So have you been paying attention to the news lately concerning the latest health care summit, in which the Great Pretender, his lapdog Biden, and political leaders from both parties have come together and have been trying to hammer out a bill that both sides could agree on? Well, friends and neighbors, if you haven't been watching this very carefully, you should start now because it's giving us a very clear picture of just what kind of hypocritical, lying, scheming, underhanded and dishonest President, Vice President, and members of Congress we have leading the country.
Leading the country to ruin, in my humble opinion. But I digress...
The big thing in the news yesterday and the day before was the little thing called the "Nuclear Option." If I understand it correctly, that's where the members of Congress ram a bill through and get it passed by using a simple 51 vote majority, bypassing all of the usual debate on the floor of Congress. Naturally, you have to have one party in control of both the House and the Senate in order to do this, and if you use this option you pretty much alienate the other side for the remainder of the term until the next elections. The Republicans threatened to do this in 2005 to get a bill passed, and the Demoncrats - led by The Great Pretender and the Wicked Bitch of the North, Billary Clinton - raised holy Hell about it. They complained that it wasn't fair, it was counter-productive, did nothing to promote "bipartisan" leadership, and generally was a slap in the face to the legislative process.
Well, that was then, and this is now. The Demoncrats, in a remarkably uncaring demonstration of hypocrisy at its best, are now threatening to use that very same "Nuclear Option" to get The Great Pretender's health care bill passed, because they now fear - and rightfully so - that the bill won't pass on its own. Of course, to listen to them, you'd think they were fully justified in using this option because the big bad Republicans refuse to sign off on things they disagree with, and are not practicing "bipartisan" cooperation. Which is basically the same things the Demoncrats were doing in 2005 when the Republicans threatened to nuke them, but like I said, that was then and this is now.
And speaking of bipartisan cooperation, have you been listening to what NObama has to say about that? Here's a couple of quotes for you from Fox News today:
"Delivering his closing argument at a 7-1/2-hour televised policy marathon Thursday, Obama told Republicans he welcomes their ideas -- even ones Democrats don't like -- but they must fit into his framework for a broad health care remake that would cover tens of millions of uninsured Americans."
(Emphasis added by author.)
Soooo, lemme see if I got this right: you're telling me that you'll listen to the objections of the Republicans, and then totally disregard them because they don't fit into your ideas and plans? Yeah, that's "bipartisan" leadership, all right.
" 'The truth of the matter is that politically speaking, there may not be any reason for Republicans to want to do anything,' Obama said, summing up. 'I don't need a poll to know that most Republican voters are opposed to this bill and might be opposed to the kind of compromise we could craft.' "
Gee, you figured that one out all on your own, did ya? Maybe you should rethink this whole "home is a news-free zone" thing, huh?
And finally, the one that REALLY shows where this moron's head is at, the last quote from NObama himself:
"And if we can't," he added, "I think we've got to go ahead and make some decisions, and then that's what elections are for."
What The Great Pretender has just told America, boys and girls, is this: You elected me, I'm in power now, I'm going to do what I want whether you like it or not, and if you don't like it then you can vote me out in the next election.
Count on it, asshole. You, Biden, your rabid dog Pelosi, Billary Clinton, Chuck "I'm off to the Caribbean and I didn't pay for it!" Rangle and all of the other hypocritical, lying, stealing, underhanded, dishonest Demoncrats are all gonna be out of a job come November of this year and then again in November 2012.
I have never in my life despised a sitting President as much as I despise Obama. He has NO shame, NO sense of leadership, NO ideals, NO honor, NO short, he has NOTHING to bring to the nation as a President, and if he doesn't ruin the country in the time he has left, it'll be only because the Republicans and the Independents who are as disgusted with him as I am will stop him.
And I have never been more afraid for the future of our country than I am now. I am absolutely convinced that if the people of the United States don't WAKE THE HELL UP and kick NObama and his band of merry idiots out of office starting with the Congressional elections in November, the country will be in total, absolute ruin by the time 2012 rolls around.
