed with a STOLEN firearm.
Yeah, that works real well, too.
It's like this, people - right now there are more than TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND gun laws in effect nation-wide, and the statistics prove that THEY DON'T WORK. Here's a novel thought for ya - instead of passing more laws, why not just enforce the ones we already have? What a novel, brilliant idea!
Wanna know what DOES work to reduce violent crime? GIVE EVERYONE A CONCEALED WEAPONS PERMIT AND LET THEM ALL CARRY GUNS. In EVERY STATE where a "must issue" CCW law has been passed, violent crime has actually DROPPED. Gee, I wonder why that is? Maybe the con who was interviewed in a Florida prison about six years ago said it best when he said that violent crime was down because "everyone has a gun, and we don't wanna get shot either!"
Two phrases you just can't use together in the same sentence: "COMMON SENSE" and "GUN LAWS."
Ain't no such thing. And the sooner everyone realizes this, the better.
Right on the money as always my friend
I'm starting to think that the pansies who squeal and cry when law-abiding citizens have guns are just angry because they are proven wrong on a daily basis by people such as ourselves...people who legally own/carry/use firearms in a responsible way. They seem to want so badly to lump every gun owner into a 'violent sociopath' category so that it can 'simplify' things for them. Well, as you and I both know, there is no black-and-white to life, and every now and then you will see a person snap and use a gun for some ill purpose. It seems like the gun control advocates of the world just want to 'simplify' things in their own minds to rationalize their own insecurities. I for one am glad you are voicing what pretty much all responsible gun owners are feeling.
There might be something to the anger at being proven wrong theory...seen that happen at times myself, so there just might be something to it. I just can't figure out whay the anti-gunners can't see the logic that only law-abiding people will obey laws, and that we are not the ones you need to worry about. And what our newly-elected president has up his sleeve just scares the crap outta me, I'll tell you that right now. If you're not a member of the NRA, you need to join TODAY.
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