Sunday, October 11, 2009

This is the BIGGEST crock of SH*T I've ever heard!

Last Friday the 9th I jumped in my truck and drove up to visit my family in North Carolina, and right after I got to my parent’s house I heard something on the news that immediately stunned and flabberghasted me. I won’t say it ruined my whole day because it didn’t – didn’t even come close, really – but it still stunned me. I’ve had two and a half days to mull this little piece of news over and see if my opinions were going to change; they haven’t, so here they are.

And the news of which I’m speaking is, of course:


Say WHAT?!?

You’re kidding me, right? This is a big, cruel joke, right? I mean, would someone out there please enlighten me as to just exactly what Obama did to deserve this honor? What did he do in the twelve days between his inauguration and the deadline for submission for the prize to earn this most coveted award?

Well, according to the Nobel Committee – and this is a direct quote from them – Obama was honored “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people.”

Oh, yeah, that’s right – he went to visit the King of Saudi Arabia and embarrassed the nation by bowing to the King like any good subject would.

But that didn’t happen in the first 12 days of his term!

Oh, yeah, that’s right – he gave a speech to the people of Iran in which he further embarrassed the people of the United States by “apologizing” to the Iranian people for all of the purported wrongs that had been done to them by previous Presidential administrations, kissing Ahmadinijhad’s ass in the process.

But that didn’t happen in the first 12 days of his term!

Oh, yeah, he made good on a campaign promise and started to withdraw troops from Iraq.

But that didn’t happen in the first 12 days of his term!

And we won’t even talk about the G8 Conference because – you guessed it! – it didn’t happen in the first 12 days of his term!

So someone please tell me – just exactly what did Obama do to deserve the Nobel Freakin’ Peace Prize?

And there is, by the way, one great big thing Obama HAS done that you simply can’t ignore that should absolutely assure that he would not get the prize – while withdrawing troops from Iraq, he is escalating the war in Afghanistan. So how in the world can a world leader who is escalating a war get the Nobel Peace Prize?

Is it me, or is that a direct contradiction?

Simply put, he doesn’t deserve it. No way, no shape, no form, no how. No matter how you try to spin it, Barack Obama did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the first 12 days of his administration to deserve being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. At least Jimmy “I was a lousy President” Carter accomplished the Camp David Accord and got the Peace Prize for it, which – as much as I dislike him – he deserved.

But what has Obama done? Seriously, now – what did he do to deserve the award?

You have to wonder just what in the hell the Committee members were thinking when they unanimously voted to give Obama the award. Make one think that maybe someone has a “hidden agenda” in all this, doesn’t it? And I’m not talking about The Great Pretender, either.

Personally, I think this latest undeserved awarding of the coveted Nobel Peace Prize is the single most disgraceful, undeserving and unearned awarding of the prize in the history of the award program. I don’t care if Obama is going to donate the money or not – not that he’s a pauper, by any means anyway – the plain and simple truth of the matter is that he was given an award which he did not deserve. Even his staff and the audience at the announcement were flabberghasted when the announcement was made, for cryin’ out loud!

And ya know what? I don’t blame Obama for any of this. He literally didn’t have anything to do with it in any way, so my accusatory finger is pointed straight at the Nobel Prize Committee. In my eyes, the prestige of the Nobel Peace Prize has forever been tainted and the award disgraced by the presentation of this award to Barack Obama.

The Nobel Peace Prize has now been transformed into the Nobel Do-Nothing Prize, because the Nobel Committee has set the standard that you don’t have to do anything to win it.



Mississippi Cajun said...

Look at it like this....OB is now in the company of such peacemakers as Arafat and his ilk. Sort of fitting.
I am now waiting for the troop surge in Afghanistan...that'll shake up the comittee..and if the troops are not sent, well, will anyone be surprised?

IHC said...

I won't be surprised, that's for sure....can't say the same about some folks, though!