So lemme ask the question to all of those people who voted for this moron and elected him for his now-empty promises:
One man's view of local and world events unfolding around him as seen from middle-class America.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Another stroll down Memory Lane
I think one of the best things I've ever come across in this age of computer enlightenment has been "Facebook." This one computer application has allowed me to learn more, contact more old friends, and have more pleasant memories come to the forefront of my mind more than anything in recent memory. Sure, there are those out there who absolutely hate Facebook, and that's ok. No one is going to like everything, ya know. But as for me, I love it, and that's all there is to it.
About a week ago I got a suggestion from a childhood friend of mine from the Richmond area about a group on Facebook I should join, and I didn't even have to go to the page before I decided to join it. Just the title of the group made up my mind for me.
The name of the group was "Fans of The Sailor Bob (aka Bob Griggs) Show."
Anyone from the Richmond metropolitan area of the early 1960's through the 1970's knows exactly who Sailor Bob was. He was the host of a locally-produced children's TV show that specialized in two things: Popeye the Sailor cartoons, and Sailor Bob's cartoon-drawing ability. Bob Griggs was a cartoonist, and a damned good one - he would regularly draw cartoon characters freehand on the big pad on his set. And when he wasn't drawing cartoons and hosting his show, he was the weatherman on the local TV station, WRVA Channel 12 (which later became WWBT). Bob would later move on to other, more significant "regular" broadcasting jobs and in 1999 was inducted in the Virginia Broadcaste's Hall of Fame, but to me and thousands of other kids of that era, he was then and always will be "Sailor Bob."
Sailor Bob wore a Navy uniform without any insignia; when the show started out in 1959 he wore either a Navy blue "crackerjack" uniform or a white summer uniform of the same style. As the show progressed, he ended up wearing the "dungaree" uniform consisting of a white sailor hat, blue chambray work shirt, Navy bell-bottom dungarees, and black shoes. That's the outfit I remember him wearing when I watched the show. His show took place on his boat, the TV Schooner, and the entire set consisted at first of just one room with a door on the right, a porthole on the left, and a drawing easel with a stool in front of it from which Sailor Bob hosted the show and drew his cartoons. He had two main puppet sidekicks, those being Gilliver Gull (or "Gilly" for short) who would appear at the porthole, and Mr. Mouse who would appear out of a large mouse hole on the wall behind Sailor Bob. Later on in the show they introduced two more characters, a sea serpent whose name escapes me and a bluebird, named "Bluebird" (duh), but I don't really remember them. Gilly and Mr. Mouse I remember very well, though.
One of the things they'd do on the show was announce the names of the kids who had sent in their birthdays, and I clearly remember the day my name was read on Sailor Bob's show! Fame and fortune at only seven years of age! Yee-haa!
It was watching "The Sailor Bob Show" when I was a kid that made me a fan of Popeye the Sailor, and I'm still a Popeye fan to this day.
Checking out the Facebook group, with all of the pictures from other fans on it, was a very pleasant trip down memory lane which took me the better part of an hour. Along with that, there are also two clips from the show which REALLY brought the memories flooding back! Sadly, for the first four or five years of the show, it was done LIVE and was not taped, so those shows are lost to the ether forever. But some of them have been preserved on tape and hopefully they'll be presented for us to view in the near future. But in the mean time, if you want to get a look at this fantastic example of an early, local kid's show, then go to and do a search for "The Sailor Bob Show." The clips of which I speak are there.
As far as I know, Bob Griggs is still with us, although his show is long gone and he's long since retired. But as long as now-grownup kids have the memories of his show firmly in their heads, and as long as the tapes of the show are available, "The Sailor Bob Show" will live on.
As Sailor Bob said at the end of each show, "Fair Weather and Smooth Sailing!"
About a week ago I got a suggestion from a childhood friend of mine from the Richmond area about a group on Facebook I should join, and I didn't even have to go to the page before I decided to join it. Just the title of the group made up my mind for me.
The name of the group was "Fans of The Sailor Bob (aka Bob Griggs) Show."
