For the past several days the news has been full of stories about the shootings in Arizona that killed 6 people, including a 9 year old girl and a Federal judge, and critically wounded a female Senator from Arizona. And before the last shell casing had hit the ground, two things began to happen: the news media began flooding the airwaves and the web with inaccurate, poorly researched (if at all) stories, and the Demoncrats started blaming everyone EXCEPT the shooter for the tragedies, centering their attention on the Republicans, the Tea Party, and all Conservatives.
And now, as can be expected, the knee-jerk reactions have begun. A female Demoncratic senator has announced she plans to introduce a bill similar to the Clinton-era gun ban that expired in 2004, and all of the gun control nuts are clamoring once again about the evils of guns.
And as usual, they're all missing the point. Every last mother-loving one of them.
First, let's get the obvious out of the way, and this is directed to the news media. Pay attention, Geraldo, okay? Ready? Here it is: a "clip" and a "magazine" are two entirely different things. A "clip" is used to hold loose rounds together until they are loaded into a rifle, at which point the "clip" is usually discarded, and a "magazine" is used to contain the rounds and is actually loaded INTO the weapon, where it remains until it is empty and is removed by the shooter. Got it? Good. Now try and remember it, willya? (All that time in journalism school gone to waste...)
And now for the main point of this entry. If ever there was a case in point that proves without a shadow of a doubt that gun control laws don't work, THIS IS IT. The shooter had NO criminal history, so he passed a background check. The pistol he used was purchased LEGALLY and was not stolen; the ammunition was purchased LEGALLY, and the MAGAZINES he used (there's that word again, Geraldo - remember what I said?) were LEGAL and were purchased LEGALLY.
And yet, this nutjob still went out and killed people with a handgun, which proves two things: One, you can't legislate crazy, and two, GUN CONTROL LAWS DON'T WORK.
And just for giggles, let's talk about a part of the story that you haven't heard about on CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, or MSNBC. Some of you may know this and some of you may not, but Arizona has one of the most liberal concealed carry/weapons laws in the land. Open carry is legal, and it also has a "must issue" law for concealed weapons permits. In short, LOTS of people in Arizona carry guns. So, with all of those people walking around in Arizona with guns, you'd think one would have been there when the shooting went down, don't you?
There was. And what he did - or more specifically, what he didn't do, is just more proof that all of the crap that the anti-gun nuts are saying is just that - crap.
After the media descened on the town and people started interviewing witnesses for the evening news, none other than Geraldo Hererra interviewed a man who was there and who helped restraing the gunman for the arrival of police. During the interview the man told Geraldo that he was armed at the time, but did not draw his weapon. When Geraldo asked why not, the man said that the gunman was restrained, the danger had been removed, and that he saw "no reason to end this man's life." So he left his pistol in its holster and went to help hold the gunman down until the police arrived.
One of the things that the anti-gunners have been saying, mostly the asshats in the Brady Bunch, is that if you turn the public loose with firearms that they'll "shoot first and ask questions later." What they refuse to realize (and I use the word "refuse" intentionally) is that the people who choose to carry guns concealed are trained before the permit is issued, and have proven to the state that they have the maturity and ability to both use the weapon when they need to, and NOT used it when they don't. And this man's actions prove the point quite well.
But you won't see that on the evening news, I can guarantee you that. And why not?
Simple. Because all of the major news networks with the exception of Fox News, are on the side of the anti-gunner and will refuse to air ANYTHING that proves them wrong. So much for "truth in journalism."
As much as the Brady Bunch and other like them would like to see the Clinton-era gun ban reinstated or for one similar to it to get passed into law, I don't see that happening for two reasons: One, the Congress is now controlled by the Republicans, and two, NObama wouldn't take this one on because he's sucking ass in the popularity polls now, and this would only make things worse. After all, it's only two years to re-election, and he's got to start laying the groundwork for his campaign. Which is one of the reasons he was so quick to jump on the sympathy bandwagon after the shooting, but that's just my humble opinion.
In closing, one would expect that this shooting in Arizona would finally prove to the anti-gunners out there that NO, gun control doesn't work, and NO, it never will. After all, any sane, reasonable person can see that, right?
Oh, riiiiiiight...we're talking about politicians. Silly me.
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