Wednesday, July 7, 2010

NObama, Our Worst President Ever

Until this year, I always thought that Jimmy "Mr. Peanut" Carter was our worst President ever. After all, he did kill the B-1 program, deny the military a pay raise for three years, give away the Panama Canal, and sit on his hands doing nothing while our embassy in Iran was overrun and our citizens taken hostage for 444 days, something that ended the day Ronald Reagan took the oath of office. Yep, Carter was hands-down my choice for Worst President Ever.

Until now.

Now I am fully convinced that Barack Hussein Obama is the absolute worst President we've ever had, and the events of this week only prove it more - as if more proof was needed. In case you haven't been keeping up with current events, here's what's been going on.

NObama has given NASA a new mission, having killed the new space program they were working on. Now, the Great Pretender has tasked the head of NASA with improving relations with the Muslim world.

Excuse me,but just what the HELL does that have to do with SPACE EXPLORATION? I mean, after all, the name of the agency is the National Aeronautics and SPACE Administration, right? So just what in the living hell was NObama thinking when he tasked the head of this agency with improving relations with a part of the world that A) doesn't have a space program, B) doesn't need a space program, C) doesn't want a space program, and D) hates our guts? Out of all of the stupid shit this moron has done, this one makes me wonder the most.

Then there's the lawsuit filed against the state of Arizona by NObama's Attorney General, who basically said that Arizona needs to keep its collective nose out of Federal business. Never mind that the Feds aren't doing squat to solve the problem Arizona has addressed with the new law; they don't want Arizona to do anything that would make them look bad.

I guess the Attorney General and his boss, the President of the United States, never heard of a concept of "State's Rights," huh? Sure looks like it. Last time I looked, the Constitution of the United States gives each state the right to pass laws to protect itself, its borders, and its people, something that any first year law student would know. But then again, I guess NObama and his AG didn't catch that part in class.

For the first time in my life, I'm genuinely concerned about the fate of our nation due solely and completely to the actions of this idiot in the White House. He shows his ineptness, inexperience, and total lack of leadership at every turn. Between him and the band of merry idiots in his Cabinet, led by Joe "Foot In Mouth" Biden and Nancy "I'm In Charge" Pelosi, they're going to absolutely ruin this country.

But the thing that has me the most concerned is this: when people were pissed off at Nixon, they were talking impeachment. When they were pissed off at Clinton, they were talking impeachment. When they were pissed off at GW Bush, they were talking impeachment. But with NObama, they're not talking impeachment.

They're talking secession. And I'm quite sure that the lawsuit against Arizona is going to fuel the fires even more.

Don't get me wrong, I still think that secession is not the answer, although I do think it's legal. (Yeah, I know all about Texas v. White, 1870; I just disagree.) But for all of the reasons I posted in my blog last April or so, I think that any attempt by any state to secede will end in disaster for that state. But the thing that concerns me is that people are talking about it - and talking seriously about it - in the first place. And the secession movement is gaining ground, especially in Texas. With every stupid thing our buffoon of a President does or says, he adds fuel to the fire - and he's got more than 2 years to do and say a whole lot of stupid things. And that gives me a very bad feeling about what's liable to happen in our nation due to him.

The only saving grace, as I see it, is the Congressional elections coming up in November. I have a strong feeling that the Tea Party Movement - of which I am a proud part - is going to prevail, and the liberal Demoncrats are going to lose control of the Congress. Once that happens that will pretty much take the wind out of NObama's sails, and maybe - just maybe - he won't be able to screw the country up any more than he already has.

At least, I hope that's the way it will all work out. Time will tell.



Mississippi Cajun said...

To add a little unneeded fuel to your fire, Ray, how about the justice department dismissing a judgement against the Black Panther idiots who were posturing at the polls in Philly, were found guilty, and then the case is ignored because it is against blacks and for the benefits of the whites? I just think that illustrates where his mind (and Holder's) is...can you spell "Beer Summit"?
And then today he appoints a new Czar to oversee the administration of the Health Care Bill. What does this most recent moron have to say? This health care bill Must....Must redistribute wealth. This theme keeps coming up every week or so in something this administration does or says...right out of Marx. Take what the rich have earned (and by rich, that's everyone with money except the Kennedys) and use their money to give to the poor (defined in my estimation as that class/group of our citizens who refuse to work and have been getting handouts since the day they were born.
Although I have not been hearing secession talk here (everyone is more concerned with the destruction of the local economy by the BP "spill", I have heard a lot of very loud grumbling about how this administration seems to be going out of its way to stymie every effort to prevent the oil from hitting the beraches and marshes. Hell, they took two suction barges out of service and sent them back to port for an inspection becasue the Coasties didn't think they had sufficient number of life jackets. They held up the construction of sand berms to block the oil for getting into the Louisiana Marshes, then after permisson is begrudginly given, they shut that operation down because EPA thinks it is harming some kind of critter or another....gee, and the oil ain't?
The big gripe as I see it against this sorry speciman is that he is (1) blatantly racist (2) is agenda driven...he could care less about the citizens of this country (3) lies like a rug and still blames Bush when his shit goes wrong.
Come on November, and for God's sake, America, don't lose your mad for tis nutcase. He and his kind need to be escorted out of D.C. while we still have a country left.

IHC said...

And now he's on the campaign trail, trying to convince people that it's the REPUBLICANS who are trying to "bamboozle" the people with false stories, while lying out his black ass at the same time.

I agree that he's a racist with an agenda, but he's even worse than that - he's a Socialist racist with an agenda.

November can't get here soon enough.