Anyone from the Richmond metropolitan area of the early 1960's through the 1970's knows exactly who Sailor Bob was. He was the host of a locally-produced children's TV show that specialized in two things: Popeye the Sailor cartoons, and Sailor Bob's cartoon-drawing ability. Bob Griggs was a cartoonist, and a damned good one - he would regularly draw cartoon characters freehand on the big pad on his set. And when he wasn't drawing cartoons and hosting his show, he was the weatherman on the local TV station, WRVA Channel 12 (which later became WWBT). Bob would later move on to other, more significant "regular" broadcasting jobs and in 1999 was inducted in the Virginia Broadcaste's Hall of Fame, but to me and thousands of other kids of that era, he was then and always will be "Sailor Bob."
Sailor Bob wore a Navy uniform without any insignia; when the show started out in 1959 he wore either a Navy blue "crackerjack" uniform or a white summer uniform of the same style. As the show progressed, he ended up wearing the "dungaree" uniform consisting of a white sailor hat, blue chambray work shirt, Navy bell-bottom dungarees, and black shoes. That's the outfit I remember him wearing when I watched the show. His show took place on his boat, the TV Schooner, and the entire set consisted at first of just one room with a door on the right, a porthole on the left, and a drawing easel with a stool in front of it from which Sailor Bob hosted the show and drew his cartoons. He had two main puppet sidekicks, those being Gilliver Gull (or "Gilly" for short) who would appear at the porthole, and Mr. Mouse who would appear out of a large mouse hole on the wall behind Sailor Bob. Later on in the show they introduced two more characters, a sea serpent whose name escapes me and a bluebird, named "Bluebird" (duh), but I don't really remember them. Gilly and Mr. Mouse I remember very well, though.
One of the things they'd do on the show was announce the names of the kids who had sent in their birthdays, and I clearly remember the day my name was read on Sailor Bob's show! Fame and fortune at only seven years of age! Yee-haa!
It was watching "The Sailor Bob Show" when I was a kid that made me a fan of Popeye the Sailor, and I'm still a Popeye fan to this day.
Checking out the Facebook group, with all of the pictures from other fans on it, was a very pleasant trip down memory lane which took me the better part of an hour. Along with that, there are also two clips from the show which REALLY brought the memories flooding back! Sadly, for the first four or five years of the show, it was done LIVE and was not taped, so those shows are lost to the ether forever. But some of them have been preserved on tape and hopefully they'll be presented for us to view in the near future. But in the mean time, if you want to get a look at this fantastic example of an early, local kid's show, then go to and do a search for "The Sailor Bob Show." The clips of which I speak are there.
As far as I know, Bob Griggs is still with us, although his show is long gone and he's long since retired. But as long as now-grownup kids have the memories of his show firmly in their heads, and as long as the tapes of the show are available, "The Sailor Bob Show" will live on.
As Sailor Bob said at the end of each show, "Fair Weather and Smooth Sailing!"
Thursday, February 18, 2010
So, did you catch the speech yesterday by The Great Pretender celebrating the one year anniversary of the Stimulus package? I did...I was sitting in the waiting room of the local Firestone store getting new tires put on my truck, and it was on the TV. I was kinda what you'd call a "captive audience," and honestly, if my intention wasn't to see just what lies, half-truths, and distortions The Great Pretender was gonna spew forth, I wouldn't have watched it. But I learned a long time ago that there's a whole lotta wisdom in the old mafia saying, "keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer." And believe you me, NObama is most certainly my enemy in more ways than one.
And, after hearing yet another pretty and meaningless speech spill forth from his lips yesterday, I am convinced more than ever that the esteemed senator from South Carolina was right - OBAMA IS A LIAR!
But then again, some of us already knew that, didn't we?
In my whole life, I have never seen a politician beat his own drum, distort the truth more, tell more out-and-out lies, and blow his accomplishments (when there are any, that is) out of proportion more than Barack Hussein Obama. (Okay, okay, so maybe he's a close second place to Bill "I did not have sexual relations with that woman!" Clinton...after all, Slick Willy will go down in history for being only the second president to get impeached, and the first to lie under oath and get away with it, but that horse is long dead.)
I'm still trying to figure out what all of the celebration was about. Okay, so it's been a year since the Stimulus package was what? Is MY life better for it? Am I paying less taxes? Did MY paycheck increase? The answer to all three questions is a resounding HELL, NO! I mean, look at it this way: when the stimulus package was first introduced last year, NObama's own staff and analysts said it would cap nationwide unemployment at 8%, yet nationwide unemployment rose to 9.2%, didn't it? Doesn't sound like the "stimulus" package worked there, huh?
