Friday, October 30, 2009

Nancy Pelosi Thinks You're an Idiot!

So did you catch the "Nancy Pelosi Dog and Pony Show" on the news yesterday? You know, the one that took place on the West Wing of the US Capitol Building where she and her band of merry idiots announced the introduction - keep that word in mind - of a new Health Care bill?

What, you thought that all of the hoopla was about the passing of the bill? You did? Really?

You were supposed to. See, that's why I told you to keep the word "introduction" in mind.

About the only positive thing I can say for that little media circus yesterday is that the person who planned it is a genius at the art of manipulating the people, the media, and putting on the best sleight of hand show I've ever seen. Other than that, it was nothing but pure bullshit, a turd that was nicely polished up and presented to the public for consumption as something else. And Pelosi is banking on the public at large being so stupid that we won't notice.

Surprise, bitch. We noticed.

In the first place, that kind of ceremony for the mere introduction of a bill by the House, a bill that hasn't even made it to the Senate yet much less to the President for signature, is unheard of. If ever I saw a premature celebration, this was it...of course, there was a reason for the celebration, that reason being to mislead the public. And I'm sure that there's a large portion of the public out there that bought it, unforutunately.

The location of the celebration was also carefully chosen. The celebration was held on the same spot where The Great Pretender took his oath of office last January - a spot, by the way, that is not the usual location for the adminisration of the oath for a president. Obama chose this spot to break with tradition, to show that his administration was going to be different. This spot was chosen by Pelosi to send a clear message, the message being that this bill was Obama's baby, and that Pelosi was delivering it for him.

Noticeably absent from the drooling band of merry idiots standing behind Pelosi was a representative from the Republican party. That's because there's no place for Republicans in Pelosi's grand scheme of things; also because there are very few Republicans who support the Democratic version of the bill. One of the Democrats behind her, however, was Chuck Rangle of New York, who is currently under investigation for tax fraud, I believe. Yeah, buddy, now there's a man you can trust!

For Pelosi to be the one who has most loudly and publicly berated the Republicans for their partisan feelings and non-support of the Democrats in Congress, this sure seems to be a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Just another reason to despise the bitch.

Then there's the bill itself. One of the selling points, the one that Pelosi really harped on, was that this bill came in under NObama's limit of one trillion dollars, weighing in at a mere 890 billion. This is, of course, before the bill goes into debate and is modified by both sides; this modification will of course include more expenses, more taxes, and more "add-ons" by both sides that will inevitably push the bill WAY over the President's limit.

But Pelosi doesn't want you to know that just yet.

Instead, Pelosi tells us all that the bill is being posted on the Web "as we speak" and will remain posted for 72 hours. This is so the general public can review the bill in its entirety for themselves.


The average novel is 400-600 pages. This monster of a publication that Pelosi is only giving you 72 hours to review is more than three times the size of an average novel! So tell me, can YOU read 2,000 pages of LEGAL MANUSCRIPT in 72 hours?

I sure as hell can't! And Pelosi knows you can't, too...she's using an old legal trick to overwhelm you and keep you from seeing things she doesn't want you to see. It works like this: when a lawyer requests documents from another lawyer or from a company lawyer, that lawyer or company lawyer will send over every single piece of paper ever associated with the case; this will result in boxes of documents being delivered, and somewhere in those documents will be the one single document needed. It's up to you to find it.

It's called the "Needle in the Haystack" trick.

Here's one of the needles Pelosi hopes you won't find: in the bill itself, the word "shall" is used more than three thousand times. That's more than once per page, in case you missed it. In my life's experience, anytime the word "shall" is used in a document, that means the document is issuing a directive which you MUST obey.

Which brings us to another needle Pelosi hopes you won't find.

This bill is nothing short of a government takeover of the health care system, period. It's not designed to "supplement" anything; that's pure bullshit that Pelosi and the Demoncrats (no, I didn't misspell it) are hoping you'll buy. The bill is designed to replace the current health care system with one controlled by the federal government.

Sure, that's just what we need - MORE federal control and intervention into our lives. One step closer to socialism, when you get right down to it.

And that's just what Pelosi and Obama want, in case you're not paying attention. And I, for one, ain't havin' none of it.

I'm hoping that this bill will die in committee once it gets to the other half of Congress, and that the Republicans kill it quickly. It damned sure won't be the savior of the health care system that Pelosi says it will be. Of course, when it dies you can count on Pelosi holding another news conference in which she will be surrounded by the same band of drooling idiots as yesterday, and all of them will be lamenting the "partisan politics" of the Republican party. She'll be counting on YOU to have forgotten - if you noticed at all - the partisan Demoncratic celebration she staged yesterday.

Will you forget? I sure as hell won't.

One last parting thought about "socialized" anything, a quote for you to dwell on this All Hallow's Eve:

"The government that is powerful enough to give you everything you need is powerful enough to take away everything you have."

Happy Hallowe'en.



Mississippi CAjun said...

One of the things about this whole mess in Congress that puts a terrible case of the horrors in me is the fact that we have a large consituency of young folks out there who are drooling right along with these idiots who wrote this mess. I have talked to many of them recently, and I am stunned at the liberal, socialist BS that spews from their mouths. As a recently retired teacher, I am fearing that we, the present day teachers, must be a large part of this problem teaching these young heads full of mush to be socialistic in their thinking (not in my classes, brother). It seems that they are 110% in favor of socialized everything, especially medicine and health care. Here is their chance to get it all for free so they can stay at home and play on their play stations all day (like they have been doing for years). They have no concept of how this will be paid for because they have no experience in the real world yet, have had everything handed to them for years, have been taught that they are ENTITLED, and they are now OLD ENOUGH TO VOTE in Federal elections. That should be enough to really put some Halloween fear in you! These are the cretins who will re-elect the Pelosis and Reids and Rangles back to take care of us unless we unelect these legislative morons from Washington fast...One more year until the next elections. Make them count!

IHC said...

Agreed...the main problem with the "Playstation Generation" is that they don't want to have to work for anything, because they've been taught that they don't HAVE to. They've been taught that by simply existing, they're ENTITLED to things. And you're right, it's gonna be up to US to teach them otherwise, and we have to start by getting rid of the Pelosis and Rangles in Congress.

Mississippi Cajun said...

One other thing I neglected to point out, and I am surprised you missed it, too, is something that just came to my ear from the other room on TV is that Pelosi and company are touting this "new plan" as one to be paid for by the very rich. This is a theme that keeps popping up during discussions of the various social programs being debated these days. Take from the rich because they "have more than they need" and "How Much Is Enough", etc. Sounds like they ripped a page straight out of Marx. This program is NOT about improving health care, it is not about government takeover of Health Care, it is about redistribution of wealth by playing Robin Hood Government... take from the rich and give to the poor (the ones who are already getting a check for sitting on their collective asses and demanding more.
I feel like all of the years I busted my butt to reach a comfortable retirement has been a waste of my energies. If government can take that from me and give it to someone else, what the hell did I bother being productive for all these years? This is something that seems to elude these morons in power. If you remove the incentive to excell, no one will excell, and we will rapidly fall into a pit of non-achievement and watch the present third world blow by us like we're parked.

IHC said...

Nah, I didn't miss it...I just wanted to keep the length of my blog down to a reasonable size!

Wonder when the Demoncrats are going to realize that "Robin Hood" government won't work?