The past week or so has been a very interesting, distressing, and enlightening time for me, and I can't say that this is a positive thing. I've learned first-hand just how blind, fanatical, and racist the supporters of NObama can be.
It's like this: like hundreds of thousands of other disgruntled Americans who are on Facebook, after the disastrous health care bill was passed by the House I went looking for a group on Facebook that was established for folks like myself who hate the bill and want to see it repealed, and the politicians who voted for the bill voted out in November. (I even started a group myself; it's called, "MAKE 'EM PAY IN NOVEMBER!") Well, I found the group I was looking for; it's called "O.B.A.M.A. - One Big Ass Mistake America," and I promptly joined it.
And apparently, so did a whole bunch of NObama supporters, for the sole reason of raising hate and discontent.
I found out several things pretty quickly. The first was that there are a whole bunch of black people in this country who voted for NObama simply because he was black (like I didn't already know that), and a couple of them even proudly admitted to it during a debate on that group's page. One of them even said that after the way "his people" had been brought over to America and how they'd been treated since then, he felt fully justified in voting for a black man just because he's black. And NO, he didn't think that was racist!
Also rearing their ugly heads were the Kool-Aid drinkers who so totally believe the hype of the last election campaign run by The Great Pretender that they wouldn't know facts if they jumped up and bit them in the ass. They'll quote you facts and figures and swear on the Bible that their sources are immaculate and absolutely correct...their sources, of course, are either Black Voices or CNN. And when you counter with stories by more main-stream and "middle of the road" agencies like Fox News, they immediately decry the sources as being "biased" and "racist-oriented."
Then there were the nice folks (sarcasm, y'all...sarcasm) who were very quick to say how great the health care bill was, how much good it was going to do for America, and how they just didn't understand how we could object to it. After all, socialized medicine works where they live - in Canada!
The day I listen to a Canadian tell me how I should think about a government that he/she has no part of by not living in this country is the day Hell freezes over.
But the thing that really surprised me, and in hindsight I guess I shouldn't have been surprised at all, was the number of times one of these Kool-Aid drinking morons said that "anyone who disagrees with NObama is doing it just because he's black, so that makes you a racist!"
Hold on, here...let me get this straight: you can vote FOR him just because he's black and you're NOT a racist, but if I disagree with him just because he's black, that makes ME a racist?
No, what that makes YOU is a fuckin' moron!
Of course, when you try to point this out to these Kool-Aid drinking idiots they totally miss the point.
But here's one of the things that really concerns me about this whole thing. This group of people aren't concerned with what the health care bill would do for the nation, or what detriment it would have. That's not why they wanted to see the bill passed, not at all. They see it as a fight between a black President and white America, and they want the black President to win - simply because he's black. To them, it's a race fight plain and simple. These dimwitted numbskulls wouldn't see the facts of the matter if you glued it to the insides of their eyelids - all they know is a black President wants to do something, and they want him to do it just to score a victory over the white man.
To them, it's all about race.
To me, it's about something that will be disastrous for this country. It's not about the color of his skin; never has been, never will be. It's all about this being the first tentative baby-step towards socialism, and now that this first dangerous step has been taken, I'm really scared to see what he's going to try next.
But the die has already been cast, and has been since the day the inauguration was over - anyone who dares disagree with or complains about NObama is automatically a racist, because we're obviously doing it just because he's black.
Now more than ever, I'm convinced that racism is alive and well in America, and is living in the black community. Parts of it, anyway.
We're facing a tough two years and ten months, ladies and gentlemen...on the one hand, we don't know what our Fearful Leader is gonna do next to move further on his agenda of establishing socialism, but I have a feeling I know where he's gonna go - he's gonna go for the Second Amendment, I think. After all, before you can control the people you have to disarm them. Time will tell. But no matter where he goes, the fight against him and his unconstitutional, socialist actions will be made doubly hard by us also having to fight the unfounded charges of racism that will invariably be thrown against any white man who criticizes the Messiah of black America.
Well, that's okay. It won't stop me or the hundreds of thousands of other patriotic Americans who recognize the threat for what it really is, and we'll fight tooth and nail to protect and defend the Constitution even if our President won't - even after swearing an oath to do so.
And the fight starts in November. You know what we're gonna do then, right? We're gonna....
Ray, there is no issue more important to me than the defense of the constitution. There are forces in this world and within our government like Obama who envision a one world economy. They cannot accomplish this without severely weakening our nation and destroying our constitution. Obama is not really even a Socialist. Socialists while they control the people, they seek to make their nation strong. They don't weaken their military, they don't leave their borders open and allow foreign influence. They would never sell out their economy to foreign nations like Obama has. Socialist would actually be a step up for Obama. It seems he and a certain group of people are determined to undermine this country for an agenda contradictory to out constitution.
Then we need to do everything within our power - legally, that is - to stop him. And we start by voting OUT anyone in Congress who voted for his health care plan. Once that's done and the Republicans have control of the Congress again, we vote NObama out in 2012.
And then we can spend the next 8 years - hopefully, anyway - fixing that which NObama broke.
Gonna be a long haul and a tough fight, but it's gonna be worth it!
Midnightblue69 has it pretty well pegged. Many times OB has said to judge him by the people he surrounds himself with. Look at his "czars" and you see a collection of extremist crackpots who all seem intent on this one world economy, this one world government. I am astounded at the number of mindless robots in Congress that are falling into this trap by blindly following the party line as dictated by Pelosi and Reid who are kissing the collective asses of the uber liberal fanatical left. That they were persuaded though whatever means to sell out this nation on their most recent boondogle, National Health Care Reform (yeah, sure) convinces me that they do not have a clue, and their jobs in DC are more important than the National interests. The economy is already in a wheelchair and it won't be long before the wheels fall off of that at the rate we are going. Couple that with the fact taht the young voters in this country for the most part do not have the knowledge (conveniently stripped out of most high school curricula)nor the experience to recognize the danger posed by the path we are being led down. These represent a huge bloc of votes that must be overcome to get rid of the incumbents who choose to ignore their constitutents. I hope the mad lasts long enough to get us to November. Preach on, Brother.
One other significant comment that I overlooked is that OB and his czars repeateedly call the US Constitution either an obsolete document or a "living document". Is there any doubt that they are bent on doing away with it? By living document, we can see it evolve at their hell with the process of amending it that out founders built into it. Remember that the Supreme Court is one OB appointment away from swinginng the court over to the left, and I still remember the tragedy of the Warren Courts of not that long ago. When the SC has its majority that has thowe aforementioned leftist beliefs about the Constitution, they can very easily make laws from their perch with judicial dictate. God save us then.
The only thing we can hope for is that the elections of November go our way, and the Demoncrats in Congress who voted for this unconstitutional and financially disastrous health care bill are voted out. Once the Republicans have a majority in the Congress, NObama will pretty much be a lame duck president. Clinton couldn't accomplish crap in the 8 long years he was POTUS for the very same reason, so now we need to turn right around and do the same thing to NObama.
Honestly, I despise this man more with each passing day and live for the day that he leaves the White House for the last time!
And we thought Carter sucked...just goes to show that it could always be worse!
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