Friday, August 27, 2010

Of Broken Promises, Skewed Statistics, and "Fuzzy Math"

So have you been paying attention to the news concerning the economy and the results of the much-vaunted NObama "stimulus plan" lately? No, no, no, I mean the REAL news - not the one-sided, politically skewed, pro-NObama crap you hear on CNN, MSNBC, and the other "mainstream" news networks. I'm talking about the REAL news, the FULL STORY news that you can only find on Fox News.

If you have, then you heard the news reports this morning about the Feds releasing the economic growth figures for the 2nd quarter of the year (April-June), and about the Commerce Department downgrading the number from 2.4 to 1.6. And if you were listening to Fox News, you also heard that the economy is headed towards another recession, that the "stimulus program" that NObama and his Demoncratic minions in Congress shoved down our throats is failing - and you also heard the statistics to back it up.

It's like this: the economy grew at a rate of 5.1% in the last quarter of 2009, 3.7% in the first quarter of this year, and now the rate is an anemic 1.6%. Anyone with any amount of common sense can see that the economy is in a downward spiral, and we are absolutely headed for another recession unless the NObama administration does something about it - FAST.

But they won't. They're too busy giving speeches proclaiming how the NObama plan has "saved jobs," "created jobs," "decreased unemployment," and "helped the economy recover."

Huh? WHAT? Are we on the same planet, here? Let's take a look at the facts, shall we?

When NObama first proposed his plan, he said - promised, actually - that unemployment would be capped at 8% and no more. In actuality, unemployed INCREASED to 10%. So much for "saving jobs."

So far, there have been exactly ZERO reports of jobs "being created" by the NObama plan - none of any significance, that is. I had a conversation with someone on Facebook about two months ago where he said that in his company they had created 6 jobs as a result of the plan, so the plan worked.

Six jobs. SIX. Wow. I'm amazed.

As for saving jobs, well, that's a no-brainer. If unemployment GOES UP, then obviously no jobs are being saved. So strike three, you're out.

NObama's economic "stimulus" plan is a dismal failure, and what's more, he knows it. When the plan first came out, NObama said that it would "create jobs;" when the statistics came out that showed this was not the case, the NObama administration then changed the message and said that it would "save jobs." When the unemployment rate hit 10% and proved this to be a lie, they changed the message yet again. Only this time they've come up with a clever and ingenious plan involving smoke, mirrors, and "fuzzy math" to get you to believe the lie.

The NObama administration and the Commerce Department are now grading the results of the stimulus plan not by "jobs created," not by "jobs saved," but by "lives touched." And the category of "lives touched" is so broad and far-reaching that if you work one hour - just ONE HOUR - for an employer anywhere in the nation, your life has been touched and the plan is a success. The Commerce Department, using this "formula," is now saying that NObama's stimulus plan has "touched the lives" of anywhere from 5,000 to 25,000 people. They're not sure of how many exactly, but it's somewhere in that range.

Huh? WHAT??

A few years ago the Demoncrats were blasting the hell out of George W. Bush for using "fuzzy math" to back up the success of some of his programs. They raised holy hell about it, and now they're doing the exact same thing. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! And of course, the NObama administration is still playing the "blame Bush" game - Joe Biden laid the blame for the economy's failure to recover "as fast as we had hoped it would" squarely in the lap of George Bush. I guess no one told him that Bush isn't President anymore, huh? Either that, or he has his head so far up NObama's ass that he can't see reality standing in front of him.

I vote for him having his head up NObama's ass, myself.

The bottom line is this: NObama's economic policies are a dismal failure, and the economy is headed for another crash. He and his administration are literally fiddling while Rome burns, and they don't give a damn. They're too busy worrying about losing control of the Congress this November - which is going to happen, by the way, so get ready for it. In the mean time, unemployment in South Carolina is still hovering at 12%, the economy is in a tailspin, the housing market is nosediving again, economic growth is approaching ZERO (which means very bad news for all of us), but everything is OK because "between 5,000 and 25,000 lives" have "been touched" by the stimulus plan.

And what is NObama doing about it? Well, he's getting ready to go on nationwide TV tonight and declare "victory" in Iraq, claiming that the Iraq war was a success.

The war that he voted against from the start, by the way, and the war that he voted against the surge effort in (which worked, thank you). Now that SOMEONE ELSE'S idea and strategy worked, he's going to stand up and take credit for it.

I have never been more disgusted with a President in my entire life, and I'm counting the days until this buffoon is out of office.


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