And the lying has been done by your President-elect, Barack Hussein Obama. (I say "YOUR" instead of "OUR" because I didn't vote for the man, and much like the Democrats did in the last two elections, I'm not claiming him as MY president. But I digress...)
Here's the lie told by The Great Pretender during his presidential campaign: "I am a supporter of the Second Amendment." Sounds good, right? I mean, it's pretty clear-cut at first, right?
Until you go to his web site, which listed four of his "top priorities" for gun control within days - DAYS - after his election. And for those of you who, like myself, would cut your own hand off before clicking on the link to his site, here's his plan.
1. Make the expired federal assault weapons ban permanent.
This is the Clinton gun ban that President Bush let expire when it ran out and failed to get the needed votes in Congress in order to be reinstated. When the ban failed to get renewed, the gun control crowd went nuts with the usual claims that crime would rise, there'd be blood in the streets, and it would be generally the end of civilization. Well, the FBI just released its report on crime statistics for 2007 and the report shows that crime is at its lowest level since the mid-1960's! The trend listed in the report shows very clearly that over the past few years gun ownership has skyrocketed, and crime has plummetted. There's a connection here, y'all....can you see it? Obama, by the way, voted FOR the gun ban when "Slick Willy" proposed it, and he voted FOR its renewal.
2. Repeal the Tiahrt Amendment.
Simply put, this amendment prohibits the release of BATFE firearms tracing information to anyone other than a law enforcement agency conducting an official criminal investigation. This means that a lawyer who wishes to file a frivolous lawsuit against a gun manufacturer can't get his slimy paws on the info about your guns. This is important to the Brady Bunch because one of their tactics is to drive the gun manufacturers out of business by suing them into oblivion. This amendment, by the way, was supported by the Fraternal Order of Police as well as the BATFE themselves. I guess Obama thinks he's smarter than the thousands of members of these two organizations.
3. Close the "gun show loophole."
Simply put, there is no loophole. Federal law requires a firearm dealer to conduct a background check on all persons who purchase firearms from them; a private citizen selling his own firearms from his personal collection has no such obligation. If you've ever been to a gun show and taken a good look around, you'll see that the majority of people there are licensed firearm dealers, and when you go to purchase a firearm from them, guess what they have you fill out? Correct! The federal background check form! And unless you have a CCW license, you will NOT get the gun until your background check clears. Which means you won't walk away with it that day. The rest of the folks there are private citizens, selling their own weapons out of their own collections. So you see, there IS no "loophole."
4. Make guns in this country childproof.
"Childproof" is nothing more than a made-up term for a list of schemes designed to ultimately prevent the sale of firearms by imposing either highly expensive or impossible design requirements, such as 'biometric shooter identification' or 'smart gun' technology. This technology, as of today's date, DOES NOT EXIST. But that won't stop The Great Pretender from using it to infringe upon your rights.
The NRA/ILA (that's National Rifle Associate Institute for legislative Action) sent out an e-mail alert on this information to all of its members, of which I am one, and just days later this item was mysteriously missing from the Obama web site. Gee, I wonder why that is? Could it possibly be that the transition team and the Great Pretender didn't want the truth to come out? I mean, why else would you post and then remove something when it came under scrutiny?
Sounds to me like they're hiding something.
Okay, so some of you are just going to dismiss what I've said as just another "bitter" American clinging to his guns and his Bible, and ya know what? You're right - I most certainly am bitter, and I definitely am an American, and I do read the Bible, so I guess I'm guilty as charged. But here's a suggestion for you: don't take what I've said here as fact. Check it out for yourself - do a web search for Obama's voting record in Congress, and see for yourself just what he's voted for and what he's voted against.
You know the old saying that "actions speak louder than words?" Well, get ready for a shock. Obama supports the Second Amendment like I support his being President.
Not one damned bit.
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