Thursday, October 28, 2010

Monday Morning at the VA Hospital

This past Monday morning found me at the local VA hospital having a follow-up appointment for my acid reflux and having my ears checked. Two different ailments meant two different appointments, naturally, so I spent some time sitting in the waiting area outside of the White Team offices waiting for my second appointment. While I'm sitting there some fat, lazy, loudmouthed bastard (my reasons for describing him as such will become apparent soon enough) and his equally fat girlfriend come strolling up - or rather, she's waddling and he's rolling, because he's in a wheelchair. He's too lazy to push the wheelchair up over the little metal strip that divided the tile floor from the carpeted waiting area and his girlfriend is too fat to do it, so he parks his fat ass in the aisle while she plops down on the far end of the waiting area (about 10 feet away) next to the wall so she can plug her cell phone into the wall socket and recharge it.

He immediately starts bitching about how long it's going to take the doc to look at the x-rays for his foot, which is why he's in the wheelchair, and he's in a hurry for the doc to look at them so he can get out of the hospital and go home to play on his computer. His work expects him to come in when he's done, but he's not going to work - he's going home to screw around on his computer all day. Screw them, he didn't feel like working much today anyway.

And how do I know this? Why, he told this to his girlfriend sitting on the other side of the waiting area, so not only did I hear it but everyone within 20 yards heard it as well.

Just about that time someone he knew came walking by, and after exchanging greetings the newcomer sat down next to the loudmouth, whereupon the loudmouth starts complaining to his friend about how much time this is taking, and he doesn't know why it's taking that long because all the doc has to do is look at the x-rays and he's done, and how long can that possibly take? So his friend asks him what time his appointment was for, to which the loudmouth replies that he didn't have an appointment. He doesn't believe in making appointments, he just walks in because "they have to see me" because he's a vet, and that's the way it works. So his friend points out that the doc does have other patients - ones with appointments - to see so it may take some time, but the loudmouth doesn't care about that. All he wants is to be seen so he can go home.

For the next fifteen minutes I get regaled with this asshole's opinions on how the system is "fucked up" and how he totally ignores it, he just shows up for his health care and makes everyone work around HIS schedule, and about how he deserves it because he was in the Army for "nearly three years." One cannot help but wonder why his service was "nearly three years" instead of a full four...

The more this jerkoff talks the more I want to pinch his head off and shit down his neck, but I manage to behave myself and not say anything. All the while his fat girlfriend is yakking her fat face off on her cellphone which rings about every 4 minutes with a new call. Oh, and she's sitting right under a sign that says, "PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES." Guess I shoulda known better, huh?

And then the conversation takes a turn which caused my stomach to take a turn with it. The fat bastard told his friend that he had to stop wearing his "OBAMA" hat because too many people were giving him a hard time about it, so he stopped wearing it. He then proceeded to comment about what a good job Obama was doing, how he didn't understand why people didn't think he wasn't the absolute best President we've ever had, and about how he sure was going to vote for him again in two years.

Those of you who have been reading my blog know that I absolutely detest NObama with all my heart and soul, but I gotta tell ya that it wasn't this part of the conversation that turned my stomach. And I even managed to blow this loudmouth off and not say anything about him being out of his fuckin' mind, either. All in all I was quite proud of myself...but what happened next is when my stomach rolled over and my blood started to boil.

As soon as the loudmouth made the comment about voting for NObama again, the fat girlfriend spoke up and said, and I quote:


Your whole mental image of this little scenario just changed, didn't it?

As soon as the fat bitch said this, I saw red. It took all of my composure and willpower not to unload on the fat racist bitch and her equally fat and equally racist boyfriend, but I didn't do it. I simply stood up and walked away, finding myself another place to sit where I didn't have to listen to this racist bullshit any longer.

It seems that racism is alive and well, and living in "black" America.

And that's a shame.

Oh, and my acid reflux is getting better and my ears are just fine, thank you!



Mississippi Cajun said...

Congratulations on the reflux and ears, and especially on admirable restraint on your part.
It amazes me daily how many times I hear something like what the lady said in your presence. The fact that she obviously believes that demonstrates an ingrained racism that in and of itself has probably resulted in the problems and failures in her life that she (and of course this is just a guess)blames on whitey. No matter what is said or done for that person and those like her, nothinng is going to change that attitude. Let us not cloud her reality with facts. If all goes well Tuesday, I am sure her problems in life will be multiplied as fearless leader loses his majorities in the Congress.

IHC said...

I agree completely. One of the things that bothers me the most is that the common perception, thanks to the liberal media and assholes like Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, is that only white people can be racists, and racism doesn't exist among blacks. In actuality, nothing could be further from the truth, and this bitch's comments are proof.

I have NEVER looked forward to an election day like I'm looking forward to this one! This Tuesday marks the end of the Demoncratic-controlled Congress and the reign of Nancy Pelosi and her band of merry idiots, and it marks the beginning of the end of NObama's presidency, a presidency that will be remembered for what it was: One Big Ass Mistake, America!

Mississippi Cajun said...

Ray, never forget that in 94, the Republicans swept both houses for the first time in forever, and Slick Willy still got re-elected. I am very fearful that we will elect a bunch of new faces and minds into Congress, and within a month, the special interest money will have them just as screwed up and corrupted as the ones they replace. If the new group does nothing to straighten up the mess, the Dems will exploit it and win in '12. And they must be very wary that if they do succeed and make things better for us, the Dems and NoBama will take the credit for working so well within an adverse opposition climate and will get back into the White House for 4 more. And THEN we will really see some damage. And I do so hope that there will emerge a candidate to run against the super/uber libs for president that is better than the ones that have so far emerged, because I do not see anyone out there that looks like he has a chance given the way people tend to vote in these presidential elections.

IHC said...

Some good of the things I'd hate to have to judge for a living is the political climate in the country. And my boss brought up a valid point, too - the mindless racist drones who voted for NObama simply because he was black and knew ZERO about his policies will most likely do the same thing again in 2012. I'm hoping that enough of the rest of the nation that voted for him the first time will have realized the error of their ways - as some folks I know have - and not repeat the mistake.

And "Slick Willy" got re-elected in '94 because his approval rating was higher than 37%...I don't see NObama pulling it off again, unless what I said in the above paragraph happens.