Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Like Rats Fleeing a Sinking Ship

The Good Ship NObama is sinking, and the Demoncratic rats are fleeing in droves.

Today's news brings the announcement that NObama's chief economic advisor will quit at the end of the year, not even halfway through the Great Pretender's term. Sure, there's a smokescreen reason as to why he's leaving the administration, but my common sense and instinct tells me that there's much more to the story. I mean, really, if you had a position on the Cabinet of the President of the United States, would YOU just up and leave because you wanted to "return to the private sector?" No, you wouldn't. I wouldn't - unless I had lost faith in the President, was dissatisfied and/or disgusted with what he was doing, and no longer wanted to be a part of it.

I think this is the real reason behind the resignation, and I have a feeling that as soon as this man is out of the administration and has put a little time and distance between him and NObama, the truth will come out.

But in the mean time, the Good Ship NObama continues to sink, and the Demoncratic rats are fleeing.

There are less than two months until the November elections, and the Demoncrats have finally come to the realization that NObama is a loser, his health care plan is a loser, his stimulus plan is a loser, and that his administration as a whole is a loser. And having realized this they are now trying to put as much distance between him and them as possible so they can cling to their positions in Congress and not lose the election. Several Demoncrats have backed off of their support for the health care plan as well as the stimulus plan, especially after the news story broke from California that the government there spent ELEVEN MILLION DOLLARS of NObama's "stimulus plan" money to save just FIFTY FIVE JOBS. And that story came after NObama's own administration released the news that the much-vaunted health care law was not going to reduce the cost of health care but was, in fact, going to nearly double it.

So the rats have seen the waters rising and are doing their level best to keep from going down with the ship. And what's more, the captain of the ship sees it, too.

Just this week the Great Pretender was out rallying for his Demoncratic cronies and supporting their mid-term election campaigns, and who was he talking to? Why, the same people who elected him - he was out pandering to the black voters. He realizes that he got elected simply because of the color of his skin, and he's now depending on that same kind of racist support to help keep his administration afloat.

Yeah, that's right, I used the "R" word. As the saying on the bumper sticker goes, "Voting for someone because they are black is just as racist as not voting for someone because they are black." If you've been following my blog you know how I feel on this and why, so I won't repeat myself here.

The Demoncrats have also come to realize that the Tea Party is a much bigger threat than they wanted to admit. The Tea Party has been winning mid-term primaries all across the nation, defeating both Demoncratic and Republican candidates alike, and the incumbent Demoncrats are sitting up and taking notice. They, along with the help of the nation's biggest racist organization, the NAACP, are scared to death of the Tea Party and are doing everything they can to smear the party's image and stop the progress of the party.

But it's too little too late. The voice of the Tea Party is the voice of mainstream America, and in case you haven't been paying attention mainstream America is pissed. And they're going to show you just how pissed they are in less than two months.

As for me, I'm gonna go to the polls in November and vote for the Tea Party candidate who is on the ballot in my state, and when I'm done I'm going to sit back and watch the Good Ship NObama sink further into the murky depths. And I'm going to be laughing my ass off, you can count on that.

And in January of 2013 when the Good Ship NObama slips beneath the waves I'm going to be celebrating the end of one of the darkest eras in American history, and hoping that the new President can fix what NObama has screwed up.


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