Another part of the package said that not only would it cap unemployment, it would actually create jobs. Did it really do that? Well, according to The Great Pretender, it did. He mentioned a small businessman that he had talked to before the package was passed who said that if the economy didn't get better and quick, he'd have to close his business before long. Now, a year later, that businessman has not only stayed open but has added a whopping SIX EMPLOYEES to his business.
Good for him, seriously, but if THAT is all the examples NObama can come up with of the much-vaunted stimulus package doing good for the nation, we're in deep doo-doo! The reality of it is this: there were only two areas of the United States that showed any significant job growth in the past year, those being North Dakota and - hang on to your underwear - WASHINGTON, DC! But if you watched the dog and pony show The Great Pretender put on yesterday, you'd think that jobs were springing up like weeds all across the land...hate to tell ya this, but it ain't that way, really.
So where in all this did NObama lie to us? Simple - he said that he and his staff had spoken with all 50 governors of all 50 states, and every single one of them was grateful for the stimulus package money.
The governor of South Carolina made national news when he REFUSED TO TAKE THE MONEY, stating that he didn't think the solution for getting out of debt was to go deeper in debt, and it took a resolution by the State Senate to FORCE him to take the money! I watched this drama play out first-hand, because I live in South Carolina and it was on the news here every single day until the resolution was passed and Governor Sanford reluctantly accepted the money.
I guess NObama doesn't watch the news, huh?
The more I hear of this man and what he does the more I truly believe that, if left unchecked, he will be the ruinization of our nation. He's a Socialist, he's a liar, he'as an incompetent buffoon, and the sooner he's out of office the better we'll all be.
Man, I don't know about you but I can't wait for the November congressional elections...
And, after hearing yet another pretty and meaningless speech spill forth from his lips yesterday, I am convinced more than ever that the esteemed senator from South Carolina was right - OBAMA IS A LIAR!
But then again, some of us already knew that, didn't we?
In my whole life, I have never seen a politician beat his own drum, distort the truth more, tell more out-and-out lies, and blow his accomplishments (when there are any, that is) out of proportion more than Barack Hussein Obama. (Okay, okay, so maybe he's a close second place to Bill "I did not have sexual relations with that woman!" Clinton...after all, Slick Willy will go down in history for being only the second president to get impeached, and the first to lie under oath and get away with it, but that horse is long dead.)
I'm still trying to figure out what all of the celebration was about. Okay, so it's been a year since the Stimulus package was what? Is MY life better for it? Am I paying less taxes? Did MY paycheck increase? The answer to all three questions is a resounding HELL, NO! I mean, look at it this way: when the stimulus package was first introduced last year, NObama's own staff and analysts said it would cap nationwide unemployment at 8%, yet nationwide unemployment rose to 9.2%, didn't it? Doesn't sound like the "stimulus" package worked there, huh?
Another part of the package said that not only would it cap unemployment, it would actually create jobs. Did it really do that? Well, according to The Great Pretender, it did. He mentioned a small businessman that he had talked to before the package was passed who said that if the economy didn't get better and quick, he'd have to close his business before long. Now, a year later, that businessman has not only stayed open but has added a whopping SIX EMPLOYEES to his business.
Good for him, seriously, but if THAT is all the examples NObama can come up with of the much-vaunted stimulus package doing good for the nation, we're in deep doo-doo! The reality of it is this: there were only two areas of the United States that showed any significant job growth in the past year, those being North Dakota and - hang on to your underwear - WASHINGTON, DC! But if you watched the dog and pony show The Great Pretender put on yesterday, you'd think that jobs were springing up like weeds all across the land...hate to tell ya this, but it ain't that way, really.
So where in all this did NObama lie to us? Simple - he said that he and his staff had spoken with all 50 governors of all 50 states, and every single one of them was grateful for the stimulus package money.
The governor of South Carolina made national news when he REFUSED TO TAKE THE MONEY, stating that he didn't think the solution for getting out of debt was to go deeper in debt, and it took a resolution by the State Senate to FORCE him to take the money! I watched this drama play out first-hand, because I live in South Carolina and it was on the news here every single day until the resolution was passed and Governor Sanford reluctantly accepted the money.
