A few days ago I posted a blog entry in which I said that every time someone criticized NObama, his faithful minions would immediately throw the race card. And now my point has been proven far better than I ever could have proven it myself, and the source of the proof comes from none other than the NAACP.
For those of you who may not have been keeping up on current events, the NAACP just had their national convention during which they voted on a resolution that initially was going to slap the "racist" label on the Tea Party movement, due to an incident last March in which Tea Party members allegedly "hurled racial epithets" at a black lawmaker. The Tea Party group that organized the demonstration during which this alleged incident took place immediately denied anything like that taking place. And, despite all of the media coverage present, despite all of the video cameras there and all of the hand-held camcorders and cell phones with video capabilities that were there, not one single minute of such activity was recorded!
In other words, the NAACP has voted on a resolution based on nothing but pure hearsay, rumor, and innuendo. To me, there can be no clearer, more damning example of the racist and bigoted nature of the NAACP than this. And to make matters worse, NAACP National President Benjamin Todd Jealous said this when questioned about the resolution:
"We take no issue with the Tea Party movement. We believe in freedom of assembly and people raising their voices in a democracy. What we take issue with is the Tea Party's continued tolerance for bigotry and bigoted statements.
"The time has come for them to accept the responsibility that comes with influence and make clear there is no place for racism and anti-Semitism, homophobia and other forms of bigotry in their movement."
Well, if this ain't the pot calling the kettle black! Of course, Jealous and his pack of merry idiots aren't going to see it that way.
What it all boils down to is this: The NAACP is scared to death of the Tea Party. They're absolutely terrified that the efforts of the Tea Party are going to wake America up to the racial inequalities in this country, the inequalities which were put in place by the Federal government during the Civil Rights era and which give the blacks a continual and government-sanctioned advantage over the white race, and they're going to do and say anything they can to derail the Tea Party's efforts. And that, of course, includes throwing the race card. I mean, what better way to "prove" to America that the Tea Party is nothing more than a bunch of racists than to just simply pass a resolution saying so? After all, when a black person or a black organization says that someone or something - a WHITE someone or something, that is - is racist, then it must be true! Right? Never mind the fact that there is no evidence of any kind to support the allegations made in the resolution - a black group said it, so it must be so! Right? I mean, blacks just can't be racists, can they?
At least, that's what the American public has been brainwashed to believe in this "politically correct" society that America has become. (And I don't suppose Mr. Jealous has ever heard of King Samir Shabazz, the head of the "new" Black Panther party - you know, the guy who said in public that all "white crackers" and their "cracker babies" should be killed? Of course not.)
Well, the Tea Party is poised on the brink of changing all of that, so naturally the NAACP is scared to death - as they should be, because the American people, both white and black, are becoming more and more disgruntled, dissatisfied, and dismayed with our President and his inept, one-sided, socialist agenda. And when November rolls around, they're going to show him and the rest of the country just how dissatisfied they are when a whole shitload of Demoncratic incumbents lose their re-election bids in the Congress.
Personally, I can't wait.
Oh, one last thing: I wonder if the NAACP ever stopped to realize that there are black people in the Tea Party?
Prob'ly not. That would be too inconvenient.
I'm sure that by now you have seen the clip of the Dept. of Agriculture employee addressing an NAACP group and bragging about how she blatantly discriminated inthe course of doing her job. When it came out, her immediate resignation was accepted. NAACP at first came out against "any kind of discrimination" and then changed in mid-stream and blamed all of this on FOX news. It is interesting to note that FOX didn't come out with any mention of this affair until well after the resignation was concluded.
I am so frickkin' sick of these hypocrites.
Sometimes, when you are wrong, you are wrong, and I are wrong. Seems that the tape clip that I referred to was doctored, and Ms. Sherrod was relating a story in which she overcame her prejudices fostered by the murder of her father in the South which was not adjudicated and for obvious reasons "messed her up". Apologies to Ms. Sherrod, but I still believe the original thesis that NAACP is as racist as they accuse the entire white populace to be.
I'm in the midst of writing a blog entry about Ms. Sherrod and her comments. In short, although the edited tape is a disgrace and an insult, the bottom line is this: One, she failed to give her complete, best effort to a farmer simply because he was white - and that's called RACISM - and admitted it herself, and two, if a white man had admitted to doing this, the NAACP would be screaming bloody murder and it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference how long ago it took place.
More to come...
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