Just heard on the news that for the first time since taking office, NObama's approval rating has dropped below 50%. And on FOX NEWS a few days ago right after The Great Pretender got on TV and told an interviewer that he would rate his performance so far as a B+, I took a survey and saw that the overall results of everyone else who took it rated him the same as I did - a D-. Not something to be proud of, to be sure.
And honestly, I'm not at all surprised. I, like the millions of others who didn't vote for him because we saw him for the faker and the charlatan that he truly is, knew this day was coming.
For all of you out there who may be reading this and who voted for him, this might be a good time to go read something else, because it's gonna get ugly from here on out.
You're still here? Ok, then, you've been warned.
So after nearly a year in office, the only thing that NObama has proven is that he gives a great speech. Big deal. Hitler gave great speeches, too. He's proven himself to be a first-rate snake oil salesman, because he sure sold the American public a bill of goods. He burst onto the scene with this catchy little slogan of "Hope" and "Change We Can Believe In," got himself elected based on the color of his skin and not the experience level he would bring to the office, and immediately began to embarass himself, the office of the President, and the United States. He has bowed like a good little servant boy to every foreign leader he's ever met, something that no US president has ever done before - and with good reason. The US doesn't bow down to ANYBODY, in case you weren't paying attention.
He gave another great speech about how his much-lauded "stimulus package" would jump-start the economy and help lower the unemployment rate, and his Demoncratic cronies in Congress used their majority to ram the bill through and get it signed into law. And just what has this "stimulus package" accomplished? Nothing. Not a damned thing. And when people started to complain about the jobless rate still going up and the economy not recovering as The Great Pretender promised, he popped up and said that it would take "about a year or so" before we saw any real change.
There's that word again. Slogans and excuses instead of results.
Then there's the bailouts...more taxpayer's money - YOUR money, by the way, and mine - thrown down the toilet and flushed away. Big business benefits from his ideals of "hope" and "change," but as for you and me, well, we seem to be left out in the cold, huh? And then the word about the exhorbitant bonuses being given out by the companies who got the NObama bailout money, and what does the President do about it?
Nothing. Not a damned thing.
But he will get on TV and give another good speech. He's really good at that.
Then there's his big idea about health care reform and how "socialized medicine" is going to be a good thing for all of us. Yeah, I know he's never called it that, but when the government takes over health care and pays for a part of it, that's called "socialized medicine." It doesn't work in Canada, so why the hell should it work here? But in the mean time, he and his Demoncratic cronies in Congress who were always the first and the loudest to complain about "partisan politics" when the Congress was controlled by the Republicans are now complaining that the Republicans won't roll over for what is recognized to be a disaster in the making if this health plan passes. NObama and the Demoncrats are now saying that they expect "cooperation" in getting the bill passed, and the President has even hinted at strongarm tactics to get the bad boy Republicans to see it his way.
Of course, the Republicans aren't going to back down, and good for them. They shouldn't. This health care plan is going to result in more taxes, more debt, more governmental control over our lives, and is going to be the ruination of the economy. The Republicans know this and are fighting it, and I'm behind them on this all the way.
And back at the White House, NObama has surrounded himself with what he thinks are "qualified" people to attend to his home and office. Yeah, well, his security staff sure has screwed the pooch in the last couple of month, haven't they? First we hear about this "high society" Virginia couple who crashes a dinner party and are even photographed shaking his hand, and now we hear that a few months before that a couple of tourists who arrived at the White House a full day early for their tour got invited to an "invitation only" breakfast with NObama.
Two breaches of White House security in two months. Way to go, guys. Great security ya got there.
And at the height of public discontent and satisfaction at the job our first black president is doing, what does The Great Pretender do? He trots off to Europe to pick up his Nobel Peace Prize - you know, the one he was nominated for after a mere twelve days in office. To be honest, this isn't his fault since he had no input or knowledge that it was going on, but I gotta say that he did have the option of turning it down. But of course he didn't. He's now right up there with his hero, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., so why the hell would he not accept the "do-nothing" prize? And I guess the million bucks that goes along with it didn't hurt none, either.
So now the first year of NObama's term in office is nearly done, and after all is said and done it has been a disappointing year at best, a disastrous one at worst. But it's one year less that he has in office, and that's a good thing. Let's just hope that it doesn't get much worse from here.
But I ain't holding my breath on that one.
So for all you Obamabots out there who bought into his big talk and empty promises and elected him into an office for which he was supremely unqualified to hold, lemme ask ya something....
1 comment:
Well, a D-...don't feel like you are a hard gradere when he gave himself a B+. By today's standards in schools, a D- equates just to about a B+ when you factor in race, social ills, ADD, ADHD, drugs, gangs, single-parent families, etc. that all seem to be usedto excuse poor academic performances in schools, so a D-/B+ should be about right. Teacher gives a D-, but by the time Mommy sees the report card, somehow the grade seems to have changed. And junior still can't read...and I see all sorts of parallels here.
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