I guess NObama doesn't watch the news, huh?
The more I hear of this man and what he does the more I truly believe that, if left unchecked, he will be the ruinization of our nation. He's a Socialist, he's a liar, he'as an incompetent buffoon, and the sooner he's out of office the better we'll all be.
Man, I don't know about you but I can't wait for the November congressional elections...
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Southern History 101 - Examining the Quotes
In my last blog I put up some surprising quotes from famous people in American history that I figured not many had heard of. As a follow-up, I'd like to examine some of those quotes and point out a few things about them that the mainstream "historians" choose to ignore. And to get the ball rolling, let's start off with one of my least-favorite Presidents, Abraham Lincoln.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am NOT a fan of "The Great Emancipator." I don't think there has been a figure in American history who has been more improperly and incorrectly glorified than Abraham Lincoln. "Historians" portray him as some great liberator, some magnificent champion for liberty, freedom, and justice, when in actuality what he really was was a despot, a tyrant, a warmonger, and a racist.
Yes, that's right, Abraham Lincoln was a racist! And to prove that point, let's look at a couple of his quotes regarding the topic of the black man:
"I am NOT in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office...I am NOT in favor of Negro citizenship." Pretty much self-explanitory, I think.
"I will say, then, that I am not, nor have ever been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races...I am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race." Seems to me that Lincoln had pretty much the same opinion of the black man in the 1800's as did the majority of the white people in America. Oh, and that lowly opinion, by the way, was pretty much universal across the nation, not just in the South as our modern-day "historians" would have you believe.
"I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so." Really? So tell us, Abe, if you felt you had no LAWFUL right to interfere with slavery, then why did you issue the Emancipation Proclamation? And wouldn't that make your proclamation an illegal document, as I have said before?
"Amend the Constitution to say it should never be altered to interfere with slavery." This from a speech to Congress on Christmas Eve, 1860, right before the outbreak of the war. To be followed two years later by the illegal document I spoke of in the preceeding paragraph.
"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that." This from a letter to Horace Greely, editor of the New York Tribune in August 1862, shortly before the issuance of the EP. I, along with a great many other students of true American history, have long held that the issuance of the EP was nothing more than a political ploy to get the people of the North behind his war effort, which by mid-1862 was going very badly. The Federal forces were getting their collective asses kicked at every turn, and the Northern press was calling for Lincoln to contact Jefferson Davis and start talking peace. Lincoln needed something to solidify his support, so he chose the one topic that he knew no one would disagree with - slavery. He really didn't give a damn whether the slaves were free or not, he just used them as a political tool to get what he wanted.
And lastly:
"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suites them better. This is a most valuable, a most sacred right - a right which we hope and believe is to liberate the world. Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people that can, may revolutionize, and make their own, of so much territory as they inhabit." So why, then, if Lincoln truly believed this, did he sent military forces to invade the South and "put down the insurrection?" In one breath he says that he believes that the people as a whole, or any part of the people, have the right to rise up, shake off the government that they don't like, and start a new one - and in the next breath he gives the order to invade the South that has seceded from the Union. Quite the hypocrite, Lincoln. Among other things, that is.
And that's all for today, kids. Class dismissed!
Anyone who knows me knows that I am NOT a fan of "The Great Emancipator." I don't think there has been a figure in American history who has been more improperly and incorrectly glorified than Abraham Lincoln. "Historians" portray him as some great liberator, some magnificent champion for liberty, freedom, and justice, when in actuality what he really was was a despot, a tyrant, a warmonger, and a racist.
Yes, that's right, Abraham Lincoln was a racist! And to prove that point, let's look at a couple of his quotes regarding the topic of the black man:
"I am NOT in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office...I am NOT in favor of Negro citizenship." Pretty much self-explanitory, I think.
"I will say, then, that I am not, nor have ever been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races...I am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race." Seems to me that Lincoln had pretty much the same opinion of the black man in the 1800's as did the majority of the white people in America. Oh, and that lowly opinion, by the way, was pretty much universal across the nation, not just in the South as our modern-day "historians" would have you believe.
