So, did you catch the speech yesterday by The Great Pretender celebrating the one year anniversary of the Stimulus package? I did...I was sitting in the waiting room of the local Firestone store getting new tires put on my truck, and it was on the TV. I was kinda what you'd call a "captive audience," and honestly, if my intention wasn't to see just what lies, half-truths, and distortions The Great Pretender was gonna spew forth, I wouldn't have watched it. But I learned a long time ago that there's a whole lotta wisdom in the old mafia saying, "keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer." And believe you me, NObama is most certainly my enemy in more ways than one.
And, after hearing yet another pretty and meaningless speech spill forth from his lips yesterday, I am convinced more than ever that the esteemed senator from South Carolina was right - OBAMA IS A LIAR!
But then again, some of us already knew that, didn't we?
In my whole life, I have never seen a politician beat his own drum, distort the truth more, tell more out-and-out lies, and blow his accomplishments (when there are any, that is) out of proportion more than Barack Hussein Obama. (Okay, okay, so maybe he's a close second place to Bill "I did not have sexual relations with that woman!" Clinton...after all, Slick Willy will go down in history for being only the second president to get impeached, and the first to lie under oath and get away with it, but that horse is long dead.)
I'm still trying to figure out what all of the celebration was about. Okay, so it's been a year since the Stimulus package was what? Is MY life better for it? Am I paying less taxes? Did MY paycheck increase? The answer to all three questions is a resounding HELL, NO! I mean, look at it this way: when the stimulus package was first introduced last year, NObama's own staff and analysts said it would cap nationwide unemployment at 8%, yet nationwide unemployment rose to 9.2%, didn't it? Doesn't sound like the "stimulus" package worked there, huh?
Another part of the package said that not only would it cap unemployment, it would actually create jobs. Did it really do that? Well, according to The Great Pretender, it did. He mentioned a small businessman that he had talked to before the package was passed who said that if the economy didn't get better and quick, he'd have to close his business before long. Now, a year later, that businessman has not only stayed open but has added a whopping SIX EMPLOYEES to his business.
Good for him, seriously, but if THAT is all the examples NObama can come up with of the much-vaunted stimulus package doing good for the nation, we're in deep doo-doo! The reality of it is this: there were only two areas of the United States that showed any significant job growth in the past year, those being North Dakota and - hang on to your underwear - WASHINGTON, DC! But if you watched the dog and pony show The Great Pretender put on yesterday, you'd think that jobs were springing up like weeds all across the land...hate to tell ya this, but it ain't that way, really.
So where in all this did NObama lie to us? Simple - he said that he and his staff had spoken with all 50 governors of all 50 states, and every single one of them was grateful for the stimulus package money.
The governor of South Carolina made national news when he REFUSED TO TAKE THE MONEY, stating that he didn't think the solution for getting out of debt was to go deeper in debt, and it took a resolution by the State Senate to FORCE him to take the money! I watched this drama play out first-hand, because I live in South Carolina and it was on the news here every single day until the resolution was passed and Governor Sanford reluctantly accepted the money.
I guess NObama doesn't watch the news, huh?
The more I hear of this man and what he does the more I truly believe that, if left unchecked, he will be the ruinization of our nation. He's a Socialist, he's a liar, he'as an incompetent buffoon, and the sooner he's out of office the better we'll all be.
Man, I don't know about you but I can't wait for the November congressional elections...
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