Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Revolution Has Begun!

The first shots in the newest American Revolution have been fired, and they were fired in Virginia and New Jersey. These are the two states who just had gubernatorial elections, and in both states the sitting Demoncratic (no, I didn't misspell it) governor was defeated by his Republican rival.

In Virginia the positions of Governor, Lt Governor, and Attorney General were all won by Republicans, the first time this has happened since 1997 and the end of the administration by Virginia's first - and so far, only - black governor. (Don't get me started on Doug Wilder.)

In New Jersey, incumbent millionaire John Corzine was defeated in what's being called an upset by his Republican challenger, and to be honest, I'm not at all surprised. I was living in New Jersey when Corzine was first elected, and he got elected for one reason and one reason alone: he was a multi-millionaire and was able to spend more money - his PERSONAL money - on his campaign than his challenger. Simply stated, Corzine bought the election. His Republican challenger at the time warned the people of New Jersey that Corzine was going to be a typical "tax and spend" Demoncrat, and time has proven this prediction to be true. The people of New Jersey have gotten tired of Corzine, so now he's looking for another job.

Both of these elections are being called indicators of Obama's popularity and presidency so far, and with good reason. Both these states were carried by Obama during the last presidential election, with Virginia being a surprise win. Now, just a year later, the people of those formerly Demoncratic states have abandoned the Demoncratic party and voted in Republicans.

Sure sounds to me like the people are speaking with their votes, and I, for one, am getting the message loud and clear.

And if you've been paying attention, you've noticed that the Obama administration is playing the same old political "hide and seek" games of every administration before it. The Great Pretender traveled to New Jersey last week to campaign for John Corzine, throwing his full support - and, of course, the intended support of all of the people who voted for Obama - behind the Demoncratic candidate. But after both Demoncratic candidates lost the election and the Obama administration was asked how the President felt about it, the reply was that the President "wasn't following the election results" and had no comment.

Guess that's what happens when you back a losing horse, huh?

I agree with the opinion that this is a clear indicator of America's feelings about the current Demoncratic-controlled White House and Congress. Lots of promises were made by Obama, Biden, and Pelosi, and so far the record of promises kept is dismal at best. America was promised "change," and so far nothing much has changed. Seems to me that America is now telling Obama that they're going to give him and his bunch of Demoncratic cornies some change of their own.

And I, for one, can't wait.

True, these were only two states out of fifty, but every revolution starts with a single shot - or two. In the next few years a lot more states are going to have gubernatorial elections, and next year is the Congressional elections. THAT should be tons of fun all the way around!

I see "change" coming, that's for sure. I see a change in the Congress from Demoncratic-controlled to Republican-controlled, and two years after that I see a change in who's sitting in the White House. And I intend to do MY part in this next American Revolution.

To Obama, Biden, Pelosi, and all the other Demoncrats in Washington, I say this: hang on to your asses, ya'll, because "change" is a-comin'...and you ain't gonna like it!


1 comment:

Mississippi Cajun said...

What has yet to be seen is the effect that these elections are going to have on the sitting Congress right now....will this slow them down a bit on the Health Care Bill? How many of the Demos will abandon their party's line and vote against this disaster waiting to happen? Will cap and steal go down in flames now? And I am especially eager to see if Pelosi (and her idiot buddies Reid and Waxman) gets shot down in flames next year as her support is dropping off of the radar scope. Seems that that little fish she is so intent on saving may cost her a place in the House, because even the loonies in SF will not be able to offset the anger of those in the rural/agricultural part of her district that is now a desert because of her and the green lunatics out there who cut off the water. Yep, change is a-comin', and the show ought to be well worth watching.