"I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so." Really? So tell us, Abe, if you felt you had no LAWFUL right to interfere with slavery, then why did you issue the Emancipation Proclamation? And wouldn't that make your proclamation an illegal document, as I have said before?
"Amend the Constitution to say it should never be altered to interfere with slavery." This from a speech to Congress on Christmas Eve, 1860, right before the outbreak of the war. To be followed two years later by the illegal document I spoke of in the preceeding paragraph.
"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that." This from a letter to Horace Greely, editor of the New York Tribune in August 1862, shortly before the issuance of the EP. I, along with a great many other students of true American history, have long held that the issuance of the EP was nothing more than a political ploy to get the people of the North behind his war effort, which by mid-1862 was going very badly. The Federal forces were getting their collective asses kicked at every turn, and the Northern press was calling for Lincoln to contact Jefferson Davis and start talking peace. Lincoln needed something to solidify his support, so he chose the one topic that he knew no one would disagree with - slavery. He really didn't give a damn whether the slaves were free or not, he just used them as a political tool to get what he wanted.
And lastly:
"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suites them better. This is a most valuable, a most sacred right - a right which we hope and believe is to liberate the world. Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people that can, may revolutionize, and make their own, of so much territory as they inhabit." So why, then, if Lincoln truly believed this, did he sent military forces to invade the South and "put down the insurrection?" In one breath he says that he believes that the people as a whole, or any part of the people, have the right to rise up, shake off the government that they don't like, and start a new one - and in the next breath he gives the order to invade the South that has seceded from the Union. Quite the hypocrite, Lincoln. Among other things, that is.
And that's all for today, kids. Class dismissed!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Southern History 101 - Quotes You Won't Find in Any School History Book
Something a little different today, class...rather than me sitting here typing out historically accurate facts and then backing them up with sources, I thought it would be fun to let the people who were actually there and involved in making history speak for themselves. So I present to you a collection of quotes, all authenticated, all historically accurate and true, from both sides of the historical events leading up to and including the War for Southern Independence. And as the title says, you sure won't find these quotes in any of the history books currently being used in our public school system. After reading them, I'm sure you'll see why!
Ready? Okay, then, heeeeeeeeeere we go!
"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suites them better. This is a most valuable, a most sacred right - a right which we hope and believe is to liberate the world. Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people that can, may revolutionize, and make their own, of so much territory as they inhabit." Abraham Lincoln, 12 January 1848, in a speech in Congress
"So far from engaging in a war to perpetuate slavery, I am rejoiced that slavery is abolished." General Robert E. Lee, CSA
"There are few, I believe, in this enlightened era who would not agree with me that slavery as an institution is a moral and political evil." General Robert E. Lee, CSA
"I wish to see the shackles struck from every slave." Lt. General Thomas K. "Stonewall" Jackson, CSA
"Only a despotic and imperial government can coerce seceding States." William Seward, US Secretary of State under Abraham Lincoln, to Charles Francis Adams, minister to England, 10 April 1861
"In saving the union, I have destroyed the Republic." Abraham Lincoln
"The sole object of this war is to restore the Union. Should I become convinced it has any other object, or that the Government designs its soldiers to execute the wishes of the Abolitionists, I pledge you my honor as a man and a soldier I would resign my commission and carry my sword to the other side." General Ulysses S. Grant, USA, in a letter to the Chicago Tribune, 1862
"I am NOT in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office...I am NOT in favor of Negro citizenship." Abraham Lincoln
"Good help is so hard to come by these days." General Ulysses S. Grant, USA, explaining why he didn't free his slaves until the passage of the 13th Amendment, AFTER the war
"Help me to dodge the nigger - we want nothing to do with him. I am fighting to preserve the integrity of the Union and the power of the Government - on no other issue. To gain that end we cannot afford to mix up the negro question - it must be incidental and subsidiary. The President is perfectly honest and is really sound on the nigger question." General George B. McClellan, USA
"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that." Abraham Lincoln, 22 August 1862, in a letter to Horace Greely, editor of the New York Tribune
"I will say, then, that I am not, nor have ever been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races...I am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race." Abraham Lincoln
"I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so." Abraham Lincoln, 14 March 1861, First Inaugural Speech
"I am a little uneasy about the abolishment of slavery in this District [of Columbia].." Abraham Lincoln, 24 March 1862, in a letter to Horace Greely, New York Tribune editor
"Amend the Constitution to say it should never be altered to interfere with slavery." Abraham Lincoln, 24 December 1860, presenting his stand on slavery to the Senate
And I saved what I think is the best for last:
"Every man should endeavor to understand the meaning of subjugation before it is too late...It means the history of this heroic struggle will be written by the enemy; that our youth will be trained by Northern schoolteachers; will learn from Northern schoolbooks their version of the war; will be impressed by the influences of history and education to regard our gallant dead as traitors, and our maimed veterans as fit object for derision...It is said slavery is all we are fighting for, and if we give it up we give up all. Even if this were true, which we deny, slavery is not all our enemies are fighting for. It is merely the pretense to establish sectional superiority and a more centralized form of government, and to deprive us of our rights and liberties." Maj. General Patrick R. Cleburne, CSA, January 1864, writing on what would happen if the Confederacy lost the war
And the truth shall set you free...
Class dismissed!
Ready? Okay, then, heeeeeeeeeere we go!
"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suites them better. This is a most valuable, a most sacred right - a right which we hope and believe is to liberate the world. Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people that can, may revolutionize, and make their own, of so much territory as they inhabit." Abraham Lincoln, 12 January 1848, in a speech in Congress
"So far from engaging in a war to perpetuate slavery, I am rejoiced that slavery is abolished." General Robert E. Lee, CSA
"There are few, I believe, in this enlightened era who would not agree with me that slavery as an institution is a moral and political evil." General Robert E. Lee, CSA
"I wish to see the shackles struck from every slave." Lt. General Thomas K. "Stonewall" Jackson, CSA
"Only a despotic and imperial government can coerce seceding States." William Seward, US Secretary of State under Abraham Lincoln, to Charles Francis Adams, minister to England, 10 April 1861
"In saving the union, I have destroyed the Republic." Abraham Lincoln
"The sole object of this war is to restore the Union. Should I become convinced it has any other object, or that the Government designs its soldiers to execute the wishes of the Abolitionists, I pledge you my honor as a man and a soldier I would resign my commission and carry my sword to the other side." General Ulysses S. Grant, USA, in a letter to the Chicago Tribune, 1862
"I am NOT in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office...I am NOT in favor of Negro citizenship." Abraham Lincoln
"Good help is so hard to come by these days." General Ulysses S. Grant, USA, explaining why he didn't free his slaves until the passage of the 13th Amendment, AFTER the war
"Help me to dodge the nigger - we want nothing to do with him. I am fighting to preserve the integrity of the Union and the power of the Government - on no other issue. To gain that end we cannot afford to mix up the negro question - it must be incidental and subsidiary. The President is perfectly honest and is really sound on the nigger question." General George B. McClellan, USA
"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that." Abraham Lincoln, 22 August 1862, in a letter to Horace Greely, editor of the New York Tribune
"I will say, then, that I am not, nor have ever been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races...I am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race." Abraham Lincoln
"I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so." Abraham Lincoln, 14 March 1861, First Inaugural Speech
"I am a little uneasy about the abolishment of slavery in this District [of Columbia].." Abraham Lincoln, 24 March 1862, in a letter to Horace Greely, New York Tribune editor
"Amend the Constitution to say it should never be altered to interfere with slavery." Abraham Lincoln, 24 December 1860, presenting his stand on slavery to the Senate
And I saved what I think is the best for last:
"Every man should endeavor to understand the meaning of subjugation before it is too late...It means the history of this heroic struggle will be written by the enemy; that our youth will be trained by Northern schoolteachers; will learn from Northern schoolbooks their version of the war; will be impressed by the influences of history and education to regard our gallant dead as traitors, and our maimed veterans as fit object for derision...It is said slavery is all we are fighting for, and if we give it up we give up all. Even if this were true, which we deny, slavery is not all our enemies are fighting for. It is merely the pretense to establish sectional superiority and a more centralized form of government, and to deprive us of our rights and liberties." Maj. General Patrick R. Cleburne, CSA, January 1864, writing on what would happen if the Confederacy lost the war
And the truth shall set you free...
Class dismissed!
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